The Fourth Republic AAR (Full Version)

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desert -> The Fourth Republic AAR (7/26/2010 4:40:43 AM)

Ay, JAMiAM's checking up on us!

desert -> RE: The Fourth Republic AAR (7/26/2010 4:54:56 AM)

Anyway, I'll be playing Elmer in this scenario.



Important Events
Research (allowing the player his choice of advanced weapons) ends turn 4.
The player receives a shock advantage from turn 2 through 10.
Loss of the "Napoleon VI" counter ends in automatic defeat.
Loss of Paris ends in automatic defeat.
Capture of key countries enables reinforcements and bonuses to supply.
Russia and Turkey declare war on France turn 116.
Supply points for the invasion of the United Kingdom are only enabled by the capture of Moscow.
The conquest of the United Kingdom ends the game in automatic Victory for the player.
Research Islands
Research Islands is constructed to give the player an option on what "future" units he would like to see join his forces.
A research item is selected by placing the civilian "Researchers" counter on a ship and landing him on an island.
The only restraint the player has on choice is that he may only choose one item per horizontal line. Thus, for example, if the player wishes to begin research on "LR Bomber" he may do so on his first move. But will be blocked from researching "Missile" on his subsequent move.
All research will eventually result in additional forces with the exception of "Nucs" which is based on probability of discovery.
Historical Overview
The Fourth Republic scenario is a hypothetical study in the operational art of war. The player is thrust into the position as Emperor of France during the late 1930's. Surrounded by fascist regimes, the player must unite Europe in a time when that continent, still reeling from the huge losses of World War I was unable to unite to face a common aggressor. As Napoleon VI, you must use this hesitancy to your advantage. Move aggressively to expand your empire as quickly as possible before the combined forces of Russia and Turkey declare war.
Designer Notes
As a hypothetical study all Orders of Battle are merely representative and not historically based.
The intention of the game is to present the player with an overwhelming opponent.
The player must be able to attack, and yet at the same time defend, especially during the first 20 turns.
To guide the player, certain events are scheduled to provoke responses by the United Kingdom. Be wary of such events unless you can move boldly to contain British reinforcements.
GOOD LUCK and have FUN!


There are six researchable technologies, but I may choose only three of them. The non-retarded choices would be Jet Fighters, Missile, and Heavy Armor (rejecting Navy, Long-Range Bomber, and Nukes). Before I can justify that, you need to understand the big picture.

I'm France, and I have to fight everyone. Like, straight-up every state in Europe plus Turkey, except of course for Switzerland. Finland is neither here nor there, but I get to control them because the Soviet Union attacks it eventually.

My immediate opponents are the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Spain, Italy, Germany, and Great Britain (their army in Egypt and the BEF). Denmark, Bulgaria, Romania, and Hungary are also active, but it will take some time for their forces to reach the front. Portugal, Greece, Sweden, and Norway activate later, in 1940. Poland, I don't know; probably if and when I conquer Germany. No idea about Yugoslavia. Soviet Union and Turkey are Turn 116, the beginning of '42. Turkey is a son-of-a-bitch, its army is bigger than Germany's. The other one doesn't bear mentioning.

Only considering the formations active on Turn 1, the Allies have 19 Armies, with ~125 non-HQ, non-garrison units (99 Inf, 16 Cav, 4 Amd, 3 Mot, 1 Mech). I have 10 Armies with ~43 non-HQ, non-garrison units (25 Inf, 7 Art, 4 Mot, 3 Cav, 2 Amd, 1 Mar, 1 RR).

Now for equipment. I'll let the screenshot speak for itself:


If you'll notice, I field 100 ships, 5000 planes, and 1500 tanks against the Turn 1 Allies' 790 ships, 8600 planes, and 970 tanks. So let's examine the research options...

