Bloody Omaha MMCCIII CoI Test 2 (Full Version)

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vonB -> Bloody Omaha MMCCIII CoI Test 2 (7/27/2010 3:25:58 PM)

Seems a much more sensible selection of Teams this time. Playing as Allies to start with (gotta get those pesky krauts away from the beaches!).

Just Shermans as the main battle tank (pretty much what it should be), and PzKwII's III's and Stug III's (75mm and 105mm), though they do seem to get a few of them! Finding my infantry can get hammered early on in the battles until I can neutralise their armour, as you can get some awkward deployment areas sometimes. Mind you, I like Stug's, especially when you disable them [:D]

On the whole, the AI is not being a walkover, and I have been punished a few times when taking some risks. Got my arse handed me on a plate in the very first battle (no armour available at all).

Have to watch the command teams carefully now. Very short on replacements. The main command team is down to 1 man (me!), and the other command team is only a single man, and no more available from the force pool yet. Be happy to swap the Forward Observer for a decent command team...

I think the points could even possibly get tweaked a bit lower (both sides). It should favour the Allies to start with, but that's my opinion. Germans maybe get a bit of parity when re-inforcements arrive, but (historically) once the Allies have established themselves, the supply would come pouring in mercilessly, so maybe not quite so much for balance of play.

So far on a couple of brief excursions, much better on the whole. Think ye not? I mean, I do miss the Pershings, but then, I do not miss the King Tigers.....! [;)]

Dundradal -> RE: Bloody Omaha MMCCIII CoI Test 2 (7/27/2010 5:38:54 PM)


Just Shermans as the main battle tank (pretty much what it should be), and PzKwII's III's and Stug III's (75mm and 105mm), though they do seem to get a few of them!

I'm noticing my lack of available armor. I got one MK III and one StuG so far and no replacements. I lost them in ensuing battles with armor-heavy Allied BGs. Only thing I have left in my force pool are two armored cars.

Andrew Williams -> RE: Bloody Omaha MMCCIII CoI Test 2 (7/27/2010 9:00:38 PM)

Ok, that sounds pretty much what II'm seeing playing both sides :)

Unfortunately you can't limit the AI armour without risking it completely running dry... so preserve your armour, you will need it.

Expect to come up against 4-6 enemy armored vehicles each battle.

I agree with the points probably still being a bit too high at the moment.

Still looking for map recommendations to increase the variety of playyable areas.

latest updatefrom paladin has the "russians"removed and replaced with  "Allies" in the debrief screen.

In my opinion some of those new maps are truly beautfiul to play on.... even with CoI style trees.

vonB -> RE: Bloody Omaha MMCCIII CoI Test 2 (7/28/2010 12:32:02 AM)

If it were feasible, I'd be happy to have a different map for every Sector, but that's not practical.. But it's a good variety. As for Strategy, I have only 3 directions.

1. Beat the enemy to a pulp! [:)]

2. Surround the enemy and then beat them to a pulp!) [:D]

3. Attack interesting looking maps, particulalry one's I haven't played yet... [8D]

Good job this isn't for real!

Pity I don't have time to get more absorbed, but then that's the beauty of 24x7 online campaigns is it not? Something we will add scope to when we get CCOPS together... if I live that long!

Been good so far!

vonB -> RE: Bloody Omaha MMCCIII CoI Test 2 (7/28/2010 7:23:15 PM)

What's the:


Values in this Campaign?

Must be a significant amount. I can trash all the German armour, and next round with only 170 odd points (allegedly), it can come back with 2 PzKwIV's, 2 StugIII's and a couple more armoured vehicles. That's 400 odd points?

Also, (and I will double check), is that a 170mm German artillery piece that they have? Swear they had one in a building in the last battle. That should be a real no no. You would have to remove a *very* large part of a building to get that monster in! It would be like trying to put an American 155mm inside a building. Surely not? Ok, it was a big building, but....

Andrew Williams -> RE: Bloody Omaha MMCCIII CoI Test 2 (7/28/2010 10:45:56 PM)

I've seen a 150mm German piece in a bild too... that would be WF data

Data fixlist

1. big guns in Buildings
2. 37mm AT HT - no gun

I'll check the


Andrew Williams -> RE: Bloody Omaha MMCCIII CoI Test 2 (7/28/2010 10:56:32 PM)

Does this mean the AI is beating you? :)

from the server

#How many more points will AI get for example:
#if AIPointBonusPercent: 300 then
# if player would get 50 points AI will get 150
AIPointBonusPercent: 300
#if MaxAgainstAIPenalty: 50 then
# in the worst case player would get 50% of points against AI
MaxAgainstAIPenalty: 30


#How many more points will AI get for example:
#if AIPointBonusPercent: 300 then
# if player would get 50 points AI will get 150
AIPointBonusPercent: 200
#if MaxAgainstAIPenalty: 50 then
# in the worst case player would get 50% of points against AI
MaxAgainstAIPenalty: 50


