4th IJA Inf Div Issue - No Cantona 2 Please (Full Version)

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Fletcher -> 4th IJA Inf Div Issue - No Cantona 2 Please (6/18/2010 11:59:12 AM)

Hi there !

I will be pleased if anyone can help me with the following issue:

My 4th Infantry Division was deployed in their three detachments (A, B & C). The first was attached to Horn Island, and after captured this base, they have reembarked to Port Moresby to be attached newly to their mother unit (4th I.D.).

When I landed, a big surprise, the Detachments appears like 15th RGC Temp Div (like screenshot). I looking for my 15th RGC Temp Div, and I was newly surprise when I saw this unit like 4th/A Div/4. I supposed that this issue will be solved when unit will be disembarked at all..but not!.

Anyone can help me with it ? thank you very much in advance.
Best of wishes


Don Bowen -> RE: 4th IJA Inf Div Issue - No Cantona 2 Please (6/18/2010 3:55:44 PM)

Please post the save just before unload.

Fletcher -> RE: 4th IJA Inf Div Issue - No Cantona 2 Please (6/18/2010 6:21:12 PM)

Hello Don,
This is the last save file (after save combat)which I am working (Jonthan is on travel this weekend), I don´t know if this can help because the issue happened few turns ago and ship transporting suplies in the same TF that the detacched 4th Div /A was sunk.

I think redone turns is out of scope because Jonathan played a surprised attack against my shippings lanes the last turn. I don´t know if this save file could be enough to get a solution for this issue.

Thank you very much for your good will and support.

P.S: password for the save by private message :)

Don Bowen -> RE: 4th IJA Inf Div Issue - No Cantona 2 Please (6/18/2010 7:27:10 PM)

If you can find it, really need the save just before unload.

Fletcher -> RE: 4th IJA Inf Div Issue - No Cantona 2 Please (6/18/2010 9:49:03 PM)

Hi Don !
here is the last turn which 4th Div/A fragment appears aboard :) If you need a former turn, I can sent if neccesary.
Remember the password is a former private message, if you delete, request me again, please.
Best wishes, and happy weekend.

Don Bowen -> RE: 4th IJA Inf Div Issue - No Cantona 2 Please (6/18/2010 9:57:18 PM)

Sorry, but the problem has already happended in this save. The unit aboard has switched to the Temp Div. Do you have one a turn earlier?

Fletcher -> RE: 4th IJA Inf Div Issue - No Cantona 2 Please (6/18/2010 10:22:27 PM)

HI Bon, I´ll post in few minutes :)
Just a moment

Fletcher -> RE: 4th IJA Inf Div Issue - No Cantona 2 Please (6/18/2010 10:32:11 PM)

Hi Don!
here is the correct save, I saved after combat save to avoid time lost :)
Thanks you very much !

Fletcher -> RE: 4th IJA Inf Div Issue - No Cantona 2 Please (6/19/2010 9:02:52 AM)

Hi Don!
After one hour looking for the correct file, I get it, Jan 30th 1942. This is the last turn which 4th Div fragment appears correctly without 15th RGC Temp Division.
Thanks a lot for your patience.

Don Bowen -> RE: 4th IJA Inf Div Issue - No Cantona 2 Please (6/19/2010 4:44:04 PM)

Got it, will check it out.

michaelm75au -> RE: 4th IJA Inf Div Issue - No Cantona 2 Please (6/20/2010 3:23:13 AM)

I don't suppose you have a save when the 4th/A was on the ship before it got sunk.

This could be where things begin to unravel

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