Jet Fighters: Let's face it - the Allies have a vastly superior air force. My Bf-109s are good fighters, but there aren't enough to escort all the A-26s and Tu-2s and prevent them from being torn apart by the Airacobras and Whirlwinds. Eventually, the Allies will get La-7s, which are slightly more powerful than the Bf-109. However, having those jet fighters (MiG-17s) would give me a huge advantage and the air war would begin to tip into my favor. A bigger navy isn't a worthwhile investment: the Allied advantage is just so enormous that any new fleet would be sunk within a turn of its appearance.

Missiles: The Il-4's stats are nearly identical to those of the A-26; it just has greater range. Good for propagandized air raids on the enemy's bridges, not so much for achieving something tangible. With long-range missiles I can make stationing aircraft anywhere within a 750 kilometer radius of the front a suicidal prospect.

Heavy Armor: Seriously? This was the easiest choice to make. With Nuclear Research I'd get the ability to send B-29s on suicide missions to drop Fat Men that might kill a whopping 2% of the targeted enemy stack. Nukes are worthless in TOAW, is what I'm saying. Now, tanks: my French tanks have good armor and are superior to the German tanks, T-60s, and M5s (thought the British start with a pittance of Shermans). The Allies make up for this later on by spamming super tanks with massive armor and even more impressive AP values. IS-2s, SU-152s...I'm definitely getting those AMXs laters, and they're pretty good, but have worthless armor. So it seems like the "Heavy" Armor research pays off with...the Sturmgeschutz? Still so much better than nukes.

I've played this scenario against myself a few times. In the most recent bout, the French offensive into Germany and the Low Countries quickly stalled and I hunkered down for a while. The French navy had been effectively neutralized by Turn 2. Static defense didn't work out very well, and the Italians smashed their way through the French Alps while the Germans and Romanians saw limited success just north of the Swiss Alps. I'd managed to keep the Spanish bottled up behind the Pyrenees, but the Italian breakthrough forced the French to cede the whole South, and eventually they fell back along these lines. Even with fullstacks galore, the Allies could not penetrate anywhere. Meanwhile, Finland was invaded by the Soviets and I set up a last-ditch defense around Helsinki, only to get a surprise fullstack from mobilizations. One Soviet army is no match for one heavily entrenched Finnish army, and Corsica was also heavily defended, so I quit because of overwhelming stalemate. Oh yeah, and in North Africa the combined Italo-British armies easily outflanked my isolated garrisons. The only supply points are Casablanca and Beyrouth (in Syria), allowing the Allies to slowly but surely swallow up my African colonies. I never had enough forces to do more than bleed them white in Morocco.


So, my mistake as the French was focusing far too much on the center. I should have made an all-out push for Brussels (Belgian surrender) and rushed to contain the BEF in Amsterdam. The only way to succeed is to eliminate enemy corps piecemeal, because it is literally impossible to move a dense stack once it is in a defensive posture. So I should then push through northern Germany, take Hamburg and Hannover, and turn south at the Elbe and encircle the German positions opposite my border. In Southern France, my only option is to hold the mountain passes. A Marine Brigade is in Marseilles as a reserve. I might even consider using it in my colonies, but I will lose them unless the Allies' colonial armies stay put long enough for sufficient reinforcements to accumulate in Tunis and Algiers.


desert -> RE: The Fourth Republic AAR (7/27/2010 1:47:45 AM)

Turn 1 - 9/1/49
FRANCE: I drove away the border guards west of Brussels with minimal casualties and occupied the city itself with the 1st Guard Tank Corps. However, it did not have time to assume a defensive posture and may be vulnerable to counterattack. Lord knows the Belgians will do everything they can to reclaim their capital. If the tankmen manage to hold on to it, Belgium will surrender. Either way, shock next turn.

I also attacked where the Belgian, French, and Luxembourgian borders converge. The 3 infantry corps and 1 motorized corps broke the defenders but suffered heavy losses. It was a stupid waste of manpower made completely unnecessary by the capture of Brussels.

ALLIES: Spanish attempt to cross the border along the Atlantic coast, east of Bilbao and fail.

Italians cross Libyan border into Tunisia.

Troops from Balkan states spotted moving west.

Italians push 7 Inf Corps back towards Marseilles.

