Favourite Unit? (Full Version)

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fontenoy -> Favourite Unit? (7/31/2002 1:01:04 AM)

Good day to you all.
I would be interested in reading about what your favourite units are in SPWAW?They need not necessarily be the best of their type.That has been expounded upon at great length,(and I might add,in a very stimulating and knowledgeable manner)elsewhere in this forum.
I simply mean which do you have the most fun with,and why?For example:the U.S."Duster"AA vehicle proved most useful in shooting up Japanese infantry.This was after it failed to shoot down any Japanese planes as they destroyed my armour!LOL!In subsequent games I would purchase an extra platoon or two as infantry support.Very useful they have proved to be too.
So what units do you enjoy?Or use for other than their intended purpose?I would be very pleased to read your responses.

Belisarius -> (7/31/2002 1:16:00 AM)

I got the feeling the quad AA's are pretty popular with everyone due to their infantry-mowing capabilites :D

I'm getting more and more fond of the PzIII 5cm as a infantry-killer as well.

11Bravo -> (7/31/2002 1:20:34 AM)

60mm U.S. mortar squad or any recon patrol, FO, or sniper.

I find using these types of units well is very challenging and fun. Its very satisfying to cause havoc with minimal resources. I cringe in anticipation of the flood of "Tiger XXX with the dual 800mm smoothbore".


G_X -> (7/31/2002 1:35:58 AM)

Russian OffBoard 203mm

Boom. For less points.

Gary Tatro -> Well someone posted one of these in the training forum this was my answer there. (7/31/2002 1:38:05 AM)

Well for me it depends on the Country I am playing

Russia-SU-57 this little jewel is an assume light Anti-Tank destroyer. Has relatively light armor but carries 57mm L2 M1 Gun which has a max penitration with AP round of 103, and carries 8 rounds of APRC with max penatration of 161. It also carries a 12.7 AAMG the which cleans up all your infantry, half tracks and soft targets very well. It also has a speed of 31.

French-Has to be the Char B1 bis - relatively slow but has 2 main guns a 45mm Sa 35 and a 75mm Sa 35 both have a max penatration of 75 which is a lot for its time period. Also it has two MG's and a ton of armor. Most German tanks can not kill it during that time period except for the Sig33, Pzjg-1b, and 88's all tank destroyers.

USA-Rangers with the M9 bazooka-Hands down the best infantry unit in the game. No contest. Also 8'' Howitzers, they destroy everything. Ouch.

German-tough one here. I would have to go with the 88's or the half tracks. Germans by far have the best half tracks in the game. The 88's need no explination.

British- I would have to go with their 17 pnd AT-gun. Has a size class of 1 that is right 1. Max penatration with AP ammo is 184 yes that is right, and with APRC ammo it is 251. Ouch. Has a rate of fire of 6 and fire control of 5. And get this it can be carried by half tracks it is considered a light gun. Go figure.

I do not play many of the other countries so I can not give you a preference

G_X -> (7/31/2002 1:43:09 AM)


British- I would have to go with their 17 pnd AT-gun. Has a size class of 1 that is right 1. Max penatration with AP ammo is 184 yes that is right, and with APRC ammo it is 251. Ouch. Has a rate of fire of 6 and fire control of 5. And get this it can be carried by half tracks it is considered a light gun. Go figure.

Woo....How many points do those things cost though?

Gary Tatro -> (7/31/2002 2:04:45 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by G_X

Woo....How many points do those things cost though? [/B][/QUOTE]

Cost 109.

GYBLIN -> (7/31/2002 2:17:11 AM)

Until last week i would have said 88'sNow i got to say 150mm sig infantry guns.You place some in front of your 88's and bam!They pop just about everything if it gets close enough and they'll disperse those crazy russian human waves.:)

fontenoy -> (7/31/2002 4:30:19 AM)

The British "Firefly"tank packs a decent wallop.Very effective against those nasty Tigers.I believe it carries a 17-pounder.
Of course I may be wrong.Just going from memory.I know one of those later(44-45)British tanks carried a 17-pounder.:eek:

Kaakao -> (7/31/2002 5:30:12 AM)

Panther G Uhu by far. IR combined with nice gun, armor and speed makes it very deadly.

