Campaign - Watchword Freedom - Updates? (Full Version)

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Wild Bill -> Campaign - Watchword Freedom - Updates? (11/27/2000 3:54:00 AM)

Now it's time to hear from you on Watchword Freedom. Some of you have been hard at war on the Eastern Front, seeking desperately to rescue those kamaraden trapped behind the Soviet steel trap. So, anyone there yet? Lemme know. I CAN'T HEAR YOU! [img][/img] [img][/img] Be warned. Some of the following posts may contain spoilers (descriptions of battles that may reveal too much about them to your liking...just so you know). We'll be starting testing of the newest, The Victors, sometime toward the end of this week. My stalwart group of accomplished campaign tester are ready! [img][/img] the partially deaf Kunel [img][/img] ------------------ In Arduis Fidelis Wild Bill Wilder Coordinator, Scenario Design Matrix Games [This message has been edited by Wild Bill (edited November 26, 2000).]

Drex -> (11/27/2000 4:16:00 AM)

Still fighting the first battle trying to get up that road from the southwest(?). had to flank the soviets but it is difficult with the terrain and the ruskies are not cooperating. moderate losses so far aand haven't even got to the first VH. Intense action.

deggo -> (11/27/2000 4:41:00 AM)

Just managed a draw in the first battle. My support troops were pretty much wiped out but my core units are in fairly good shape. I seemed to be missing an awful lot of high percentage shots so some bad luck also hurt me in this one. Scott

Wild Bill -> (11/27/2000 5:05:00 AM)

Thanks, warriors! It is without a doubt a very tough campaign, but hang in there, and take Lyssanka. Your fellow soldiers at Korsun are counting on you...WB ------------------ In Arduis Fidelis Wild Bill Wilder Coordinator, Scenario Design Matrix Games

TheOriginalOverlord -> (11/27/2000 10:37:00 AM)

Just got a marginal on the first one. Had 2 (out of 5) Panthers break their 75mm on the first few shots they took. Needless to say I turned off weapon breakdown for the remainder of that game. The Tiger Zug was doing well coming up the East side and accounted for a large ammount of the Russkie tanks. My support was a Zug of PzkfIV's (and a few Batteries of 15cm How)and I brought them up the center with a platoon of SS leading the way. Basically I sent my Panthers and a Platoon of SS and a Platoon of Engineers up the "finger" of the SW most hill with a VH on it. After some hard and closequarter fighting they managed to hold the hill while my Tigers went around and came up the Right side approach to the VH's. They got into a heavy tank fight and came out with no damage and just smoking Russian tanks as markers. The Panzer 4's got into a little fight as some of Wild Bill's "Surprises" got in the "back door". This along with Russkie air got an AA-track destroyed and immobilized a Panzer4. I got through the early battles and the adrenaline was surging as I made a final push for the final hill and cluster of 3 VH's after a rolling barrage of arty pounded the few Russians still holding it. I forgot the score but it was a marginal victory. On to the next battle! ------------------ Semper Fi! Overlord

Wild Bill -> (11/27/2000 10:46:00 AM)

Good start, Overlord. You did well. It won't get easier, I fear! You can handle it. Nice choice of forces...Wild Bill ------------------ In Arduis Fidelis Wild Bill Wilder Coordinator, Scenario Design Matrix Games

lnp4668 -> (11/27/2000 10:53:00 PM)

I am on the last battle. Have 1 draw, 1 marginal and 3 decisive so far. Hope the last battle will not be too difficult. Many sleepless nights on previous battles.

Wild Bill -> (11/27/2000 11:12:00 PM)

Having done that well till now, I'm sure you will rescue the trapped fellow soldiers. Good hunting! Let us know how you do...WB ------------------ In Arduis Fidelis Wild Bill Wilder Coordinator, Scenario Design Matrix Games

Tykkijulli -> (11/28/2000 12:54:00 AM)

Well, I got draw in the first battle, I was a little too slow. Then decisive, marginal and decisive IIRC. Can one see the length of the battle before it ends just before you get the last flag? I think that the biggest problem I´ve had, is the poor quality of german infantry. In the beginning I had rifle squads and engineers. But rifle squads had problems even against enemy tank crews, not to mention against SMG squads. Were they really so bad historically? So I´ve slowly changed them to Spec Ops, FJs and engineers, but still infantry alone can´t do anything.