British in Egypt move west towards Libya.
German attack on gained hex NW of Luxembourg failed.

Germans penetrate into France S of Strasburg with armored support. .

British Atlantic Fleet blockading Western Channel. Italian navy spotted near Corsica. British Mediterranean Fleet spotted off Syrian coast.

Dutch and Germans both send an army to Belgium, evict the 1st Gds TC. Three German Corps in Brussels, but no one digs in.

desert -> RE: The Fourth Republic AAR (7/27/2010 3:15:48 AM)

Turn 2 - 9/8/49
FRANCE: I redeployed certain units of the 3. & 4. Armees now that the Spanish and Italians have revealed their main axes of advance.

My navy engages the Italian navy. Tactical defeat, strategically inconsequential.

Pincer on the Germans SE of Strasburg in an attempt to isolate the leading units of the German 1st Army . Germans driven back with high losses, but...

2 infantry corps, 2 motorized corps, 3 arty brigades, and 2nd Guards Tank Corps attack Germans in Brussels. Significant victory, costly for both sides.

High aircraft losses.

ALLIES: BEF lands in Portugal; Portugal mobilizes (man, that's some really bad luck right there).

Spanish transfer some units to other mountain passes, still attack same spot as last turn.

Germans raise hell behind my lines.

German attack on 21 Inf Corps just north of Swiss border stalls, casualty ratio 4:1.

German attack on 17 & 19 Inf Corps SE of Strasbourg unsuccessful.

Germans and Belgians take hex NW of Luxembourg with superior air support.

Italians fail to penetrate Alpine defenses.

Victory in Battle of Brussels - French 2nd Guards Motorized Corps destroyed, 742 squads lost; Allies lose 1925 squads

Italian bombers raid Marseilles naval port, both sides lose a couple dozen planes before Italians abort.


desert -> RE: The Fourth Republic AAR (7/27/2010 4:11:21 AM)

Turn 3 - 9/15/49
FRANCE: Belgium surrendered, but the BEF has arrived in Amsterdam and the enemy is too heavily concentrated near Brussels, so I've had to revise my plan. Unfortunately, I can't decide between bottling up the Netherlands and moving on Berlin, or enveloping the entire Siegfried Line and reducing the Germans trapped within while racing through the Austrian Alps to surround the Italian army. I'm leaning towards the latter.

Cologne garrison engaged, city taken. Moderate infantry losses, massive defeat in air.

ALLIES: The Spanish keep flip-flopping.

Dutch attack Brussels, get bloody nose.

German attacks all along the line south of Strasbourg.

Italy suffers catastrophic defeat in Alps - loses a corps, 1255 squads.

desert -> RE: The Fourth Republic AAR (7/27/2010 5:06:51 AM)

Turn 4 - 9/22/49
FRANCE: I think I will go with Plan A, a.k.a. Netherlands to Berlin. Way too many German reserves around Stuttgart and Frankfurt.

Attack on BEF tanks as part of Plan A goes smoothly, but losses are somewhat high. Reluctantly, I attack the 5 German corps sitting east of Brussels; time is of the essence here, and their retreat will open up a path to Amsterdam, which is unoccupied. Unfortunately, I need to keep my chin up and take higher losses now or otherwise I'll be overwhelmed in the long run. The immediate consequence of success here would be the neutralization of the Dutch army as well as the encirclement of the German 2nd Army and part of the BEF. While I don't take excessive casualties, the Germans don't retreat quite how I would have liked them to.

12 Inf Corps cleans up some trapped German troops.

ALLIES: USSR enters Baltic (it just gets some reinforcements, the Baltic states are already occupied).

The Germans got an army and a half this turn (including the new 5th Army).

Combined British-Italian force reaches Tunis.

Cologne retaken with help from BEF.

Heroic French 19 Inf Corps fends off half a dozen German assaults SE of Strasbourg.


desert -> RE: The Fourth Republic AAR (7/27/2010 5:50:25 AM)

Turn 5 - 9/29/49
FRANCE: Reinforcements - colonial division in Algiers, 1st Guards Paratrooper Division in Paris.

