Alfred -> RE: House rules and gameyness (7/14/2010 1:58:42 PM)
ORIGINAL: Charbroiled quote:
ORIGINAL: Alfred Charbroiled, How was your opponent able to launch Bettys armed with a torpedo out of a level 3 airfield in classical WITP? Alfred You know, I was asking the same question. To be honest, though, he actually had between 400-500 planes on the airfield (he gave me his password when he quit). Probably only about 150-200 were Betty's. About another 150-200 were Zeros. Any TF headed towards that base would start getting attacked about 10 hexes out with bombs, and if they got to within 5 hexes, the Bettys would completely destroy the TF. Combined with not being able to bomb the base because of the zero made a formidable fortress. It is a good thing I no longer play classical WITP, nor even have it installed on my Hard Drive, because it was my recollection that anything less than a level 4 airfield meant that the Bettys would sortie only with their extended range ordnance = no torpedoes. Good thing I missed that bullet; I probably would have keeled over with a heart attack seeing torpedoes launched from a level 3 airfield. Alfred