Tatoune -> Question about choosing a CPT with high points (5/23/2010 1:18:55 AM)
OK, lets recap... Captains got 5 skills: Naval-Land-Air-Admin-Agress. My question is this: for instance when I choose a CPT for a CV, should I consider choosing a captain with high point on Air and Naval? or just ...air? Am I correct to say: The "Air" skill is for A2A (fighters), and "Naval" skill for DB and TB againts ships, OR the "Air" skill include A2A AND naval bombing? (for CV) And what about land Bombers... should I choose a commander with high Air skill and land skill OR just the air? There is another thing that disturb me... I've read from the AE Wiki: " the qualities and skills of the HQ leader (for naval HQ) has no influence or bearing on the HQ function, so a Naval HQ is a good place for your stupidist, most incompetant admirals to become heros." Is this really true? I mean none of the Naval HQ skills impact his attached TF? I could choose the crappiest one and it doesn't matter? seriously? thank in advance Nathan