Anthropoid -> Catastrophic Milk Spill (7/2/2010 1:51:25 AM)
So I was settling down for some gaming, cookies and milk . . . let the puppy out and when I came back in didn't realize I had looped the headphone cord behind the milk glass. There was only a large swallow left in the glass, but it hit the ground right next to a vent on the rear right side of my case and at least a few drops splashed inside. Suddenly my screen turned into a fuzzy checkered color pattern. Within a couple seconds I had processed what had happened. Powered it off, unplugged, turned upside and looked inside. I only noticed about three small drops of milk inside the case: one on the main power cable to the mobo, one plastic housing of the CPU fan, and (possibly) one on the mobo, though that last one was questionable. I used a paper towel to dab those coule spots that were obviously liquid, then I blew a hair dryer at it for a few minutes (on cool temperature) with it still sitting upside down between two small tables. I left it that way for several hours, and then I moved it to another room and also unplugged all the cables to the mobo. I only noticed one other possible spot that had got doused, right where the vidcard rests against the case. That one is the one I suspect was the main culprit. It hit a spot with metal (the others were on plastic) and it was close to connector that I think milk could have splashed inside of. Obviously milk hit something sensitive or the screen would not have fritzed out. So my plan is to leave it that way, in a room, upside down, cables unplugged, a ceiling fan running, and a fan on medium blowing up into the case for at least 24 hours. After that I'm not sure. Any suggestions? Any hope that it is not fried, or that it is only the vid card or something like that? Should I just plug it back together myself, or take it to a shop?