Eric's Bug List & Observations (Full Version)

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EricLarsen -> Eric's Bug List & Observations (7/27/2002 3:07:53 AM)

Joel & Gary,
I've downloaded the new 1.20 update and perused the new fixes and I see that some old bugs I've discovered but not yet reported aren't in the new patch. Sorry to post some new 1.11 bugs before really getting to play with 1.20 but I'd better do it now before I procrastinate further so that hopefully they'll get fixed for the next patch. All bugs have been seen while playing scenario #17.

1.) The Long-Range CAP Free Ride Bug - I've noticed that long-range CAP set to zero hexes gets a free ride as far as the unit suffers zero fatigue when not engaged in combat, when engaged in combat it suffers at least half the fatigue of fighters set to escort/CAP that only fly and fight as CAP, it suffers no operationally damaged planes, and best of all trains really well experienced air units far faster than training at 100%. This should work so that long-range CAP of 100% suffers about 10% more fatigue than the same unit being on escort/CAP 90% which only flies CAP and no escort. Otherwise this is a convenient game-system gimmick humans can use to "cheat" at CAP and training a fighter unit at the same time because there's no fatigue penalty! When they fly 1 or more hexes they do suffer fatigue properly and I'm wondering if the hex range is being used for fatigue calculation purposes as it seems like the fatigue is being multiplied by zero (a nonsensical math operation) when they CAP over their base hex.

2.) Friendly Fire AA Bug - Early in Scenario 17 when I captured Gili Gili as the Japs and then the AI dropped some uninvited dinner guests there as well in the form of 2 brigades of combat troops and an engineer battalion (nary an AA gun between them) a bombing blitz by both sides ensued. The AI was very good at building up Port Moresby and stocking it with aircraft and bombing my base quite frequently. I responded with my Betty's and Nell's from Rabaul bombing his troops, first at 1,000 feet and then after seeing some high losses I put them at 6,000 feet like the AI was using. I then decided to bring in another regiment with 2 AA units and what I discovered then was that my air losses increased while the AI's didn't! :-( I was really puzzled that the AI had no AA in the hex while I did and when I put more in I suffered the increased losses and not the AI. When I finally got my invasion forces on Port Moresby with several AA units and plenty of supply I discovered that my bomber losses once again increased even though I bombed the base and port to 100% damage and with only about 50 points of supply. I checked the AI AA units and some of them were actually out of supply. After flying about 50 daily turns of Irvings on recon set to fly the max number of recon flights at 10,000 feet without ever suffereing a loss I found that one got shot down while I was still the uninvited dinner guest with plenty of supplied AA. It sure seems like when both sides occupy a base hex that each side's AA fires at the it's own planes. This isn't just a one-time abberation but something I've witnessed on a far-too consistent basis. Please check to make sure friendly AA isn't firing at friendly planes as the rule, but possibly as the exception as friendly fire accidents did occur.

3.) Docked Ships Do Not Repair Bug - I have yet to see any ship docked at port conduct any repairs. I've had a carrier tf parked at Buna when it was a level 2 and 3 port for two months or more and never once did any of the ships repair. While I would use the tf to launch bombing attacks on P.M. about every 3 to 4 days I never saw the carriers or other ships repair any systems damage. I've seen them repair systems damage at sea and at anchor but never when docked. It makes me wonder what the sailors are doing when their ship is docked, seems like they're on R & R and neither of those R's are Repair. While I can see this as being a problem for the Allied side historically I had no idea the IJN sailors were as proficient and prolific at drinking and chasing skirts while docked in port. Please double-check to make sure that ships do repair while docked at port.

4.) Minor Non-Fatal Crash Problem - I'm running UV on a clunker 400 MHZ Pentium 2 with 128 MB of RAM and a good 4 of 6 GB of hard drive space still available. Last weekend I had my computer and game running all day long and after about 10 hours or so the program seemed to just slip out and shut itself down both days. Each time I went back into the game without rebooting and continued on without a hitch. I've had the computer on all day long playing other games (oops, forgive me fathers Joel and Gary for I have sinned ) and haven't had this problem. I'm not sure if after so long the RAM is getting stuffed and decides to puke it's guts out or what, but it's just a minor annoyance since I save early and often. Thankfully it's not the fatal game-ending crash bug that won't let you go past Go and collect the game-ending victory screen.

