So Anything Going On? (Full Version)

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sabre1 -> So Anything Going On? (8/6/2010 6:25:01 PM)

Topic says it all. Just wondering what is in the pipeline for this series. Thanks.

jjdenver -> RE: So Anything Going On? (8/6/2010 7:50:33 PM)

ah well I've heard of several user-scenarios being developed, and SSG is apparently working on some eastern front scenario(s), but no official word yet.

ComradeP -> RE: So Anything Going On? (8/7/2010 12:06:45 PM)

I can't comment on what's in the pipeline for the series, but there are indeed a number of user made scenarios currently in development. Personally, I'm going to try to convert some BiI scenarios to ATD2 in the next months.

The community is not all that big, but its active members are quite dedicated.

sabre1 -> RE: So Anything Going On? (8/11/2010 1:35:20 AM)

Thanks jjdenver, CompradeP! I am looking forward to a long relationship with this game.

EisenHammer -> RE: So Anything Going On? (8/12/2010 8:58:30 AM)

The game is excellent... one of the best... to bad more people are not into it.[:(]
More battles and keep the system the same, will help out alot.
The AO for the AI is awesome.[:)] more please [&o]

ComradeP -> RE: So Anything Going On? (8/12/2010 12:26:41 PM)

For clarity's sake: I'm an official tester for SSG, which is why I can't comment on what's coming for the series. When to announce something is entirely up to SSG.

Due to it being the summer holiday season and due to several regulars being too busy with work, community activity on the SSG forums is currently minimal, but I'm still editing scenarios/creating variants and Pete AU is still busy with playtesting his newest creations.

-Two scenarios by Pete AU (covering the battle for Stalingrad from the start of Uranus to the end of the German relief attempt, and covering Operation Iskra, the attempt to create a land bridge to Leningrad) are in playtesting stage, Iskra might possibly go back to balancing stage as Pete AU isn't entirely happy with the scenario. The focus is currently on the Stalingrad scenario.

-I'm still working on my Husky2 variant and am creating an ATD2 variant. I'll probably begin porting scenarios from BiI to Kharkov/ATD2 in September. I'll be using the BiI maps (I'm hoping that's possible) and Pete AU will supply the counters, so it's sort of a 2 person project. As the units only require some changes, the time required to port a scenario should be considerably lower than the time required to create one.

Others are also working on scenarios, but their progress is often unclear or they're currently busy with work and the like which slows down the development of the new scenarios.

Considering that, including SSG staff, we only have around a dozen or so active community members on the official SSG forums and considering that the activity on these forums fell flat shortly after release, it might indeed seem that the active community is pretty much dead. I don't have access to sales figures, but I'm guessing the community isn't all that big to begin with. In any case, the active members are still trying to keep the community alive, both with support from SSG and through creating their own scenarios independent of anything SSG's doing currently.

Although reviews of SSG games tend to be favourable and the player response is generally positive, they still form a niche within the greater spectrum of wargames and the active community is also niche-size. That doesn't mean we're going to abandon that niche, however. Quite the contrary.

Avatar47 -> RE: So Anything Going On? (8/15/2010 11:12:20 PM)

I'd have to add that I've been playing board wargames/computer wargames for 25 years now, and this system, since its inception with Ardennes Offensive, is the best I've ever encountered. I've been thinking a lot about the non-appeal of these such games, and come to the conclusion that the steep learning curve (which actually really isn't that high for this series), and lack of animation on the screen is a major major turn-off for even intelligent persons. I've tried, believe me I've tried, to get people to see the brilliance behind the game, but we don't get 5 minutes in and boredom is already showing.

For the steep learning curve, a series of well-created, animated, and interactive tutorial missions are required. Make the game 'fun' to learn? Second, and here's where some extra hands are needed, you'll need to program animations of trenches/machine gun/mortar fire as opposed to just blue and red lines depicting said front-line. Maybe some overhead clouds 'hanging' above the map? Air strikes could have an animated plane(s) coolly coming in and bombing the hex. The 'card' indicators for each unit could also have small 'animations' of their respective men and machines. Animated trees? Flowing rivers?

All that would require some hefty investment in needed programmers, an investment at the moment which doesn't seem justified as the current audience suggests. However such changes would bring some over to the fold?

Otto20000 -> RE: So Anything Going On? (8/16/2010 11:21:30 PM)

I to don't understand why there isn't more interest in this series.  This is by far one of the best wargame series I have ever played.  As I get older I don't have as much time to play as I did before but this is the one series I still play.  Glad to hear people are working on more scenarios and keeping this great wargame alive.

