Looking for MegaCampain? (Full Version)

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Jonnie -> Looking for MegaCampain? (7/28/2002 8:49:08 AM)

Wondering if anyone out there has an extra "Desert Fox 1942" or one to share. I would truly love to tap into that game. Thanks for you time and help.

chief -> (7/29/2002 9:43:46 AM)

Johnie check the Matrix store I saw whwere they found a few copies laying around...good luck:) :cool:

Supervisor -> (7/29/2002 9:49:19 AM)

All gone:( :( :( :( :( :( :(

chief -> (7/29/2002 10:08:13 AM)

OOOOPS: I was off line for 2 days, still installing the game. Went to get some old slides (40+years old) copied onto a disk. Went to Ritz they are now associated with Wolfe. Latter did the scanning and after two tries the second burn they installed an additional program (PDIE) a combo of PD? and IE (?) on the disk and when I went to preview it started its thing and downloaded into my machine, both PD and IE conflicted with my previous installs (no overwrite warnings either) and from there it all went to heck. I had to do a complete format of hard drive and reinstallation of the rest. My warning to all stay away from photo stores run by teenagers. Needless to say I'm probably out a few clams for a useless disk....no damage to slides, thank god.:mad: :( :cool:

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