5.) Long-Range CAP Escorting Problem - This probably isn't a bug but more of a major annoyance of a design flaw. When I've been sending my recon flights over Port Moresby when not bombing it I've been really annoyed that the long-range CAP I send over P.M. to intercept C-47 Dakota transport flights is wasting fatigue escorting my recon flights when completely unnecessary and unwanted. What's most annoying is that I had pounded P.M. back to the stone age and it hadn't been sending up any CAP for several months of daily turns because there were no ready planes of any type at the base. If I had wanted those recon flights escorted I would have used the Escort/CAP setting for those fighter units that flew CAP over P.M. and not the long-range CAP setting. While the manual says that the program uses some intelligence in determining how much escort to provide I find it just sends out the max less some random amount that don't make the connection. I want to be able to use the long-range CAP for interecepting enemy offensive air missions only, if I want escorts I'll use the Escort/CAP setting and designate the destination. Please fix this so that long-range CAP no longer flies escort as that is just a redundant design feature already covered by the Escort/CAP setting. CAP is a defensive air mission and the game should reflect that properly for long-range CAP missions.

6.) The Hovering AI Transport TF Bug - When the Allied AI sets transport tf's to go to Port Moresby I've discovered that they will "hover" in the same hex for many turns. I have to confess to being the culprit at being able to trigger this unfortunate phenomenom. As the IJN I've discovered the joys of parking a big carrier tf at Buna (especially after Buna has a level-3 port and is immune to sub attacks) after seeing how much systems damage and fuel I wasted sending them out from Rabaul to a hex off Buna and then bombing for a few turns before heading back to Rabaul to refuel and resupply the AA ammo. Unfortunately for the AI when it sends a transport tf to P.M. as the destination and Brisbane as the home port with the Retirement Allowed setting on this seems to cause the AI's tf to hover about 4 hexes southwest of the bottom of the big "C" in Coral Sea. When I see these hovering tf's I know I can just take my time and mosey on down with a wolfpack of subs I station off P.M. to sink it. Even though it may take 5 or 6 daily turns and they sometimes get spotted along the way there as long as I keep that carrier tf docked that hovering transport tf stays put. I have caught one traveling a turn at night, and then right back to the hover hex during the day so I'm guessing the tf's do travel towards P.M. at night and then when my carrier tf gets sighted by coastwatchers and the occasional PBY flight from Australia during the day that it hustles back to it's starting point. Probably would be best if either the AI sets transport tf's to patrol without retiring when the destination and home port aren't set for the same port, or with the retirement allowed setting it always sets the home port as the destiantion hex if friendly controlled.

7.) The Air Transports Always Deliver Bug - I've noticed that air transports always deliver their goods no matter rain or shine or 100% damaged airfields or enemy CAP. Makes me wonder if USPS mailmen are flying those planes. I think that the way the manual states that they get to deliver first always is just too good to be true. There should be some allowance for enemy CAP intercepting some of the transports prior to delivering the goods some of the time. I also noticed that even when I got P.M. damaged 100% for both airfield service and runway damage they still delivered all the goods all the time and suffered no operationally damaged planes. I did manage to bomb P.M. to the max and had the engineer units out of supply so that they couldn't repair any damage and still those transport planes came through. Since it takes a minimum of a level-1 airfield to allow transport flights in, and a 100% damaged airfield should represent no airfield I'm wondering why are they allowed to get in in the first place since there is no valid level airfield left? Granted the Dakotas could land on dirt it still seems like the rule disallowing transport flights into level zero airfield hexes isn't being consistently followed through when an airfield of greater than level zero has been bombed so completely that it becomes a level zero airfield. I have noticed that when the port is at 100% damage the fortification level is reduced to zero as it should be for combat purposes. And to top it off the planes just don't seem to suffer any additional operational damage if they fly into a 100% damaged airfield or one that's 100% functional. Air transport missions that get intercepted by enemy CAP should suffer some reduction of their deliveries of troops and supplies some of the time and when they land at damaged airfields they should suffer the consequences accordingly as operationally damaged planes that get stuck at the destination and not always making it back home as damaged.

