sbach2o -> RE: Spaceport build/retrofit bug (7/8/2010 8:37:36 AM)
I think I've done this with a number of space ports that were under construction while I purchased them from an AI empire. Usually I didn't want their designs and retrofitted right away because it was possible. These retrofits often took a very long time to finish, sometimes with little weirednesses regarding the results that I didn't look closer into. I think most issues could be resolved by retrofitting again to a newer design. I mostly did that during game versions 1.0.3.x or earlier, trading planets has been more difficult since. And I now (still playing 1.0.4x) continue having issues with stuck construction queues, both planetary and space ports', which is making me very cautious about retrofitting anything while still under construction. I have no idea whether that helps any, though. Where I have such stuck queues, no retrofit during construction was at play, since I have effectively stopped doing it. But you're right: so long as a retrofit for an item under construcction is possible, it should work without hitches.