fermionorama -> overlay text/graphics disappear (5/14/2010 10:43:22 AM)
I notice that from time to time I loose display of certain overlaid text graphics. It seems to happen mostly during save/load, but that may be because I alt-tab in and out to check on the save/load since they take a while. Different information is missing depending on the zoom level: Galaxy zoom is normal. Sector zoom is normal. System zoom: All planet/moon/star names are gone. The empire-colored circles are missing from all empires' planets & bases The hexes for spaceports/starbases still show All other ship indicators disappear (solid empire-colored triangles/circles) for my empire disappear. Other empire ships I can see still show. The colony tags (with the development level/population grid and resource icons) don't show up when zoomed in enough that they should. The pink selection circle (indicating what you have selected) shows normally, even when I have something selected which isn't displaying. 100% zoom: The ship/base/port sprites show normally, but they are missing the empire-colored outlines (triangles/circles/hexes/etc). Ships in combat (all empires) don't show the shield strength bar. The colony tags (with the development level/population grid and resource icons) don't show up I can save/load without fixing it, closing and re-opening DW does fix it. I'm running Windows XPx64, Nvidia 9800, Intel C2D, 4GB DDR2. Anyone else find same problem? Any more info about my system/the problem I should supply? I've got some screen shots, apparently I can only upload 1 per post so I'll reply with the others shortly I can provide a saved game, but this doesn't seem like the sort of issue a saved game would be helpful on. This one shows one of my colonies at full zoom. [image]local://upfiles/35071/DB72AC7103504B2589B7E5A5EC825330.jpg[/image]