OKW-73 -> (7/31/2002 5:53:43 AM)

my all time favourite is flampanzer, it always have biggest kill count when i play against AI cause it can wipe out anything even if target is fortified...ofc it has a low armour so must be careful not to drive it front of any ATGs or enemy tanks ;)

stevemk1a -> Panther G Uhu (7/31/2002 6:10:35 AM)

OK- so this is a bit off topic, but what is the difference (in game terms) between a Panther G and a Panther G Uhu? I know the Uhu is equipped with an active IR device ... how is this portrayed in the game? Is it worth the extra cost over a stock Panther G (my fave tank BTW :D ). Just curious ...

G_X -> (7/31/2002 8:29:43 AM)

Yes, it's worth the extra points, I'm not sure how it affects gameplay though.

109 points for that thing?!? Man...That rawks :D

john g -> (7/31/2002 9:38:05 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by G_X
[B]Yes, it's worth the extra points, I'm not sure how it affects gameplay though.

109 points for that thing?!? Man...That rawks :D [/B][/QUOTE]

Play a game at night with a 3-4 visibility, everything else will be able to see 3-4, the UHU's will always be able to see a minimum of 10. The Panthers will be able to see and shoot 6-7 hexs further away. If you are the side opposing them, it will appear that you are being fired at by invisible units.
thanks, John.

john g -> Re: Well someone posted one of these in the training forum this was my answer there. (7/31/2002 9:46:26 AM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Gary Tatro
USA-Rangers with the M9 bazooka-Hands down the best infantry unit in the game. No contest.


Now they are, but for a while back around v5 the Anzac jungle patrol ruled.

Due to a 3 squad multiplier that never got removed from the SP3 days, it was an 18 man size 0 elite recon special forces unit armed with smgs, bren gun, flamethrower and grenades. Move next to one and you were dead.

It was the only unit with a flamethrower that could infiltrate.

Cost for all that was only about 100 pts per unit.
thanks, John.

Hades -> (7/31/2002 1:01:11 PM)

Rangers!! I have played through most of the Long Road to Victory with just Rangers and some 105s.

Pz-II!!! I have fell in love with these. Early war they are awesome. They carry 60 ap rounds and 10 apcr, and they chew through inf.

Katyushas!!! Nothing better. Buy some ammo trucks and you can fire off some rockets with max pen of 173(?) and move before the counterbattery fire comes.

Ju-88 with a 7.5cm gun or a Ju-87 with dual 37mm. Awesome against tanks.

Les_the_Sarge_9_1 -> (7/31/2002 9:14:12 PM)

Matilda Mk II

Ya its slow so what.
Ya its gun ain't massive so what.
Man the thing has armour to waste though. Almost indestructible in France eh.

Of course France is the key here.

I love playing with Matilda Mk IIs in France against oh so confident German opponents who fail to realise a Panzer III isn't worth spit in a showdown with a Matilda.

And naturally I don't have to willingly oblige blindly running around looking for 88s eh:)

ananias -> (7/31/2002 9:19:06 PM)

Germany: The Tiger (what a surprise, eh?). :)

UK: Can´t decide between the Firefly and the Churchill AVRE.

SU: Any tank of the KV-series.

USA: Pershing M26.

Italy: Para libici. The best italian infantry.

Finland: Any inf-unit.

Out of these, I would choose....the...uh...Churchill AVRE as the best. You just can´t beat that 290mm(?) mortar.