8.) Airfield Damage Shown Not Complete - I've noticed that when I look at enemy airfields during my turn I see only the airfield service damage and not the runway damage. I've double-checked to look at the other side during it's turn to see the correlation and only the service damage is being fed to the enemy for viewing purposes. The runway damage is being ignored and that shouldn't be so as the service damage can be 100% while the runway damage is almost zero percent and when looked at in my turn the report always shows the 100% damage less a small random amount. Either you need to add the 3rd component, runway damage to the damage report line or the airfield damage should be the average of the two components factored by some fog of war percentage as is the case currently for the two components that are being reported.

9.) Ground Unit Reinforcement Arrival Bug - Ground unit reinforcements are arriving a day too early in scenario #17. The last time any ground unit shows up on the reinforcement arrival schedule is 2 days prior to arrival, while ship and air units correctly show on their arrival schedules until 1 day before arrival. I haven't tried other scenarios yet so I'm not sure if it's a scenario bug or a program bug but I'm leaning towards it being a program bug.

10.) Poor Reinforcement Fog of War - The fog of war for ground and air units is very poor in that it allows a player to see all of his ground and air reinforcements for the whole game, up to 550 days for the long campaign games. Neither side had such prescience for knowing when and where they'd be getting ground and air reinforcements. I like the way the ship fog of war works as far as not knowing you're getting ships until Tokyo releases them. I do think it's weak in allowing players to see when ships arrive at Tokyo for a year and a half into the future. I think a preference button should be set up so that players who are anal-compulsively inclined (ironic I'm an a-c inclined beancounter) can leave the system the way it works so they can have perfect prescience about their upcoming reinforcement stream and for those of us who like a little more mystery and realism in this respect can set it so that we don't see these reinforcements until Tokyo releases them. I could see up to 90 days out as being reasonable for ground units being released until they actually arrive in theater, or say a whole command like an Army being released but having to take a while to get transported in theater, but to see them all is just too good to be true. Please don't forget that fog of war is historically accurate and makes these games a lot more fun to play.

11.) The Allied AI's Cookstown-Cairns Air Unit Flip-Flop - Another weakness of the AI is it flip-flops air units around and merely causes unnecessary fatigue and readiness disruption. I've seen this as a really big problem between Cookstown and Cairns where it will send a huge number of air units to one base and cause the base's supply-to-supply-required ratio to fall to less than 2 to 1. Then it sends a slew of those air units to Cairns because it is above the magic ratio. Next turn Cairns is now under the magic ratio and it then sends them back to Cookstown because it went above the magic ratio. On and on and on for turn after turn after turn this merely makes the AI air units more and more fatigued and less and less able to fly combat missions. While this doesn't seem to happen between Luganville and Noumea the AI merely sends a bunch of air units to Luganville where they are vastly undersupplied early in the campaign because of a lack of allied transports at Noumea to keep Luganville properly supplied. The net effect there is that the AI is putting a bunch of air units at Luganville where they end up as runway cannon-fodder for my air combat and bombardment tf's to come pay a visit and pick up some easy vp's since they don't have the supplies to fly and attack my attacking tf's. The AI needs to have some check before sending air units to a base a little at a time and not en masse so that the AI isn't just overloading a base's supply and then causing a bunch of air units to just transfer back and forth or just sit waiting to be bombed and bombarded with no ability to protect themselves.

That's all for now folks, and I'm sure you're glad of that. Hope this helps you to make the game better.

Eric (The Bug Hunter) Larsen:eek:

XPav -> (7/27/2002 3:33:25 AM)

Now [B]that[/B] is a big list. :eek:

WW2'er -> (7/27/2002 3:41:54 AM)

Quite a post!

Long, but well stated with what seem to be excellent, salient points.

[B]Nice Post Mr. Larsen![/B] :)

Black Cat -> Wow !! (7/27/2002 3:47:02 AM)

I am in awe of your observational skills, not to mention your typing ability :D

Forgive for for butting in on a thread designed for Joel & Garry, however, in the interest of clarity, and for my own information I think your:

#5 Is a feature, I don`t think LR Cap will intercept unless targeted to a friendly TF/Hex. IMHO That`s a good thing.

