AI Question (Full Version)

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Grapeshot Bob -> AI Question (7/19/2010 3:05:17 PM)

Hi all,

How is the AI for this game?


Zovs -> RE: AI Question (7/19/2010 3:58:55 PM)

PDG (pretty damn good), it's not perfect and it's not a human but it will allow you to test out and learn the system. Most newbies when game is released with plan on easy or normal but to really get a shot go for challenging. Hard is well hard and I only tried impossible once in 43 and gave up after 3 turns of getting crushed as the Germans. So its PDG and Gary is always tweaking it trying to get it better.

Its kind of hard to program a

Grapeshot Bob -> RE: AI Question (7/19/2010 7:44:52 PM)

Cool, Thanks.

Can't wait until this comes out. Which, by the way, would be roughly when?


elmo3 -> RE: AI Question (7/19/2010 9:44:54 PM)

That would be telling. [;)] And I have no idea anyway...

Neal_MLC -> RE: AI Question (9/5/2010 6:29:21 PM)

There has been alot of focus on the defensive capabilites of the early war Soviey Army, but how is the early war German Offensive AI?

karonagames -> RE: AI Question (9/5/2010 7:33:43 PM)

@Neal_MLC. The answer is that it is getting better, but still has some way to go. It is still taking a "Head on" approach rather than looking for pocketing opportunities. It will create mini-pockets of 6-8 units, but 20-30 unit pockets are rarely created.

When we reach Beta, my guess is that Gary will be able to spend more time on it.

Neal_MLC -> RE: AI Question (9/6/2010 12:51:44 AM)

Most excellent, Thanks Big

ghosttrails -> RE: AI Question (9/6/2010 11:00:24 AM)

Does increasing the level of the AI (from easy to hard for example) make it do smarter things, or does it just change some 'bonus' value the AI gets in combat or similar?

karonagames -> RE: AI Question (9/6/2010 12:03:37 PM)

I don't know enough about the ins and outs of the AI to answer that. I know the AI has different levels of aggression and passivity, but I don't know if this is linked to difficulty. The bonuses the AI gets certainly allows it to attack harder with the extra supplies and MPs it gets, but I don't know if they make the AI smarter.

elmo3 -> RE: AI Question (9/6/2010 12:03:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: ghosttrails

Does increasing the level of the AI (from easy to hard for example) make it do smarter things, or does it just change some 'bonus' value the AI gets in combat or similar?

The latter.

SuluSea -> RE: AI Question (11/24/2010 1:43:45 PM)

This has me concerned, at the moment the credit card is waxed and ready to make a purchase but considering how much time seems to be spent on PBEM side security I'm wondering if it's at the expense of the AI. Most of my gaming will be against the AI and I don't want to impose my own house rules to a large extent. Any thoughts to how competent the AI is compared to other titles?

Thanks All!

karonagames -> RE: AI Question (11/24/2010 2:14:47 PM)

A very difficult question to answer, as everyone will have different opinions. The good thing about the AI is that it is fully adjustable, and although it won't fight smarter, it will fight harder(or softer). When I played the campaign as the GE for the first time on Normal, I ended the first year about 10hexes ahead of the historical front line. The next time I played with custom settings giving the AI troops morale and supply bonuses, and got pretty close to historical. When playing as the GE,by the winter of 42/43 you probably need to boost the AI to help it move from defence to attack, but you can change the settings from turn to turn to adjust it to your taste.

The pre-set "challenging" is now what it says on the tin according to most testers, and only Joel and a couple of other testers can survive on "hard".

If you look at some of the AAR's you will see the AI exhibit some amazing responses to threats. It is better defending than attacking as it struggles to replicate the pockets that were created historically.

Crimguy -> RE: AI Question (11/24/2010 3:12:08 PM)

Easier question(s): Is there scripting involved with the AI or is it thinking it's way through? If the former, does it get incredibly daft when someone behaves non-historically?

karonagames -> RE: AI Question (11/24/2010 3:35:40 PM)

Minimal scripting - usually used for First Turns of Barbarossa and Bagration, but I'm sure it's functionality will increase as modders demand it. I think most AI struggle in extreme situations. Andy as head tester has developed the most extreme challenges imaginable for Gary and the AI to cope with, so he may give you a better assessment. Personally I don't try to push the AI to the extreme, preferring to "roleplay" the game.

In my field marshal Noob AAR you will see examples where I could have gone crazy, but I pulled back, and the game turned out fine and I had a lot of fun. Some people think it's fun to rip the AI to shreds. Each to their own.

SuluSea -> RE: AI Question (11/24/2010 3:57:51 PM)

You answered my concern and sold me BigA, I'll be buying it the minute I see WITE is released. Thanks!

SGHunt -> RE: AI Question (11/24/2010 4:07:12 PM)

That is undoubtedly the right choice, Mr Sulu!    Not long now...

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