Anraz -> SoP 1.03 - current list of changes (patch in making) (7/12/2010 11:29:19 AM)
The current list for 1.03 patch (in making), still 2-3 minor things to do including list of sunk ships. (1.03) ------------ Fixes - Air Strike description corrected - Corrected starting date for Saipan scenario - Corrected wrong price of units over first level - Improved screen behavior after zooming or panning the map - Zooming in and out does not causing map to jump/shake - Corrected CTD when loading a scenario with country without a flag - Corrected supply source display when unit was taking supply from Mulberry if it was cit off from city after Mulberry has been created - Corrected beachhead display - Partisans will appear only if they are land connected AI - Partisans in China now more dependable on Japan garrisoning - Australian AI should coordinate strategic planning better in case of Japan invasion in Pacific Campaign - AI will spend PP for technologies more rational - AI will repair ships Map - Possibility to land on Maloelap added in Pacific Campaign - Ishikawa (23|38), Ginowan (20|47) Ginoza (35|35) and Onna (28|33) added to Okinawa scenario - Normanton (146|143) and Daly Waters (129|141) added in Pacific Campaign OOB - Vichy units in Indochina seceded to French Indochina Gameplay - Changed convoys data in Pacific Campaign - Communists China will become more important player in fight for dominance in China in Pacific Campaign - Communists China can be recreated after it's fall in Pacific Campaign - Shore bombardment now depends on the range only Events - First Marine Division event add UI - F5 key now turns on/off units names - Fleets can be sorted now - Commanders can be sorted Features - New event method added Country.ChangeOwnershipOfAllAirUnits (countryID, CountryID)