hellfirejet -> RE: Dreadnoughts at war scenario. (7/10/2010 9:39:02 PM)
The main reason that I have reduced my edited increased durability settings,back to what is nearer the standard settings, was that while doing alot of play testing, results showed that in most cases the ships were repairing even torpedo hits,which would have otherwise sunk them in any of the stock scenarios. As for removing the armour values that I had added to Merchant ships and destroyers,was that in real life they had no armour, so why should they have armour now in this game. As for reducing the my edited ships endurance factors back,to historical actual fuel consumption values,was a no brainer because the game for both sides, I have vastly increased fuel storage using the editor,to what is available in any other stock scenario,so there was no need to increase the range of the ships beyond what they could achieve in real life anyway. The reason behind me altering alot of the starting position of ships and aircraft,from the campaign games, is that I'm going with the assumption with my scenario, that the Japanese and the Allies have pre-planned there forces distrubution,before hostilities start. NB: I don't know if anyone has wondered why, I have reduced all of the submarines to launch only one torpedo per attack,well the reason is this,using the editor the standard dud setting rate was round about the 60% mark,I have reduced that to 10%,with the effect that 50% more torpedos will now explode against the target ship hull,so now that more torpedos are causing damage,there is no reason to fire the same amount of torpedo as were reqiured previously,this has the added bonus of all submarines staying on patrol longer,because they now don't need to return to port to re-arm as often.[8D]