#How many more points will AI get for example:
#if AIPointBonusPercent: 300 then
# if player would get 50 points AI will get 150
AIPointBonusPercent: 200
#if MaxAgainstAIPenalty: 50 then
# in the worst case player would get 50% of points against AI
MaxAgainstAIPenalty: 50

WESTERN FRONT SERVER (from days of yore)

#How many more points will AI get for example:
#if AIPointBonusPercent: 300 then
# if player would get 50 points AI will get 150
AIPointBonusPercent: 100
#if MaxAgainstAIPenalty: 50 then
# in the worst case player would get 50% of points against AI
MaxAgainstAIPenalty: 50

vonB -> RE: Bloody Omaha MMCCIII CoI Test 2 (7/29/2010 2:23:19 AM)

Yep, that explains it I think.

AIPointBonusPercent: 300

If I get 300 points, then AI gets 900 (and that's on top of the 170?). With or without being on top of the standard Points allocation for that time period, that's a hefty weighting.

MaxAgainstAIPenalty: 30

Not 100% sure about this (how it is applied). Anyone know?

It could mean that worst case is 30% of current points allocation, so if my points are 300, my minimum Points would be 90 (after deductions for playing against AI). As I said, I am not sure exactly how this applies.

Yes, the AI effectively beat me on the very first battle. I made a disastrous assault on a church which cut my troops to ribbons, and left me in poor shape until the timer ran out. Just didn't prepare well enough (and no armour available). That's what hammered my Command Teams, and have not been able to replenish them.

So far, have been able to destroy most of the German armour in each batle, and degrade their battle group so they flee, but the constant resupply of their armour is making it very demanding (would we have it any other way?). PzKw IV's now becoming common. At least 2 per battle, plus the Stug's.

How are others finding it?

Andrew Williams -> RE: Bloody Omaha MMCCIII CoI Test 2 (7/29/2010 2:26:18 AM)

yep, quite a challenge...I'm taking 2 , 3 or even 4 battles to win a map.

Haven't been thrown off one yet , thank goodness.

vonB -> RE: Bloody Omaha MMCCIII CoI Test 2 (7/29/2010 10:53:23 AM)

Me neither, but I can't help thinking that if the AI had the bottle to exploit my condition in that first battle, I can't see how I could have stopped it pushing me off the map... my situation was that precarious, and that's putting it mildly...

It's almost like a reversal of the real situation. I really can't afford to lose any heavy weapons (seems to be a reasonable re-supply of infantry), but the Germans can. But then, playing as Germans, it's going to be the same for them.

2 or 3 battles to win a map? Yes, I find the same. Sometimes the available deployment areas are very awkward. It's going to be a loooooong Campaign [8D].

Dundradal -> RE: Bloody Omaha MMCCIII CoI Test 2 (7/29/2010 5:02:03 PM)

Yeah I played PointDuh and was a bit surprised to see that my German BG was entering the map from the seaside.

Does MMCC3 just always put the deploy area to the left for the defending force?

vonB -> RE: Bloody Omaha MMCCIII CoI Test 2 (7/29/2010 5:35:25 PM)

I don't know how MMCC3 decides the layout for the deployment areas. Only the author could answer that...

Dundradal -> RE: Bloody Omaha MMCCIII CoI Test 2 (7/29/2010 6:22:15 PM)


Andrew Williams -> RE: Bloody Omaha MMCCIII CoI Test 2 (7/29/2010 9:29:08 PM)

I have deploys all over the place not just left for the defender.... it seems to match up, mostly, with what I expect.... I haven't seen a reverse D-Day landing though.

PointDuh is surrounded though? ... so anything could happen in that case.

vonB -> RE: Bloody Omaha MMCCIII CoI Test 2 (7/30/2010 12:05:44 AM)


I have deploys all over the place

Yes, indeed. Sometimes it can look like a Para drop! I am waiting for the one where all the deployment areas are in buildings only. Then where do I put my armour? [;)]

I am curious as to the algorithm used to determine the deployment areas. Perhaps we will never know. Core CC does not produce behaviour like that, so MMCC3 must be intervening.

Andrew Williams -> RE: Bloody Omaha MMCCIII CoI Test 2 (7/30/2010 12:34:16 AM)

Yep, damned clever... maybe a bit of freedeploy coded in there somewhere

vonB -> Uber Stugs... (7/30/2010 2:08:18 AM)

Well, everything hinged on a Church where my home VL was. I knew the enemy would come at me from one direction or another (most likely from where his VL's were), so I thought I'd lay on a little surprise for him!

3 Shermans behind the Church on defend. As they enemy armour came round either side, he should run into a rain of AP, and a couple of heavy teams to close in and wreak havoc once the fun started!

