G_X -> (7/4/2003 2:54:37 AM)
Actually, I had heard about the Compressed Air Mortars, it's kinda what gave us the idea. Oh, and Mortars hitting a ground within close proximity of a tank, either in the front or back, would definitely score what SPWaW would consider a bottom hit, the bottom armor on most tanks, even today, is next to Nill, maybe 20mm on WWII tanks. That means that the mortar exploding very close to that would be very likely to explode with enough force to warp the steel upwards, and that's right in the crew compartment, plus the shrapnel and debris. What's really annoying is losing a MBT to a 81mm Mortar in Modern-day Sims. Losing a T-72 to a Rifle-Platoon's Organics is sh!t.