#6 A feature. The AI TF`s are set at " retirement allowed" and have spotted your CV TF " at Sea" and are holding, and will either continue their mission if you retire or retreat further if you advance. Your "playing" with the AI limitations in your Docking/Undocking tactics.......

#7 Another Feature, the Air Transports are "UnCapAble":D however they are taking massive fatigue and will start having AC losses and planes down if kept at it.

#8 ??? I get Runway damage in the post strike reports after evey Bomber or TF Bombardment mission when it occurs.

#11 Your Playing Japan with the " Midway Never Happen" scenarios that shipped with the Game , Right ? All 7 Japanese CV`s there ?

#11 A : Start A New Game, the AI has lost this one and is going nuts with frustration. Some self imposed House Rules may make for a more interesting, if less Fun battle. :cool:

Thanks for the opinions.

EricLarsen -> Thanks (7/27/2002 4:06:35 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by WW2'er
[B]Quite a post!

Long, but well stated with what seem to be excellent, salient points.

[B]Nice Post Mr. Larsen![/B] :)

Thanks. Maybe you could help me figure out how to replace "Matrix recruit" with something more personalized the way you're listed as a Matrix trooper below your name. Is that perhaps the profile signature? I saw the avatar setting for pics and figure that's not it. This forum needs an instruction manual it's so complex and feature-filled.

Eric Larsen

EricLarsen -> Re: Wow !! (7/27/2002 5:12:16 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Black Cat
[B]I am in awe of your observational skills, not to mention your typing ability :D

Forgive for for butting in on a thread designed for Joel & Garry, however, in the interest of clarity, and for my own information I think your:

#5 Is a feature, I don`t think LR Cap will intercept unless targeted to a friendly TF/Hex. IMHO That`s a good thing.

#6 A feature. The AI TF`s are set at " retirement allowed" and have spotted your CV TF " at Sea" and are holding, and will either continue their mission if you retire or retreat further if you advance. Your "playing" with the AI limitations in your Docking/Undocking tactics.......

#7 Another Feature, the Air Transports are "UnCapAble":D however they are taking massive fatigue and will start having AC losses and planes down if kept at it.

#8 ??? I get Runway damage in the post strike reports after evey Bomber or TF Bombardment mission when it occurs.

#11 Start A New Game, the AI has lost this one and is going nuts with frustration. Some self imposed House Rules may make for a more interesting, if less Fun battle. :cool:

Thanks for the opinions. [/B]

Black Cat,
Thanks for the reply but it seems you're not quite understanding some of my points correctly.

#5 - Long Range CAP is [U]escorting[/U] friendly bombers and recon over enemy bases as in my case IJN recon flights over an AI Allied Port Moresby where no Allied CAP is possible. And long-range CAP most certainly intercepts enemy air missions over enemy bases (see below #7). My complaint is that l-r CAP is escorting when it shouldn't and that if I wanted the escorts I could just use the Escort/CAP setting and not l-r CAP. There should be a difference between the two as far as escorting goes. If I don't want escorts I should be able to set my fighters accordingly while still being able to CAP an enemy airfield against enemy offensive air missions, in this case air transport ones. I also would not want l-r CAP that I'm using to CAP an enemy base where I've just landed invasion troops to also be escorting my bombers. While I would expect enemy defensive CAP to engage my l-r CAP, I'm sending the l-r CAP to protect my troops and ships and not my bombers. I'll use other fighter air units set to Escort/CAP to escort and protect the bombers. I'm asking here to have the feature changed so that players have some flexibility as to what they want their fighters to do by making l-r CAP not escort bombers and recon.

6) Here I'm pointing out a weakness that under certain circumstances is just plain confusing the AI and setting it up for an easy kill. It looks like the program is changing it's orders at the beginning of the turn to go to the destination only to have them run away later in the turn with the net result that the tf is setting itself up as a sitting duck. My suggestion is to not allow the AI to do this to itself, either the AI-controlled tf makes the run in or it retreats to safety just the way a human-controlled tf would work if left alone and not changed each turn.

