MuthaF -> RE: "Distant" Empires territory starved (6/22/2010 12:49:35 PM)
Does that not seem RIGHT to you? Consider Earth, planet we live on. Solar system is in one of two (smaller) arms of our spiral galaxy, Milky way. If u grant it one look, you will see that star density varies greatly... in our 15 light years radius, there is only under 40 other Star systems, with only 2 uncofirmed planet(ary systems)... All in all, Sol is luckily in not too dense nor too sparse populated part of galaxy, with stable and relatively secure galactic orbit. But were it in described regions of space, any potential space faring race would have significantly harder times too establish space empire (all prerequite conditions to get lifeform so advanced w.hyperdrive are ignored - its just a game :) ) More problematic is AI unability to expand properly in favourable regions of space... I ALWAYS outcolonize AI empires, even if they they started big very soon :( Alternatively, setting your start position in far regions is good for harder game and more realistic Human game :)