Wild Bill -> (11/28/2000 4:10:00 AM)

You can get a lot of data on the battle, Tikkijuli, by running you cursor up on the terrain screen, top right hand corner. It will give you the date, location, turns in the battle and the type of battle you are fighting. Infantry alone does not stand a chance. I recommend purchasing SS infantry. It does better than the regular guys. Your choices were pretty good too. Hang in there!...Wild Bill ------------------ In Arduis Fidelis Wild Bill Wilder Coordinator, Scenario Design Matrix Games

Major_Johnson -> (11/28/2000 4:51:00 AM)

Hey!! Where can I find this scenario?? I couldn't find it at the depot. Thanks! ------------------ MJ We serve others best when at the same time we serve ourselves.

Major_Johnson -> (11/28/2000 4:56:00 AM)

Never mind, I just found it on Fabios site! I shoul dhave looked before posting! Sorry. ------------------ MJ We serve others best when at the same time we serve ourselves.

Wild Bill -> (11/28/2000 5:29:00 AM)

No problem, Major. Both Fabio and Tankhead have it posted on their fine SPWAW support sites. It's an honor for me to have them there, and a much quicker download for you [img][/img] Good Hunting! Wild Bill ------------------ In Arduis Fidelis Wild Bill Wilder Coordinator, Scenario Design Matrix Games

bbbf -> (11/28/2000 1:13:00 PM)

One draw, a decisive and a marginal so far.. This is tough going! In the draw I managed to grab all VH, but got chewed up too much! Some FJ's and some cargo planes got me the furhest hexes, but boy did they get hammered once there, only just managed to hold the hexes at the end when my tigers finally arrived. great campaign, really feels like you're out there trying to pull off the rescue against big odds (watch those forts!)

Fredde -> (11/28/2000 2:04:00 PM)

Finished the campaign with one draw, two marginal victories and the rest decisive. Very tough one! [img][/img]

adantas -> (11/28/2000 9:02:00 PM)

Still fighting at first battle, my Panthers just secured the hill with the VH on it and now I have a nice view of the road with a VH at its cross, many Russkie tanks burning there [img][/img], my Tigers are flanking the hill by the right side towards the road, I lost one Tiger for a 150mm SPGun. my SS infantry is waiting near the hill. I got a flamepanzer sec that anihilated the MG nastys at the hill, at the left flank half of my Panthers are pushing to the hill with 4 VH on it. Very hard fight there, perhaps need to break contact to reload ammo with the ammo trucks... I'm enjoing a lot!!!!!! [img][/img] Senta à Pua!!!

Gallo Rojo -> (11/28/2000 9:59:00 PM)

I get a draw on the fist one, a decisive victory in the second. Now I’m at those bridges... and I fear the worst! I had lost one Tiger, and all my column is stopped by those dam bunkes.

Tykkijulli -> (11/28/2000 10:27:00 PM)

Thanks, Vild Pil! [img][/img] Maybe I should spend some time learning more about the game before asking stupid questions. Very good campaign indeed, you never know, what´s after next corner. And flanking attack (is it right term?) has been quite effective in the first 5 battles.

Wild Bill -> (11/29/2000 5:16:00 AM)

No such thing around here as a stupid question, my friend. We're here to help if we can...WB ------------------ In Arduis Fidelis Wild Bill Wilder Coordinator, Scenario Design Matrix Games

Wiseman -> (11/29/2000 9:39:00 AM)

I won the campaign. Here is my force: 5 pzkpfw-vle; company of FJ Airborne; enough JU-52 Troop to make the drops. One drop only per scenario. !!!!Spoiler!!!! My tactic in the first scenario was to buy artillary, as much as I could. 1 turn was to blast the hell out of the VH areas. 2nd turn I dropped my troops on those VH's. This caused the Russians to split their forces and go after these VH's. The Russian infantry was in disarray when my troops dropped in on them. Now the key for me was to blitz to the high ground and catch the Russian armor in the flats. Now with a company of FJ's I was able to have some troops left over and mounted on the tanks. This allowed me to use them to find the mines. The FJ's also have Panzerfaust to hold off the armor. By turn 3 I owned all VH's. However a few of them traded hands a couple of times, but getting the armor into the fight quickly allowed me to recapture the VH's. Now in the defensive scenarios I would put my armor on the highground and I had enough troops to do an overlaping defense which allowed for making firing lanes. Also I placed my Panzerfaust in the hex behind the front line troops. All I can say is use rolling artillary and lots of smoke. Keep your tanks on the high ground and give long firing lanes for them. Keep the Russian armor at arms length. Awesome campaign!! I never was very interested in the Eastern Front but this kept my attention. Very challenging WB!! Wiseman