7) Wrong, wrong, wrong. Air transports are very CAP-able. I discovered this trick by watching the AI play itself (sometimes the AI does do good things we humans can learn from) in scenario #17. One turn the IJN AI moved several carrier tf's (one set to move to a destination and the others set to follow the leader so they all stay in the same hex - another good tactic I learned from the AI) to Port Moresby. Ironically (and quite comically) the turn the IJN AI's carrier tf's arrived at Port Moresby the Allied AI sent a massive number of C-47 Dakotas to transport troops and/or supplies to P.M. with the net result that for a solid 10 minutes (set for a 3 second viewing delay and no combat animations) I watched the IJN pilots wrack up an incredible number of kills. I then changed this a little to use long-range CAP to do the same thing albeit without the same awesome results the AI accomplished. I have made many IJN fighter aces this way by shooting down C-47's on transport missions to P. M.. Not to mention they sure get experienced real quick as well and C-47's don't shoot back.

8) I'm not talking about the post-strike reports where the runway damage is reported correctly. I'm talking about when you are in your turn and you put the mouse cursor over an enemy base where you've got fairly good recent intel (like the turn after bombing or reconning the base) there are estimates of port damage and airfield damage. Since airfields have two damage components - service and runway - there should either be two separate listings for these two components or they should be combined and averaged somehow. Only the service damage is being reported as airfield damage, the runway damage is being completely ignored for intel purposes. I know because I was very didligent in checking the AI's situation each turn to see that that is the case.

11) Again you're not understanding. It doesn't matter what the strategic situation is. This is a case of the AI not being very bright about where it's moving it's planes, and in the case of Cookstown-Cairns it's doing a useless and constant flip-flopping of air units between the 2 bases solely because it's not doing a good job of estimating the effects of these senseless moves on supply usage. It would be far better if the AI can't do the estimating to just have them stay put, or not allow the AI to move more than 1 air unit to a base at a time so that each turn it will be able to guage a small increase in supply usage better and avoid useless flip-flop movements. Besides how would a self-imposed house rule tell the AI not to do something dumb? That's why I'm hoping they can do something about this to help improve the AI play a little better by not playing bad. But you are right that the game is over for all practical purposes as I have a 12,000 point lead. But I'm not about to quit now because after I eliminate all the enemy from P.M. and I send my warships to refuel and repair I'm going to send my base busters to Noumea where I've seen the AI has almost a thousand planes well supplied and I figure that should be fun to bomb. After going about 225 turns into a campaign game and I have a very nice set of ships, planes and troops I want to continue the slaughter because it's the fun thing to do.

I don't mind your butting in and I hope you don't mind me setting you straight on a few misconceptions. After all we can learn from each other this way to understand the game better and to play it better and to have more fun. :)

Eric Larsen

Black Cat -> Re: Re: Wow !! (7/27/2002 5:52:10 AM)

" Black Cat,
Thanks for the reply but it seems you're not quite understanding some of my points correctly."

That`s probably true :)

" 7) Wrong, wrong, wrong. Air transports are very CAP-able. I discovered this trick by watching the AI play itself (sometimes the AI does do good things we humans can learn from) in scenario #17. One turn the IJN AI moved several carrier tf's (one set to move to a destination and the others set to follow the leader so they all stay in the same hex - another good tactic I learned from the AI) to Port Moresby. Ironically (and quite comically) the turn the IJN AI's carrier tf's arrived at Port Moresby the Allied AI sent a massive number of C-47 Dakotas to transport troops and/or supplies to P.M. with the net result that for a solid 10 minutes (set for a 3 second viewing delay and no combat animations) I watched the IJN pilots wrack up an incredible number of kills. I then changed this a little to use long-range CAP to do the same thing albeit without the same awesome results the AI accomplished. I have made many IJN fighter aces this way by shooting down C-47's on transport missions to P. M.. Not to mention they sure get experienced real quick as well and C-47's don't shoot back."

Just to try and be clear, are you moving your CV TF`s with Fighters set to CAP, _ directly into_ the PM Hex # 10.40 ?

"8) I'm not talking about the post-strike reports where the runway damage is reported correctly. I'm talking about when you are in your turn and you put the mouse cursor over an enemy base where you've got fairly good recent intel (like the turn after bombing or reconning the base) there are estimates of port damage and airfield damage. Since airfields have two damage components - service and runway - there should either be two separate listings for these two components or they should be combined and averaged somehow. Only the service damage is being reported as airfield damage, the runway damage is being completely ignored for intel purposes. I know because I was very didligent in checking the AI's situation each turn to see that that is the case."

