Colonel von Blitz -> (8/2/2002 3:02:27 PM)
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Hades [B]Very impressive. Ive always wondered how some nations can have aces like this while the highest scoring American ace was what 46, 47? And many pilots had over 15 kills, while there were quite a few Japanese aces with over 20 kills, with the hightest being 86. I never got the nation with the "best " technology could have such low scoring aces or maybe I have missed something. [/B][/QUOTE] I think American and British aces had limits for combat hours, or something like that. After the tour of duty was completed, they were sent back home, usually as instructors. Maybe someone who has _real_ knowledge could help me out here :D German, Finnish and Japanese pilots on the other hand usually flew until they were KIA or until the war came to an end. About japanese highest total, I believe 86 kills is way too low. It is of course difficult to estimate how many kills the top ace had, but I believe Tetsuzo Iwamoto had 200+ kills...after all, he flew and fought for 7 years on different fronts! Of course, as we're talking about aces, I want to mention Finnish top ace, Double Mannerheim Cross winner, Eino Ilmari 'Illu' Juutilainen, who scored 94 1/6 kills during Winter and Continuation wars. No enemy pilot EVER scored a single hit into aircraft that Juutilainen flew. Colonel von Blitz