Hexagon -> RE: What's next for CC? (8/1/2010 9:57:29 AM)
Well, if CC cover a smaller battle like Tarawa the number of maps need adapt to the map not the map to the number of maps supported by the engine, for me have 64 maps isnt a good feature because the number of BG are the same than with the old number and you find many times that need more troops or stronger BG, add more maps dont do better a game and if the maps have critical errors that made move a tank in a line an impossible mission... I prefer see CC evolution to Close Combat battles not Operational battles, the scale used in battles 15 VS 15 is TO SMALL to cover full Normandy for example, i prefer things closer to Omaha mod where even the number of troops are closer to real numbers. Other question is that i find CC engine bad to simulate armored combats, with the actual scale in maps armor do a support role and many times i find in CC (specially in some mods) that armor is to important when for me CC is better to cover infantry battles. My choices are change at least from Europe to Asia (Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Peleliu, Okinawa... Burma) and search battles where armor only play a marginal role, other option is leave WW2 and cover other wars for example cover Dien Bien Phu infantry+bunkers+small scale.