That dang Fog of War thing again......

"11) Again you're not understanding. It doesn't matter what the strategic situation is. This is a case of the AI not being very bright about where it's moving it's planes, and in the case of Cookstown-Cairns it's doing a useless and constant flip-flopping of air units between the 2 bases solely because it's not doing a good job of estimating the effects of these senseless moves on supply usage. It would be far better if the AI can't do the estimating to just have them stay put, or not allow the AI to move more than 1 air unit to a base at a time so that each turn it will be able to guage a small increase in supply usage better and avoid useless flip-flop movements. Besides how would a self-imposed house rule tell the AI not to do something dumb? That's why I'm hoping they can do something about this to help improve the AI play a little better by not playing bad. But you are right that the game is over for all practical purposes as I have a 12,000 point lead. But I'm not about to quit now because after I eliminate all the enemy from P.M. and I send my warships to refuel and repair I'm going to send my base busters to Noumea where I've seen the AI has almost a thousand planes well supplied and I figure that should be fun to bomb. After going about 225 turns into a campaign game and I have a very nice set of ships, planes and troops I want to continue the slaughter because it's the fun thing to do."

I agree and think Joel or Garry should answer this one !

"I don't mind your butting in and I hope you don't mind me setting you straight on a few misconceptions."

Yep, the Game should be Fun and I always welcome being set straight on the Game mechanics , thanks ;)

Supervisor -> Re: Thanks (7/27/2002 7:00:25 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by EricLarsen WW2'er,
Thanks. Maybe you could help me figure out how to replace "Matrix recruit" with something more personalized the way you're listed as a Matrix trooper below your name. Is that perhaps the profile signature? I saw the avatar setting for pics and figure that's not it. This forum needs an instruction manual it's so complex and feature-filled.

Eric Larsen [/B][/QUOTE]
I believe this is just an automatic thing. Depends on the number of posts. I think that it goes from "Recruit" to "Trooper" at 50 posts.

willgamer -> (7/27/2002 7:09:33 AM)

My experience is limited to some of the smaller scenarios and I'm currently in Jan. of my first long campaign. That said I would like to sign-on to every point Eric made.

Just two small further observations:

re #1- the reduced fatigue is only when you specify the target of the LR cap (and it's the home base). If defaulted to "commander decision" fatigue rapidly accumlates (even when it caps only the home base!).

re #11- this was covered in another thread, but I'd like to see the historical Brisbane to Cairns railroad put into effect to massively supply all Aussie cities except Cooktown. That way a player can choose between a little further range from Cairns or using Cooktown and having to resupply from the sea.

Thank You so much for taking the trouble to document!!! :D

strollen -> (7/27/2002 7:14:57 AM)

8) I'm not talking about the post-strike reports where the runway damage is reported correctly. I'm talking about when you are in your turn and you put the mouse cursor over an enemy base where you've got fairly good recent intel (like the turn after bombing or reconning the base) there are estimates of port damage and airfield damage. Since airfields have two damage components - service and runway - there should either be two separate listings for these two components or they should be combined and averaged somehow. Only the service damage is being reported as airfield damage, the runway damage is being completely ignored for intel purposes. I know because I was very didligent in checking the AI's situation each turn to see that that is the case."

I think that what is happening is that the airfield runway damage is being repaired overnight. I know I have seen bases (e.g. Lae) where I recieved seperate report for airfield runway, and service damage, and port damage. Damage is repaired in the following order runway, service and port. So it is entirely possible that there are enough engineers on the base to completely repair the runway damage in one day, before your recon reports come back.

Try making heavy raids against an airfield with no engineering/base units and see if you don't get a runway damage report.

EricLarsen -> I checked that too (7/27/2002 8:24:11 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by strollen

I think that what is happening is that the airfield runway damage is being repaired overnight. I know I have seen bases (e.g. Lae) where I recieved seperate report for airfield runway, and service damage, and port damage. Damage is repaired in the following order runway, service and port. So it is entirely possible that there are enough engineers on the base to completely repair the runway damage in one day, before your recon reports come back.