Wild Bill -> (11/29/2000 9:43:00 AM)

Thanks Steve. Good tactics, very good. It looks like I am going to have to deal with the airborne aspect of these battles in future campaigns to slow you heroes down a bit ... [img][/img] You did a great job. It is not an easy campaign at all and your tactics were very sound. I don't know about the historicity [img][/img], but you fight to win and you did that ------------------ In Arduis Fidelis Wild Bill Wilder Coordinator, Scenario Design Matrix Games

JNL -> (11/29/2000 5:12:00 PM)

Sorry this is more AAR than progress report -I started typing and couldn't stop! So its longer than is should have been. Please note - Spoiler Alert on this one...... I've been away from the campaign for a little while - Hit Paris for the Thanksgiving Holiday. (Sounds exotic doesn't it? - Truth is I live in Europe right now so it was little more than a 5 hour car ride away.) I was at scen 4 or 5 when I sat back down to finish. Decided I didn't like my OOB - nuked my troopies and started over. German troops at this stage of the war are starting to show the strain of 5 years of combat. Elite Heavy Panzer platoons (the core of my core) are mostly average with a sprinkling of vets. Out of 12 Tigers only 3 were veterans right from the start. Frustrating - but accurate. My AFVs are rounded out by a platoon of Stug 42s (105mm main gun). No vets there. My Inf all started as regular INF platoons. 2 of those and 2 Recon Teams with a section MG42s to round off the numbers - so in total 16 AFV and 16 (soon to be) Inf Squads. An FO and 4 platoons of Recon Teams (2 of the 4 man and 2 of the 2 man) round out my core. These last 4 Recon Teams will become my on board artillery with Ammo trucks. By Scen 4 my core should look like: 17 Tiger (My A0 will go Armour as well) 16 Inf (mix of FJ Paras, regular Inf, and Engineers) 1 FO 10 Wespe 2 Ammo Trucks SPOILER ALERT......... Scenario 1: Paras bought from support are key in this one for me. Actually I cheat a little and drop engineers just to left of the hill with 3 victory hexes on it. The engineers make their last stand in the trees just of the left of the hill. With luck they kill 4 to 5 Russian Tanks and pretty much pull most of the Russian troops toward them. My core is split up to 2 main groups. 2 Tiger Platoons drive right up the center - 1 Tiger Platoon and Stug 42s sweep in from the left. I buy 1 Wuffie Battery and 2 Ammo Dumps and an OBA 150mm Btn from support points and hammer the snot out of the hill and just to the left of it. My Para Engineers get whacked by the overs and unders from the Wuffies (which shortens their already brief yet active lives) however the Russians get the brunt of it as they gather on the victory objectives or close in on the engineers for the kill. My panzers struggle to rescue the engineers - suffering vehicle breakdowns and main gun malfunctions along the way. However - 12 Tigers are just too much for the T34s, KVs, and JSU 152s. They fall one by one as they nose through the trees or charge over the hills. Bunkers fall as well - my inf pay the price however. 1/2 of my INF, at this stage of the campaign, are recon units. While they do draw fire they are brittle and disappear like snow in spring. They suffer even more than the AFVs from lack of experience. Most will be upgraded to full squads or Arty - but at present they are cannon fodder. I seize the last few hexes.....The surviving Russian tanks beat feet to the map edge. Upgrade: 6 Recon are upgraded to 5 Wespe and 1 Ammo Truck. 1 Recon Platoon and Mg42 upgraded to FJ Paras – each Inf platoon gets an engineer. Scenario 2: Objectives are spread across the map. 2 Stug Platoons and Mine Ram Sec. for support - 1 battery of 105mm OBA as well. Paras again. This time 2 platoons of my core INF will make the jump. A platoon of engineers to support the Stugs Platoon in the north, and 2 sections of AAA (1 20mm and 1 37mm) round out the support points. The plan is Student Body Right. Wide sweep to the right side of the map - take the center town from below. 1 Stug Platoon and 1 engineer platoon go right at the northern town. Most of the arty goes up here to support these guys - I'm only facing Russian INF up here - but Russian INF (in cover and hidden) are worse than Russian AFVs. The INF is para dropped at the farthest objective hex. These 8 squads will surround the single victory hex and wait to get dug in status - allow the attack on the center town to develop - then sneak out and capture the hex and wait for the flood of T34s. Dug in Inf should do well against the unsupported T34s - usually. All goes as planned - the northern group struggles the most. Losing 2 full squads - the Mine Ram and 2 Stugs. 