Paul Goodman -> (9/2/2002 9:49:53 PM)
I would like to see a lot of things that are now hard coded brought into an easily accessible format using the editor. There are in UV, controversial hard coded areas that the individual should be able to (a) Fix (b) Break, depending on each persons opinion. As examples: (1) The whole business with low altitude attacks by B-17's. Still being argued somewhat. The bottom line is that Matrix & 2X3 responded as they thought best to an obvious problem. Seems they over-reacted, pendulum swung too far in the other direction. Fixed quickly in another patch. Or was it? Why didn't the beta testers find such an obvious problem? Maybe they did. Maybe there was disagreement among the programmers. Access to a matrix for this type input would be great. Besides, see how well matrix fits in with Matrix. (2) The whole submarine situation is a long way from resolved. The model is just flat wrong. But that is my opinion, your's is different. Some of you think that I-boats would have sunk the entire world, if proper dictrine was used. I think they suck, except for good optics and torpedoes. Again, some form of matrix would permit each to set the game as they believe it should be. GG games have earned some just criticism for hard-coding controversial subjects, making them very hard to modify (in fact, impossible to the average wargamer). Going back in time, we have excessive submarine power, too great an emphasis on maneuverability in air-to-air combat, excessive experience factors for Japanese units, excessive cost for B-29 production, excessive losses in strategic attack on Japan and on and on. Surely the code can incorporate look-up tables so that individuals can adjust factors to their own concept of what did, could have, might have happened, without Matrix/2X3 having to rewrite the code everytime someone comes up with a appealing argument. There is an obvious problem with PBEM games; some form of notification when things have been changed and, hopefully, what has changed. Additionally, this would make many aspects of Beta testing move much more quickly. Try this setting; try that setting without massive downloads to each test and rewritting code. Perhaps something like this could even help with what will be a very difficult A/I. Paul