Fabio Prado -> (8/8/2002 4:47:47 PM)
Hi, Goblin!:):D:D It's good to know you're still around. There's many good new scenarios in my web site and in Tankhead's for you to get now and play later, as time allows.:) Now, some pearls of knowledge: "If you think a Tiger have a slow turret traverse, just remember it can do a neutral steer (pivot in place). Allied tanks can't do that. This is part of that "Tigers generally have a bad attitude" topic. So, when you less expect it, it is looking straight at you and the next thing is a flying 88 coming right to your nose... " :D "A Tiger can be a dream to one, and a nightmare to other, depending from where he is, relatively to the Tiger...";) Fabius Philosophicus