Simulation01 -> Babylon 5 Mod/The other Star Trek Races ( update: Shadows finished ) (5/12/2010 11:28:47 PM)
Babylon 5: - Earth Alliance (Done)
- Minbari (in progress)
- Centauri (in progress)
- Narn (in progress)
- Drazi (gathering images)
- Vorlons (gathering images)
- Shaddows (in progress)
Star Trek: - Romulans (done)
- Klingons (done)
- Dominion (done)
- Cardassians (added to Dominion Race)
- Tholians (included with Frengi non-aligned)
- Vulcans (done)
- Borg (determining viability)
- Xindi (gathering/searching for images)
- Ferengi (done: released as an assortment = Ferengi non-aligned)
- Breen (will be added to Dominion Race in a future update)
I have added the Narn, Minbari, and Centauri ships that i've collected. There are also some other ships added that I created using the ship editor in Galactic Civ's II: Twilight of the Arnor. I tried to match the ships and bases that are not B5 canon to each races theme ( emphasis on tried, I'm not a modeler so.......). I'm not sure when I'll have time to work on this again so, I'll do more when I can. This game is incredibly mod friendly so, I hope you will all forgive me for not making full mods. I simply think that making the images available is the real difficulty...making a theme by assembling the images is a piece of cake. So, without any more ramblings from me....God Bless, and Good hunting!