By the way I don't post a lot but I do play a lot....keep up the good work.

Pete AU -> RE: So Anything Going On? (8/19/2010 4:16:22 AM)

Currently Im working on a few scenarios
Stalingrad (Operation Uranus) - essentially finished, with SSG waiting to go on the user scenarios page.
Iskra (Operation Spark) - May need some simplification of soviet artillery, but about 80% there.
Guadalajara (1937, spanish civil war scenario) - Map done and OOB done.
Borodino 1812 - experimental napoleonic game, finished but like getting a square peg in a round hole. Will refine/release if interest is there.
Guadalcanal - map done, on hold as the Naval aspect and unit scale is boggling me.
Hubes Pocket - passed on to me from Brubaker/Joe - looks like it just needs playtesting and balancing. Not a battle I'm familiar with, but will finish it when I have accumulated enough information.

I have seen comments on other scenarios in development.

If you all like the game, please get involved in discussion on run 5. Organize/run a tournament. Have a go at scenario design, you'll find people to help.

As for official releases. There are things in the skunk works I'm sure.

Personally I'd like to see SSG venture into ACW and Napoleonics. There is also scope to develop a similar engine for post WW2 battles. Its a great engine and the possibilities are vast.


Noypi53 -> RE: So Anything Going On? (8/19/2010 2:27:55 PM)

Hi Pete,

Are the Stalingrad & Iskra scenarios with or without AI?

ComradeP -> RE: So Anything Going On? (8/19/2010 2:29:38 PM)

They're currently without AI, adding it would take a while according to Pete and possibly might happen in the future at some point.

sabre1 -> RE: So Anything Going On? (8/20/2010 2:05:14 AM)

I don't have much time to do PBEM, so I rely heavily on the AI for my opponent. It kicks me around on a regular basis.

I am eagerly awaiting the next installment.

Pete AU -> RE: So Anything Going On? (8/20/2010 6:36:01 AM)

I don't really enjoy programming the AI - thats more of a job than fun for me. However, all users have access to the function, so you can always set it up yourself. I will do an AI eventually, probably after getting user feedback as to the flow of the game.

Noakesy -> RE: So Anything Going On? (8/31/2010 9:39:23 PM)


Currently Im working on a few scenarios
Stalingrad (Operation Uranus) - essentially finished, with SSG waiting to go on the user scenarios page.
Iskra (Operation Spark) - May need some simplification of soviet artillery, but about 80% there.
Guadalajara (1937, spanish civil war scenario) - Map done and OOB done.
Borodino 1812 - experimental napoleonic game, finished but like getting a square peg in a round hole. Will refine/release if interest is there.
Guadalcanal - map done, on hold as the Naval aspect and unit scale is boggling me.
Hubes Pocket - passed on to me from Brubaker/Joe - looks like it just needs playtesting and balancing. that all [;)][:D] I recall Hube's Pocket scenario in Squad leader when that came out decades ago, look forward to it. I can recommend Stalingrad, great fun (even if I don't win!)

WilliePete -> RE: So Anything Going On? (9/2/2010 2:59:20 AM)

I think the major turn off is the map and interface graphics. The low screen resolution makes it difficult to even watch the screen for any length of time. Its hard to see what's going on sometimes as everything tends "blend in" with each other. If a new game ever does come out it will need to update, and not give us more of the same like Dnepr. I bought Kharkov two weeks ago and love it, but unexpectedly "Decisive Campaigns Warsaw to Berlin" came out last week - guess what I'm playing now. I wouldn't say I wasted my money on Kharkov, because I love war games and will play it now and then, however, I just can't justify spending another $40 to get Across the Dnepr. Warsaw to Berlin is just so easy on the eye and truly is a great division/regiment level war game.

ComradeP -> RE: So Anything Going On? (9/2/2010 11:10:39 AM)

I still fail to see any problems with either the maps or the interface, but to each his own naturally. I've never experienced any problems with it aside from map-design/CRT related issues.

Avatar47 -> RE: So Anything Going On? (9/4/2010 3:27:15 PM)

Kharkov was designed as a more or less table-top boardgame, similar to the 'games' Hitler, Zhukov, Manstein played out. The 'action' has to be imagined in your own head if you will. Again imo, best wargame ever developed (Gary Grigsby's 'War in Russia' notwithstanding).