I've taken Amsterdam. The stack south of it needs to be reduced somewhat to weaken the inevitable counterattack. We bagged the BEF's entire armored division.

ALLIES: Tunis fell. Thankfully, it burned the entire Allied turn and prevented the Germans from launching more than a babyish pixie-punch of a counterattack.


Veers -> RE: The Fourth Republic AAR (7/27/2010 6:40:18 AM)

Love the commentary. Keep it up! :D

desert -> RE: The Fourth Republic AAR (7/27/2010 7:59:16 AM)

Turn 6 - 10/6/49
FRANCE: Hahaha! The BEF withdrew! I'll try to quickly secure the region. My tanks got a bit reckless and advanced as far as Hamburg.

I'm going to try to conquer Spanish Morocco with what I have in North Africa. I can do that, at least.

ALLIES: Spanish forces smashed my border guards on the Atlantic side.

Bizerte has fallen.


Silvanski -> RE: The Fourth Republic AAR (7/27/2010 8:16:15 AM)

Epic battles. Race across the northern plains towards Berlin!

desert -> RE: The Fourth Republic AAR (7/27/2010 9:10:45 AM)

Turn 8 - 10/20/49
FRANCE: Marine Brigade sent to border to counter Spanish threat (7 units).
Those Germans are still tying down a good deal of men in the Netherlands.  
The whole German 3rd Army has interposed itself between Cologne and Frankfurt.
The British tanks in North Africa found my hideout in the Atlas Mtns. I showed them the door.

I sank a British Motorized Division in the Mediterranean.

I feel like I should take Kiel. It's a supply point, so all units in the area would immediately get a boost from that. However, it's heavily defended by thousands of fierce Danish warriors.
ALLIES: Another Marseilles raid; 35:103 in my favor.

So far the Spanish situation is stable.

The Germans in the Ostende pocket attempted to break out. Very convenient, otherwise it would have taken forever for their supply levels to fall.

German probe W of Stuttgart & Italian probe W of Turin both costly defeats.

The German 4th Army makes an appearance around Hannover and nearly envelops the 1st Guards Tank Corps (unsupplied).


desert -> RE: The Fourth Republic AAR (7/27/2010 9:39:34 AM)

Alright, break time. I have to say, Elmer is a much easier opponent than I am. The way his formations only respond when I'm a couple of hexes away, I almost feel like I'm playing an old RPG -  lure in enemies by straying within their Lines of Sight, defeat them, rinse and repeat. The only real problem is North Africa. Elmer's very aggressive there...


desert -> RE: The Fourth Republic AAR (7/28/2010 4:28:21 AM)

Turn 11 - 11/10/49
FRANCE: Oran fell last turn. At this rate, I'll be lucky to keep Morocco past Turn 15.
Supply issues, the end of shock, and Elmer's newfound ability to entrench have combined to stall my offensive.
ALLIES: Elmer's really enthusiastic about digging in all of a sudden.


desert -> RE: The Fourth Republic AAR (7/28/2010 6:29:02 AM)

Turn 12 - 11/17/49
FRANCE: Northern Germany is definitely the place to concentrate my forces. There are full German armies around Frankfurt and Hannover. The problem is, there are full German armies around Frankfurt and Hannover, so I don't have any reserves to spare. There are three corps around Ostende, but the Germans in the pocket are still too strong. Taking it or Luxembourg would get me a rail link between France and the occupied areas.
ALLIES: Good news - the British and Italians pulled back nearly all their forces to deal with a few renegades in the Algerian mountains, even though by now there's not much left of them. Oh, well, they were only ever meant to buy me some time; they did their duty.

The Danes are reeling. My exhausted, unentrenched corps easily smashed a mostly-Danish horde; they outnumbered me 3 to 1, and so they lost three times as many men.

desert -> RE: The Fourth Republic AAR (7/28/2010 7:14:09 AM)

Turn 13 - 11/24/49 
Battle of Hamburg: We took the city, but at what cost? The 20 Inf Corps disintegrated.

