eagle4now -> Game opens w patch but can't click to get past opening screen (6/29/2010 1:43:16 AM)
Hi. Love Matrix games, bought many over the years... Was playing armada game, until the latest patch and the GUI updates. but since the updates, no longer can get past the opening screen, once the galaxy loads up and the game is loaded.... ie. it loads, gets to the start of the scenario page, and then no matter how i click, be it left mouse, right mouse, enter key, escape key, return, etc, won't close the opening menu button. in short, i can no longer get past this screen, where before the update i had no problems with this..... i notice no one else seems to have this problem... so wondering, if there is a simple fix i am missing somewhere??? Oh, big fan of Pz cmd series from here, as well as gary grisbys world at war, and forge of freedom too....