Josh -> RE: Weirdest problem with East front (6/13/2010 7:55:11 PM)
Hm, that's weird... I've been pondering on that one for a while. When you click on the executable (shortcut on your desktop for instance) it shows you the introvid without a problem right? That could be a problem... if your (videocard, or other-) drivers were out of date, but you say they are all updated. So it does show the game-menu, you click on "new scenario", and then it dies? You're sure the EF files are installed properly? Or maybe it has to do with the native resolution you use for your screen? I'm using 1900x1200 and the game doesn't have a problem with that, or maybe it's an other thing related to your videocard...? I must say I'm a bit puzzled here because RS and WF work properly, and EF doesn't. All I can think of are these two things; not installed properly, and, vidcard related problems. Good luck.