The German 4th Army could have cut off the captors of Hamburg, but it instead withdrew to the area between Hannover and Berlin.

1st Army broke through my line SE of Strasbourg but could not exploit it.


desert -> RE: The Fourth Republic AAR (7/28/2010 10:19:27 AM)

Turn 16 - 12/15/49
FRANCE: Well, things are heating up again! Last turn the Poles mobilized a decent army and the Germans nearly kicked me back to Hamburg. This turn, the Emperor has activated the surprisingly well-trained Dutch-Belgian Legion in Brussels. It consists of 3 infantry corps, a motorized corps, an artillery brigade, and a gendarmerie division.

I liquidated the Ostende pocket this turn.

Casablanca fell recently, and my remaining troops are being rounded up. The Battle of North Africa is over...the Battle of Berlin is about to begin.
ALLIES: The German 1st Army has gone all the way to the Poland. The Franco-German border is barely defended.

Spanish, Italians, came close to breakthrough. The Germans did push me back S of Cologne.


desert -> RE: The Fourth Republic AAR (7/28/2010 9:02:56 PM)

Turn 18 - 12/29/39 - Haha, I just noticed the "4"; it's 39, not 49 
FRANCE: Reinforcements - 1st Mountain Cavalry Division, 3. Armee; I'll find a use for it in Germany.

The preparations for Operation Typhoon are almost complete. Winter is upon us (though that doesn't mean anything). There will be two simultaneous thrusts, one through Kiel and mainland Denmark by the DB Legion, the other towards Berlin by a mixed force spearheaded by the Imperial Guard & 1. Armee. The capture of Berlin is the ultimate priority, more so than trying to outflank the 4th 5th Armies; then the'yll just surrender.
ALLIES: Germans lose two corps in attacks on prepared positions.

BEF in Spain enters the fray, destroys border guards. Operation Typhoon to be postponed, massive enemy force now in Southern France.

Rabat, the last bastion of French rule in North Africa, was taken by the Italians after a brutal siege, losing a corps in the process.


desert -> RE: The Fourth Republic AAR (7/28/2010 11:00:20 PM)

Turn 19 - 1/5/40
FRANCE: I feinted S of Toulouse to compel the Spanish to shift some forces away from the breach.

Spansh navy confronted near the French coast. Their destroyers managed to take out 80 bombers and several capital ships. Bah.
ALLIES: More Spanish victories.


desert -> RE: The Fourth Republic AAR (7/29/2010 12:00:05 AM)

Turn 20 - 1/12/40

FRANCE: Reinforcements - 2nd Mountain Cavalry Division, 4. Armee in Toulouse
It arrived in the nick of time - the breach has been widening. Operation Typhoon must be indefinitely postponed. I'll transfer the DB Legion to the Spanish theater and just take the entire peninsula out of the war. Gibraltar too. Fine compensation for my African colonies, eh?

Hehe, in that one attack the enemy destroyed my artillery brigade and some became trapped behind my frontline (cutting off the corps S of Toulouse).

ALLIES: Lots of attacking.


desert -> RE: The Fourth Republic AAR (7/29/2010 12:28:50 AM)

Turn 21 - 1/19/40

Reinforcements - 2nd Cavalry Corps, 1. Armee in Paris; this one will go to Germany. The situation in Spain is under control. Oh, yes....

Oh, and Heavy AT Rifle squad production began.


desert -> RE: The Fourth Republic AAR (7/29/2010 1:50:20 AM)

Turn 24 - 2/9/40

The Invasion of Denmark, now Phase 1 of Operation Typhoon, begins. Kiel falls after a short but bloody assault. The DB Legion can now participate in the second phase.

During a routine attack by the Germans, the 15 Inf Corps inexplicably collapsed and surrendered.

desert -> RE: The Fourth Republic AAR (7/29/2010 2:47:21 AM)

Turn 25 - 2/16/40

FRANCE: The invasion of Spain is coming along well, though a corps and artillery brigade were forced out of a mountain pass and those that did not surrender found themselves cut off from supply.