GYBLIN -> (7/31/2002 9:20:39 PM)

A matilitda? And i expected something different from you Les.All the same who needs pz-III's when sig infantry guns pop em just Fine.Plus it blows the infantry who ride those deathtraps to hell as well.:D

Belisarius -> (7/31/2002 11:17:27 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by GYBLIN
[B]A matilitda? And i expected something different from you Les.All the same who needs pz-III's when sig infantry guns pop em just Fine.Plus it blows the infantry who ride those deathtraps to hell as well.:D [/B][/QUOTE]

Not only that, a standard Matilda II crew has a morale that bites. Fling a few shots at it and - no you will not damage it, but the crew will head for home without their ride. :D

Empty 'tildas are worthless.

Figmo -> (7/31/2002 11:57:31 PM)

My favorite is a combination. I like to use the KubelWagen (with MG if available) and motorcycle squads (full 10 men) as recon.

The motorcycles go first to reveal the infantry and hopefully survive with a few men. Once that's established I'll move up the Kubelwagens which the AI Armor cannot resist shooting at - it will sometimes avoid shooting at the motorcycles or infantry but not the Kubelwagens.

It so much fun to find them and adjust to their location without having to use a plane - that's too easy. Good recon wins battles.

I'll even use them on my flanks as an advanced warning for an attack from anywhere.


bigtroutz -> (8/1/2002 4:50:47 AM)

USA 4.5" rockets or
Brit LandMatress rockets

8-12 units @ under 100 pts each can keep an effective offensive from starting or pave the way for your offensive along an entire BIG map front.

Combine them with ammo dumps/trucks when playing with limited ammo on and they can continue the havoc for the entire game.

My only beef is that the ISN'T a single unit which can carry them (carry weight = 255) or ANY amphib which can carry them, which is totally outrageous. Clearly SOMETHING was used to move them during WWII.

My experience is that they are relatively impervious to counterbattery fire and rally easily.

I also agree that ranger w/bazooka are excellent units but marine assault units are pretty good too.

RE: the brit 17lber, why buy an artillery unit for 109 when a firefly with the same 17lber can move and then fire costs 128 and is armored to boot?

Colonel von Blitz -> (8/1/2002 2:45:05 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Hades
Ju-88 with a 7.5cm gun or a Ju-87 with dual 37mm. Awesome against tanks. [/B][/QUOTE]

For some reason, in my H2H games, Ju-88s have proved to be VERY inaccurate. I've yet to see them score a hit in actual combat situation.

I mean: I've tested it by placing several enemy tanks on top of a hill and those Ju-88s score hits quite nicely. But in battle, when enemy tanks are moving and Ju-88s are being fired at, the hit percentages seem to drop down more than for example with Ju-87 Stukas or Stormoviks. I've almost given up on these Ju-88s because of this :(

Also, those german 37mm guns mounted on aircraft seem somewhat inaccurate and/or ineffective. What I learned from the book Stuka-Pilot by Hans-Ulrich Rudel, those 37mm guns were deadly...somehow this is not very well portrayed in the game, IMO.

Back to the topic of the thread. My favorite equipment (for the countries I've played with more than once or twice):


Has to be Ski Infantry. They're fast, well equipped and elite!


1) 28cm Flame Rocket: can kill tanks even when fired to adjacent hex!

2) Fallschirmjägers: Excellent weaponry and elite!

3) Elefant: though expensive, has incredible frontal armor and awesome optics. Can engage very succesfully from distances over 30-40 hexes.

4) Pz Ib: Though lightly armored, this tank has awesome firepower against soft targets!

Soviet Union:

1) Il-2 Stormovik: rockets + cannons, what a firepower with deadly accuracy.

2) 203mm Off-Board artillery: no need to explain :D

No matter the country, I love those units with multiple MGs attached, they are incredibe meat-choppers! :D Though I usually try not to use AA-units (but rather try to stick with Pz-Ib and other this kind of units) for this, because I find it somewhat ruining the game if they're over-used.


fontenoy -> (8/2/2002 3:30:49 AM)

I,too,am a big fan of the 28cm flame rocket(Wurfrahmen)The American P-47D "Thunderbolt"and the Marine Corps"Skyraider"both carry napalm and are equally detrimental to the health of units in adjacent hexes;)

Commander Klank -> (8/2/2002 3:44:08 AM)

I just love those pesky 12.5mm hvy mg squads the Soviets have. There is little more satisfying in the game than to trash a German halftrack full of troops with a good 10 hex side shot......

