rtrapasso -> RE: Ship Upgrades (5/20/2010 4:09:16 PM)
Depending on the version/mod you are playing (somewhat), but basically you need to disband them in a port with a repair shipyard... S.F., L.A., Pearl Harbor, Sydney, Melbourne, Columbo, Calcutta, Bombay are pretty good choices for the Allies... the bigger the repair facility, the faster the upgrade/subsequent repairs will be done (the upgrade is done more or less in one turn, but it causes SYS damage which needs to be repaired). Also, you need to have the ship in question below a minimum SYS damage before an upgrade will take place... the amount of damage depends on the DUR of the ship (i.e., a BB might need to have only 4 SYS or so before an upgrade will take place, but subs could have more SYS damage and still get an upgrade.)