Here are my losses for the last 25 turns:


The stack SE of Hamburg is not to be released until the enemy is vulnerable - the two elite tank corps there could really accomplish a lot with RBCs.

The former defenders of Kiel had a total of 1400 squads before surrendering.

ALLIES: The Germans reacted very violently. They broke my flank east of Hannover and crippled a leading cavalry unit SE of Kiel. An unrelated Italian attack also sent ended in victory for the enemy.


desert -> RE: The Fourth Republic AAR (7/29/2010 3:37:00 AM)

Turn 26 - 2/23/40

FRANCE: Reinforcements - 200 Tu-2 bombers

Several opportunities to outflank and cut off the Germans present themselves.

Heavy fighting in Spain.
Turn burn prevented me from capitalizing on any gains. My air force was very ineffective this turn.

ALLIES: The vanguard, 2nd Guards Tank Corps, was soundly defeated by the Germans. The corp HQ's staff have all been captured or KIA. It's been operationally neutralized for the remainder of the offensive.
Another cavalry corps and artillery brigade crippled. And two other German victories.


desert -> RE: The Fourth Republic AAR (7/29/2010 4:32:19 AM)

Turn 27 - 3/2/40

FRANCE: Bad news - all colonial units (mostly reconstituted) have been withdrawn.

I have encircled Hannover and trapped three corps therein.

Catastrophic destruction of 8 Inf Corps in Spain, though roughly half the BEF has been eliminated.

ALLIES: The collaborationist gendarmeries between my two "armies" was roughly ejected from its position.

Relief forces have reached Hannover, though their own position is also precarious.

German breakthrough S of Cologne.

The 1st Guards Tank Corps was forced to break its siege of Hannover, leaving a motorized corps isolated deep behind enemy lines. There is some comfort in knowing that the Germans suffered massive losses, including an entire cavalry corps (division?).


desert -> RE: The Fourth Republic AAR (7/29/2010 6:21:32 AM)

Turn 29 - 3/16/40

FRANCE: Reinforcements - 23 Inf Corps, 4th Army; definitely Spain.

I'm fairly certain that I've already fixed the majority of Germany's armed forces NW of Berlin and back near the border. So I'm going to siege Hannover for a little while and then hook around the main German line and attack Berlin from the south. So Operation Typhoon is effectively over, next is Operation Jena.

ALLIES: Wow, the Spanish forced the surrender of an infantry corps and artillery brigade (the same one they destroyed only a couple of months ago).


desert -> RE: The Fourth Republic AAR (7/29/2010 6:53:53 AM)

Turn 30 - 3/23/40

FRANCE: Reinforcements - 3rd Guards Tank Corps, for Operation Jena.

Hannover captured.

Over the next few turns each of my 5 armies will receive their very own Gendarmerie brigades.

ALLIES: The Greek army has activated.

desert -> RE: The Fourth Republic AAR (7/29/2010 11:57:21 PM)


I overwrote the save! And I'd just taken Berlin too...



Panama -> RE: The Fourth Republic AAR (7/30/2010 12:44:08 AM)


Stuff happens. [:(]

freddie -> RE: The Fourth Republic AAR (7/30/2010 3:05:48 PM)

The only reason the guy is depressed is because he has a liverpool F.C. t-shirt on [:D]

Good AAR though

desert -> RE: The Fourth Republic AAR (8/1/2010 3:37:05 AM)

Take Two
I replayed the scenario back up to Turn 32, which is where it was when I overwrote it. There are some minor differences. Well, compare the screenshots (remember that the old inventory sheet up there is from Turn 25). I was actually doing well and keeping casualties fairly low, but in the space of a few turns the Spanish destroyed an elite infantry corps and a cavalry corps, and the Germans (on a single turn) an infantry corps, an artillery brigade, an a Guards motorized corps. All of these units were in good shape, most of them dug in - in several cases they outnumbered the attackers - but whatever.



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