Try making heavy raids against an airfield with no engineering/base units and see if you don't get a runway damage report. [/B][/QUOTE]

Nope, I checked that every turn very carefully. I had isolated Port Moresby for a long enough time that all the engineers could muster was about 4 or 5 points of runway damage recovery for the turn after bombardment. I also ran P.M. out of supplies so that for several turns running there was absolutely no airfield repair of any kind whatsoever and all 3 indicators were pegged at 100%. It didn't matter if runway damage was at 90+ percent or near zero percent, the intel only showed the service damage for intel pruposes during my turn to view the enemy base with my intel which was always very current.
Eric Larsen

EricLarsen -> Good clarification (7/27/2002 8:36:12 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by willgamer
[B]My experience is limited to some of the smaller scenarios and I'm currently in Jan. of my first long campaign. That said I would like to sign-on to every point Eric made.

Just two small further observations:

re #1- the reduced fatigue is only when you specify the target of the LR cap (and it's the home base). If defaulted to "commander decision" fatigue rapidly accumlates (even when it caps only the home base!).

re #11- this was covered in another thread, but I'd like to see the historical Brisbane to Cairns railroad put into effect to massively supply all Aussie cities except Cooktown. That way a player can choose between a little further range from Cairns or using Cooktown and having to resupply from the sea.

Thank You so much for taking the trouble to document!!! :D [/B][/QUOTE]

Good clarification for point number 1. Under commander discretion they can do long-range CAP at more than zero hexes and will incur fatigue properly. Its when the player designates either the base, a ground unit in the hex, or a static tf in the hex which gives rise to the "zero" range that causes the problem with "zero" fatigue. Probably multiplication by zero from using the range in the fatigue formula is causing this.

I haven't read the thread on the railroad but noticed the missing RR title. I guess that maybe the major road is supposed to emulate the RR as it sems to end around Cairns. But the RR won't fix the problem of Cookstown running short on supply especially when the IJN player concentrates on sending his subs to sink transports. Somehow the AI needs to be more cautious in its transferring of air units so it doesn't overload one base and then starts the maddening flip-flop of large numbers of air units back and forth.

Thanks for the thanks on my bug list. It certainly takes some work spotting weird stuff and then laboriously checking and double checking things to try and verify it. Not to mention just taking the time to sit down and type away when playing is more fun. But I'd rather take some time and invest it in helping to make the game better for all of us. :)

Eric Larsen

EricLarsen -> Re: Thanks (7/27/2002 8:41:31 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Rowlf
I believe this is just an automatic thing. Depends on the number of posts. I think that it goes from "Recruit" to "Trooper" at 50 posts. [/B]

Thanks for the tip. I see you're a veteran with 266 posts. I'm wondering how many posts it takes to become a "Militant Fundamentalist" like Undercover/NotChickenSalad.

Eric Larsen

Maniac -> (7/27/2002 8:46:24 AM)

LoL wow I am not even going to try and read this whole post...

EricLarsen -> Re: Re: Re: Wow !! (7/27/2002 8:50:28 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Black Cat
[B]" Black Cat,

Just to try and be clear, are you moving your CV TF`s with Fighters set to CAP, _ directly into_ the PM Hex # 10.40 ?

Yep, the Game should be Fun and I always welcome being set straight on the Game mechanics , thanks ;) [/B]

Black Cat,
I almost missed that little question buried in all the type. Unfortunately by the time I got my IJN carrier tf's to P.M. to guard the bombardment and transport tf's the Allied AI didn't have any functioning air transports left for my carrier fighters to CAP. I know the AI uses the Escort/CAP setting and it's the CAP that does the trick of intercepting the air transports. That's why the long-range CAP also works at intercepting the air transports. I also found that it takes 3 to 5 days for those air transport units to recover before they have enough ready planes and decent fatigue to try again so you don't have to actually CAP P.M. every turn. Once you catch them and know the cycle you can rest a few days and then send CAP back up again for a few days before you catch them again.
I guarantee that as the IJN if you catch the Allied AI at P.M. with long range CAP over P.M. or a carrier tf's CAP when visiting the base when the Allied AI sends a bunch of C-47's to resupply it you'll be having lots of fun watching your pilots become instant aces.
Lots of Laughs! :D

Eric Larsen

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