It's almost sexual :eek: :cool: :D :o

(just kidding guys)

(about the sex thing that is....LOL)

Hades -> (8/2/2002 10:51:34 AM)

Last time I really used the Ju-88 was in vr 6. I havent played many battles with air. And for what Ive heard the 37mm guns were great. One pilot, I can't remember his name got like 370 tank kills with his Stuka and those 37s.

Sonni -> (8/2/2002 1:01:03 PM)

The pilot in question would be Hans-Ullrich Rudel, who indeed scored 519 tanks, 150 gun emplacements and 800 combat vehicles of various types. He also damaged or destroyed three large warships and 70 smaller craft. He was wounded about seven times and scored 9 kills to russian aircraft's with a Stuka! He flew over 2000 sorties and survived the war.

IMO Rudel should be a "special" reinforcement costing about 400 points :) That's because not many German stuka pilot's were that effective with the JU-87G armed with 37 mm guns.

As to my favourite unit... It is the german medium panzer Pz-IVg+ just because it looks great, costs a little and has a decent gun and decent armor.

Colonel von Blitz -> (8/2/2002 2:06:50 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Sonni
[B]IMO Rudel should be a "special" reinforcement costing about 400 points :) That's because not many German stuka pilot's were that effective with the JU-87G armed with 37 mm guns.[/B][/QUOTE]

Actually, there were quite a number of Ju-87G Stuka pilots who killed 100+ tanks with 37mm guns.

[QUOTE][B]As to my favourite unit... It is the german medium panzer Pz-IVg+ just because it looks great, costs a little and has a decent gun and decent armor. [/B][/QUOTE]

Isn't StuG III (with 75L48 gun), which has similar or even better qualities, bit cheaper than regular Pz IV ?

Colonel von Blitz

Hades -> (8/2/2002 2:27:11 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Sonni
[B]The pilot in question would be Hans-Ullrich Rudel, who indeed scored 519 tanks, 150 gun emplacements and 800 combat vehicles of various types. He also damaged or destroyed three large warships and 70 smaller craft. He was wounded about seven times and scored 9 kills to russian aircraft's with a Stuka! He flew over 2000 sorties and survived the war.

Very impressive. Ive always wondered how some nations can have aces like this while the highest scoring American ace was what 46, 47? And many pilots had over 15 kills, while there were quite a few Japanese aces with over 20 kills, with the hightest being 86. I never got the nation with the "best " technology could have such low scoring aces or maybe I have missed something.

Colonel von Blitz -> (8/2/2002 3:02:27 PM)

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Hades
[B]Very impressive. Ive always wondered how some nations can have aces like this while the highest scoring American ace was what 46, 47? And many pilots had over 15 kills, while there were quite a few Japanese aces with over 20 kills, with the hightest being 86. I never got the nation with the "best " technology could have such low scoring aces or maybe I have missed something. [/B][/QUOTE]

I think American and British aces had limits for combat hours, or something like that. After the tour of duty was completed, they were sent back home, usually as instructors. Maybe someone who has _real_ knowledge could help me out here :D

German, Finnish and Japanese pilots on the other hand usually flew until they were KIA or until the war came to an end.

About japanese highest total, I believe 86 kills is way too low. It is of course difficult to estimate how many kills the top ace had, but I believe Tetsuzo Iwamoto had 200+ kills...after all, he flew and fought for 7 years on different fronts!

Of course, as we're talking about aces, I want to mention Finnish top ace, Double Mannerheim Cross winner, Eino Ilmari 'Illu' Juutilainen, who scored 94 1/6 kills during Winter and Continuation wars. No enemy pilot EVER scored a single hit into aircraft that Juutilainen flew.

Colonel von Blitz

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