2 full Inf squads of the 8 air dropped are lost as well - but the line holds - T34s lie in smoldering piles around the Victory Hex in the North East. The 2 Hexes in the Northern Town remain mine as well. The Shermans near the Center are taken on the fly – the remaining Russian Inf in the Center Town are pounded into submission by the combined weight of 12 Tigers and 4 Stug42s. The support Stug Platoon slaps a Su122 and holds off the Russian Inf counter attack near the crossroads. Most fortifications are bypassed. As in the first Scen – my INF has paid a heavy price – but the AFVs survive. Upgrade: 6 Recon become 5 Wespe and 1 Ammo Truck – One of Recon Inf become FJ Para – 1 Stug42 becomes Tiger. Scenario 3: The Raid. Arty, Ammo Trucks, A0, and FO placed near map edge. 1 Platoon of core airdropped on far victory hex. Support points go to Junkers 52s for airlift and a battery of 75mm OBA. Nothing fancy here. Just drive up the middle shooting everything in sight. Smoke the far victory hex – drop the Inf as close to the hex as possible. Grab it and run. The first platoon of Tigers is empty – their primary job is to pick up the INF air dropped at the far end of the map. Grab a couple of objectives as well. I really like these raid type scenarios. I enjoyed the first one in “Heroes of the Motherland”. This one is just as fun. It becomes less fun when the T34/85s show up. Those Ruskies could shoot. Immobilized 3 of my Tigers before I made them leave their tanks or brewed them up. Russian Inf also a bunch of Davey Crockett’s. My Inf is once again hit hard. Their lack of experience (only 2 out of the 16 have vet status) makes them very vulnerable when the Russians close assault the tank they are riding on. They also usually come off worst in a straight up firefight. To be honest I use them very aggressively – loss rates are usually high in Inf when I play. Upgrade: 4 Stug 42s to Tiger – A0 to Tiger. Scenario 4: Hill 239. Core is set – 17 Tigers, 16 Inf squads, and 10 Wespe. Sounds impressive. Well – the Tigers are. 70% are vets now. So I can count on at least 3 to 4 shots without movement. Inf is weak – mostly average. Upgrades and aggressive use have taken their toll. My Inf in “From Utah to the Rhine” was the backbone of my core – or at least as important as my AFV. Not so in this campaign. They are adequate at best. On board arty is also marginal. Converting recon units to Wespe has its downside. Arty ratings on the units are abysmal. 1 of them even has a 1.1 delay for firing. Can’t be helped now however. 9 of the 10 will shoot with a .4 delay of the fire request. Can’t be used for mobile targets but still useful. FO is still average. His arty rating is still 69. Bad luck when I bought him. This map looks dangerous. Objective hexes right up front - 2 further back – one all the way back. Cheater Engineer Paras again. I’ll drop 8 Engineers back on the tress to the left of the far objective hex. The trees over there look promising. Their job will be to take that single victory hex and hold off the Soviets for as long as they can. They should be able to deal with any mines or fortifications that they come across. AFVs will chew them up – but they should be able to hold on for a few turns. The Aux inf company will drive for the center town. At least one arty pre register hex will go there. Looks like prime territory for Soviet Inf. 1 platoon of Tiger/Inf will swing left of the center town. They will guard the left and help the Aux Inf if necessary. 1 platoon will swing right – flank security and the two victory hexes will be their objectives. Another arty pre register will go on the hills here. The other 2 platoons will swing wide right and approach the center hill from the south. Rest of arty pre register arty will go on the center hill. Hopefully I will avoid any mines and fortifications with this route. Charging up the middle looks promising – but the thought of Russian AFVs on the hill shooting down on my tanks on the road leaves me cold. Aircraft will sweep the map from NE corner to SW corner. Hopefully I will get an idea on the Russian setup or 2nd turn moves. I got 25 turns on this one. I’m going to use them all. Lock and load!