NavalNewZ -> RE: So Anything Going On? (9/11/2010 2:27:15 AM)


hgilmer3 -> RE: So Anything Going On? (9/16/2010 12:34:36 AM)

I'd love to get some more games like this because I do kind of agree that wargames like this are dying out and I'm almost to the point of buying up anything that comes out so as to "save for a rainy day" when possibly no one is making any anymore.  BUT, I'm overwhelmed by all the buttons and numbers and dies and pictures and everything else. 

I'm sure some of you played West Front or WiR where you could click and it would tell you how many tanks and how many men etc in a unit/division/brigade.  And it was a pretty clean view of units.  Very easy to see what is going on.  I don't know how you could change all that now or even if I'm not alone in that, but that is why I have BiN right now and I keep looking at it and just can't figure out what to do.

And this looks exactly the same.

Noakesy -> RE: So Anything Going On? (9/16/2010 8:30:07 AM)

My first purchase of this 'genre' was probably the Battlefront games, which were good fun but not challenging. I then moved on to the Tiller Campaign Series, which was an improvement (especially enjoyed the campaign games), but then I found The Ardennes Offensive which was perfect.

After a couple of years with no news I saw that Korsun Pocket had been released and bought it immediately, but I had the same problem you are having now, and was overwhelmed with the detail. However, I stuck at it, and played some PBEM which helped enormously. There is a certain logic to the games that follow on, each becoming a little more complex. It's almost like the old avalon hill "Programmed Instruction" approach by accident (although there is a major 'step change' with Battlefront and now the Kharkov engine they have settled upon). Each game gets more challenging, such that if you approach Kharkov now I can see a new person possibly becoming overwhelmed. All I can say is you should stick at it if you can, visit the Run5 forum and ask questions galore, there's often people around to help out. The games are very rich in detail and rewarding (if you like detail I guess).

Just my twopenneth worth [:)]

jjdenver -> RE: So Anything Going On? (9/16/2010 7:06:30 PM)

I think the best thing to do is just persevere. After you actually play a few turns things will start to make sense. You can ask any questions you have on here or on SSG forums and people are willing to answer - even if the question seems silly.

If you get through a couple of turns I think the interface and the game will really "click" for you. It's quite logical once you start to get into it.

hgilmer3 -> RE: So Anything Going On? (9/18/2010 8:22:52 PM)

I guess if I wasn't lazy, I could actually TRY the tutorial.. Just because I have played other wargames does not make it a given I can just jump in and play, although I'm sure a lot of us think this way.

I'm working through the tutorial now and it is making a lot more sense. I'm talking about BiN but it is plain to see that this does have a really slick interface and it is worth the effort to learn it.

sabre1 -> RE: So Anything Going On? (12/16/2010 5:51:08 AM)

Well anything new to report for this gaming system?

RayWolfe -> RE: So Anything Going On? (12/16/2010 10:36:06 AM)

In particular the patch for Husky. Any news?

sabre1 -> RE: So Anything Going On? (12/17/2010 1:01:00 AM)

Wow, the silence is deafening in here.

sabre1 -> RE: So Anything Going On? (12/21/2010 6:18:18 PM)


hgilmer3 -> RE: So Anything Going On? (12/22/2010 1:41:42 AM)

Well, I played Battles In Normandy finally and figured it out, but that is not game news, just hgilmer3 news.  I played scenarios for a few months and played the full Normandy game a few times.  I liked it and was thinking of getting some newer titles, but then WitE came out.

hgilmer3 -> RE: So Anything Going On? (12/22/2010 1:42:08 AM)

The SSG forums seem somewhat dead, too.  

Ralph1961 -> RE: So Anything Going On? (12/23/2010 1:57:12 AM)

It is quite so I have a question...what do you guys want? Any questions about game play? There are still players out there and if you have only played against the AI try a few pbem games and you will find things much more interesting. Go to the SSG forums and I am sure you can get a game going.
I would like to know about the Huskey fix myself.
In the meantime lets get more people playing(and buying) so that SSG can continue to produce quality games.

sabre1 -> RE: So Anything Going On? (12/23/2010 3:09:25 AM)

I don't have time for PBEM games. I have to rely on LOTS of scenarios. I know its Christmas, but SSG has been quiet on this forum for awhile now. This game was not a cheap investment into a new system, and I had high hopes for much more than what has been offered. I held off on Battlefront, because of the lack of content. I bought DOD and ATD2. The system is very good. I just want more. (I think I said that.)

Anyway, everyone have a Merry Christmas and that includes SSG and Matrix. I wish everyone a peaceful, restful, and blessed Holiday.

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