Yamamoto -> Attacking on the surface...NOT! (8/5/2002 1:20:43 AM)
I know that the 1.20 patch increased the chance that subs would be forced to dive when attacking ships on the surface, but I think some situations are a bit unusual. I’ve had situations where my sub was attacking an unescorted AK ship on the surface and it was forced to dive. That seems a bit odd, but I could live with that IF the sub then tried to make an underwater attack. Instead, it makes no attack at all. To me, that’s worse than not even sighting the enemy ship because escorts would still get a shot at my sub ( if there had been any escorts ). Other sub-related comments/questions: Does a sub ever have a chance of attacking more than one ship in a task force? I’ve never seen this happen. If you put more than one sub in a task force do they all have a chance of attacking? If so, is there a chance they will attack the same ship? If the answer to both questions is “yes” then it seems like wolfpacks would be preferred over single sub task forces. I would prefer to sink one ship rather than damage two. Yamamoto