Wild Bill -> (11/29/2000 10:07:00 PM)

Indeed it is, JNL, a very nice AAR! I enjoyed reading it. Made me relive my own experience. You've done well so far...WB ------------------ In Arduis Fidelis Wild Bill Wilder Coordinator, Scenario Design Matrix Games

Anzac Rambo -> (11/30/2000 8:29:00 AM)

Hi there Bill. Ive just finished the first Lyssanka battle and got a more than honorable draw. Something like 14500 to 5000 130 casulties to 350.I didn't lose any AFVs destroyed but my CO berated me for losing so many men. You will be pleased to know that the Russians eliminated my air drop of a platoon of specops and 3 AT teams that I put on the 3VP hill. I ahould have hid them for a while till the coast was clear.Easy in retrospect with the fog of war gone. I found the motorcycles very useful as you aluded to in one of your posts on core forces. They also make good mine detectors but I guess thats how I lost so men. Apart from Arnhem Two on the 3VP hill I only had a couple of vw jeeps and a recce team destroyed but quite a few platoons were down to only 2 or 3 men.All in all a lot of fun. Thanks Guy.

Wild Bill -> (11/30/2000 11:47:00 AM)

A harsh welcome to the Russian Front, I know, but you did okay. That is not a bad score at all. Seems like this first one is the one that gets everyone [img][/img] ------------------ In Arduis Fidelis Wild Bill Wilder Coordinator, Scenario Design Matrix Games

JNL -> (11/30/2000 6:33:00 PM)

DV in 21 turns. Lost 1 Tiger outright and 2 to immobilizations/abandonment. Had 2 others get their main gun optics fried by JSU 152s. All the crews survived (mostly intact). Lucked out with my inf - had 3 squads reduced down to a single man - but they didn't disperse so they gained a little more experience. The para engineers all earned Iron Crosses (1st Class). They held off 3 KV85s and at least 2 or 3 T34/85s (lost count). My A0 in his brand new Tiger got 6 kills - way surprising given his below average Armour rating. Excellent Scenario - I didn't finish until 1:15 am so I'm dragging my tail at work this morning. So.....How many productive work hours do you figure this game has cost the world economy so far? 10,000? More? On to the next one......

molset -> (12/1/2000 1:06:00 AM)

Hi Wild Bill Im done with the first battle. I had to experiment quite much to get the right balance on the core, and begin time and a gain anew. Time is really working agains a slow moving force in this first scenario. Lost 1 tiger to tank fire (a lucky shot!) lost 1 tiger to close assult (a bona fide command stupidity!) lost 1 tiger to mines (yes, I cursed YOU alot because I wasnt expecting mines there and that late in the battle) Otherwise it was a real nailbiter but a Decisive. But this is only the beginning - Right? You have for sure laced other scenarios with these wreched mines! Cant wait to trip them! molset "jakki er ekki frakki nema sidur se"

Wild Bill -> (12/1/2000 9:56:00 PM)

Great reports, guys. Yes, there are more mines. Finding them can be painful [img][/img] Wild Bill ------------------ In Arduis Fidelis Wild Bill Wilder Coordinator, Scenario Design Matrix Games

lnp4668 -> (12/5/2000 12:22:00 AM)

Finished the campaign at 1 am last night. After 7 battles, receives 1 draw, 1 marginal, and the rest decisive. After stomping through the random enemy on generic map for the past several months; I found that WB's campaign is both visually pleasing and tactically challenging. For the first time, I have to use combined arms tactics and a smoke round is as valuable as an 88 ap shell. My only regret is that the campaign is not long enough for my core forces to achieve elite status :-(

Wild Bill -> (12/5/2000 12:51:00 AM)

Thanks, INP. I did achieve elite status for two of my Panthers and one Tiger by the last battle, with 20 plus kills for each. It was not easy. Since Utah to the Rhine is more than 20 battles you might have a better chance with it. WB ------------------ In Arduis Fidelis Wild Bill Wilder Coordinator, Scenario Design Matrix Games

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