Well it was a cunning plan. So I thought... From behind a hedge line a Stug III ground into view. Wham! Up went my first Sherman. [:(] Wham! Up went my second Sherman. [X(] The other Sherman did not have LOS (too far behind the church away from the Stug), so I tried to distract the Stug (now joined by a PzKw IV) with the infantry while I manouevered the Sherman to get in a shot. Even if I could just immobilise the sucker, the infantry would have a fair chance of finishing it off. Wham! Up went the third Sherman. [:o] [:@] FFS! Bloody Wittman in that Stug or what?!!! This was getting to be a bit of a mess!

The Stug and the Pzkw IV started to track through the hedge, and this was their mistake, as it bogged them down to a crawl. With a massive smoke screen (some of it provided by the enemy themselves) 2 heavy teams got in close and took them both out. What was that about 'preserving' my armour? [&:]

Then another PzKw IV hove into view around the other side of the Church going for the VL. Fortunately I had one more Sherman (Command) which had been babysitting the AT Gun which the enemy had so kindly managed to avoid LOS with. How inconvenient! [8|] So with a couple of heavy infantry teams they dashed across the field towards a hedge line beside the church. Hopefully I could spring a surprise on the Pz IV as it was pre-occupied with the goings on around the church. The hedge line was only 15 or 20 metres from the church. If I could get the first shot in from the side or rear, I could maybe swing the balance back a bit. Wham! Up went the Command Sherman. Bugger! went my vocabulary. Ok, see how you like being assaulted from 2 different directions at the same time as the infantry zeroed in on the Pz IV, and with a huge sigh of relief, up it went.

With the enemy armour neutralised (at some cost!), my superiority in infantry is now telling. Suppported by 2 Half Track Mortars and a Quad 50 Cal AA, the air was rent with the screams of Schutzen getting theirs. Their advance petered out, and I launched the assaults from several directions, and they broke.

Moral of the story? Don't put your armour in front of Uber Stugs! [;)]

One oddity to report:

The 'Refit' (upgrade) option for the M3HT Mortar is the Medium Tank M4A1(75). Something needs tweaking.

p.s. I got my own back in the next battle. AT gun (now upgraded to 90mm) took out a Pz IV at long range. The FO took out another Stug III, Shermans despatched a Pz III and Pz IV, and a heavy team whacked the last Stug. Ain't payback sweet! With heavy teams supported by armour and merciless mortar fires, Fritz turned tail and ran. [:)] [:D] [8D]

Andrew Williams -> RE: Bloody Omaha MMCCIII CoI Test 2 (7/30/2010 2:10:03 AM)

Update from Paladin

5 new maps


and some graphics updates so you can see where battles are taking place easier.

Red = Axis attack
Blue = Allied attack


Andrew Williams -> RE: Bloody Omaha MMCCIII CoI Test 2 (7/30/2010 5:47:25 AM)

which i think is an improvement on this...

Which also had the arrows facing the wrong way in most circumstances


Andrew Williams -> RE: Bloody Omaha MMCCIII CoI Test 2 (7/30/2010 1:05:29 PM)

mapppack updated today.... will update the webpage tomorrow.

Now contains 93 maps and includes previously fixed maps that were causing Java errors.

You won't need the new maps until the campaign is again reset... but get in early and avoid the rush.

vonB -> RE: Bloody Omaha MMCCIII CoI Test 2 (7/30/2010 1:05:43 PM)

Definately better...

Andrew Williams -> RE: Bloody Omaha MMCCIII CoI Test 2 (7/30/2010 1:31:58 PM)

Just noticed the russians have fled


Dundradal -> RE: Bloody Omaha MMCCIII CoI Test 2 (7/30/2010 4:39:52 PM)

So is there a new plugin up?

Andrew Williams -> RE: Bloody Omaha MMCCIII CoI Test 2 (7/30/2010 10:49:44 PM)

Not yet... I'm alpha testing Paladins update... and making a few adjustments

Dundradal -> RE: Bloody Omaha MMCCIII CoI Test 2 (8/1/2010 6:14:04 AM)

Command half track is missing its 37mm cannon.


Andrew Williams -> RE: Bloody Omaha MMCCIII CoI Test 2 (8/1/2010 11:48:45 AM)

All Sdkfz250/10 (w/- 37mm) Fixed

Andrew Williams -> RE: Bloody Omaha MMCCIII CoI Test 2 (8/1/2010 12:00:01 PM)


ORIGINAL: Andrew Williams

250/10 w/- 37mm Fixed


Dundradal -> RE: Bloody Omaha MMCCIII CoI Test 2 (8/1/2010 3:59:38 PM)

The example I showed is a Command halftrack, not the support version.

vonB -> RE: Bloody Omaha MMCCIII CoI Test 2 (8/1/2010 6:08:30 PM)

I think I spotted an Allied Infantry Team which says it includes a Bazooka (in the Roster), but the Bazzoka didn't seem to appear with the Team on the battlefield. I'll have to go back and check...

Andrew Williams -> RE: Bloody Omaha MMCCIII CoI Test 2 (8/1/2010 9:10:00 PM)

All sdkfz 250/10's are fixed   ;)


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