Kharkov UI (Full Version)

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Xornox -> Kharkov UI (6/17/2010 4:44:54 PM)

I purchased Across The Dnepr and Kharkov Disaster on the Donets recently. Unfortunately games can not be played because when I start the new game UI looks like in image. I think that something is missing?


e_barkmann -> RE: Kharkov UI (6/18/2010 12:20:38 AM)

edit - need more coffee.

From Carl Myers: it is the screen one gets when one plays against the computer as the Soviets in Kharkov.

tks Carl!

Fred98 -> RE: Kharkov UI (6/18/2010 6:59:17 AM)

That screen above is the replay screen.

You are watching the replay.

You can issue orders after the replay is finished or if you stop the replay.


Carl Myers -> RE: Kharkov UI (6/18/2010 8:39:09 AM)


That screen above is the replay screen.

The replay screen would have a fifth(<-) button to reset the replay.

Fred98 -> RE: Kharkov UI (6/19/2010 5:51:11 AM)

He has started the game as the German player in a game against the AI

Th Russians go first

He is watching the Russian turn.

After the Russian turn is complete, then he can play his turn!


JSS -> RE: Kharkov UI (6/19/2010 8:48:03 AM)

Hit any of the four buttons to see the Computer (Russian) turn 1 moves. Each button allows a different display of the AI turn as it happens.

=> button: Plays entire AI turn (all AI opponent moves) without break
=>| button: Plays AI turn one move at a time
art advisor button: Plays all AI moves until a combat or artillery strike (then pauses AI turn for you to see result of action)
combat button: Plays all AI moves until a combat (then pauses AI turn for you to see result of combat)

Hitting "x" ends AI turn before the AI can complete all its moves.


Note: Post edited to accurately answer OP question.

Carl Myers -> RE: Kharkov UI (6/19/2010 2:15:54 PM)


Hit any of the four buttons to see the Computer (Russian) turn 1 moves. Each button does the replay differently

It is not a replay, the Soviet Player(AI) has not moved yet because the German player has not started the AI turn.

JSS -> RE: Kharkov UI (6/19/2010 7:45:16 PM)


ORIGINAL: Carl Myers

It is not a replay, the Soviet Player(AI) has not moved yet because the German player has not started the AI turn.

Yes, it is, of course, necessary to let the AI play its turn first. Comments above edited.

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