Fletcher -> 4th IJA Inf Div Issue - No Cantona 2 Please (6/18/2010 11:59:12 AM)
Hi there ! I will be pleased if anyone can help me with the following issue: My 4th Infantry Division was deployed in their three detachments (A, B & C). The first was attached to Horn Island, and after captured this base, they have reembarked to Port Moresby to be attached newly to their mother unit (4th I.D.). When I landed, a big surprise, the Detachments appears like 15th RGC Temp Div (like screenshot). I looking for my 15th RGC Temp Div, and I was newly surprise when I saw this unit like 4th/A Div/4. I supposed that this issue will be solved when unit will be disembarked at all..but not!. Anyone can help me with it ? thank you very much in advance. Best of wishes ramón [image]local://upfiles/22698/DFD7ECD625B349B5892821EC34741285.jpg[/image]