RE: YAWAWRG (yet another waw revised game) (Full Version)

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82ndtrooper -> RE: YAWAWRG (yet another waw revised game) (8/27/2010 5:31:30 PM)

and in the Pacific they are answering the call !! battle stations and full speed ahead !!!


ehzorg -> RE: YAWAWRG (yet another waw revised game) (8/27/2010 5:59:13 PM)


After installing a garnizon I can turn my full atention to the east.

East!?! The peace loving people of the Soviet Union are concerned at your recent unnecessary buildup of forces on our border.

82ndtrooper -> RE: YAWAWRG (yet another waw revised game) (8/27/2010 8:22:39 PM)

On a serious note.

every time I see one of these little sea flea units I am reminded of the real life Battle of Samar where Taffy 3 a small task force almost identical to these sea flea units fought a heroic battle against a vastly superior Japanese force. This battle has been described as the American Navy's finest hour and a battle where Unimaginable bravery turned certain defeat into a legendary victory. If you haven't heard of this battle please look it up and read about it, for me in all of WWII there is nothing else that comes close to being as astounding as this single battle. It truly demonstrates why the generation that won WWII is the greatest generation in history.

here is a link for you all to check out.
this is taken from the military reports of the battle and some from the board of inquiry for Adm. Halsy. But its actually pretty good.

I will give a brief description of the battle with some quotes from the above link and some from the history channel episodes i have seen and some from the book " the Last Stand of the Tin Can Soldiers".

here goes,
The Battle off Samar was the centermost action of the Battle of Leyte Gulf, one of the largest naval battles in history, which took place in the Philippine Sea off Samar Island, in the Philippines on October 25, 1944. As the only major action in the larger battle where the Americans were largely unprepared against the opposing forces, it has been cited by historians as one of the greatest military mismatches in naval history.

In no engagement of its entire history has the United States Navy shown more gallantry, guts and gumption than in those two morning hours between 0730 and 0930 off Samar"

"Taffy 3"
6 escort aircraft carriers
3 destroyers
4 Destroyer_escort

Japanese Center Force
4 Battleship
6 Heavy_cruiser
2 Light_cruiser
11 destroyers,
please note that one of the Japanese battle ships was the Yamato the most powerful Battle ship in the world.

In a battle that James D. Hornfischer would call "The Last Stand of the Tin Can Sailors", the very powerful force of Japanese battleships, cruisers, and destroyers commanded by Admiral Kurita engaged a US task unit of six escort carriers, three destroyers, and four destroyer escorts. The Americans were taken entirely by surprise because the Seventh Fleet had firmly believed that its northern flank was being protected by Admiral Halsey's immensely powerful 3rd Fleet, which consisted of eight fleet carriers and six fast battleships.

Taffy 3 literally looked up and saw the Japanese fleet bearing down on them at full speed, that was all the warning they had. Adm. Sprague ordered Taffy 3 to retreat and they attempted to flee. Most of taffy 3's planes where already airborne on either anti sub patrol or ground support of the landing troops and all where already loaded with either depth charges or anti personal bombs not a single plane had a torpedo or armor piercing bomb. all planes where ordered to engage the enemy and those on the carriers where launched immediately with what they where already armed with. All planes where told to attack then head to an air base on a nearby island because it was feared none of the escort carriers would survive, the enemy was too close.

USS Johnston
Ernest E. Evans, commander of the destroyer Johnston, the closest to the attackers, took the initiative first. Seeing that it was impossible for the escort carriers under his protection to escape he decided to turn and fight to buy precious time for the little carriers. So the USS Johnston turned and charged full speed into the mouth of hell.


The planes of Taffy 3 had been strafing the Japanese fleet and watching their depth charges and bombs bounce harmlessly off the armored decks of the warships started to break off and head to the nearby airfield to refuel and rearm when they saw the USS Johnston charging all by itself at the enemy. the tiny destroyer had so many shells exploding around it that at times it was blocked completely from view.  Horrified that one of the destroyers was charging with no help the pilots turned and continued to dive and make mock attacks at the enemy ships after they had run out of all ammo just trying to distract the Japanese gunners in an attempt to offer any help they could.

The USS Johnston charged on until it was in torpedo range and launched her torpedoes and by god blew the bow off of the heavy cruiser Kumano, she then circled around for another torpedo run and was hit on her foredeck by a 14" shell so hard that it stopped her dead in the water. from 34 knots to a dead stop in a split second. Witnesses said the tiny ship was lifted clear out of the water it was hit so hard.  repair crews went to work and soon got one engine running and at half speed the Johnston turned and started to withdraw from the battle.

Then three 6 in (152 mm) shells, possibly from Yamato, struck Johnston's bridge, causing numerous casualties and severing fingers of Captain Evans' left hand. The bridge was abandoned and Evans proceeded to steer the ship back towards the fleet, shouting orders from aft down to men manually operating the rudder from aft, when he noticed other destroyers starting their torpedo run.

Emboldened by Johnston's attack, Sprague gave the order "small boys attack", sending the rest of Taffy 3's destroyers and destroyer escorts on the offensive. They attacked the Japanese line, drawing fire and scattering the Japanese formations as ships turned to avoid torpedoes. Despite heavy damage, Evans turned Johnston around and reentered the fight while damage control teams restored power to two of the three aft turrets.
At 0910, a direct hit on one of Johnston's forward turrets knocked it out and set off many of the 5 in (127 mm) shells stored in the turret. Her damaged engines stopped, leaving her dead in the water. As her attackers gathered around the vulnerable ship, they concentrated fire on her rather than the fleeing carriers. Johnston was hit so many times that one survivor recalled "they couldn't patch holes fast enough to keep her afloat."

At 0945, Evans finally gave the order to abandon ship. Johnston sank 25 minutes later with 186 of her crew. Evans abandoned ship with his crew, but was never seen again. He was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor. As a Japanese destroyer cruised slowly by, the survivors saw the enemy standing at attention to salute.

USS Samuel B. Roberts
At 0851, the Japanese landed two hits, the second of which destroyed the aft gun turret. With her remaining 5 in (127 mm) gun, Roberts set the bridge of the cruiser Chikuma afire and destroyed the No. 3 gun turret, before being pierced again by three 14 in (356 mm) shells from Kongō. With a 40 ft (12 m) hole in her side, Roberts took on water, and at 0935, the order was given to abandon ship. The ship sank in 30 minutes, with 89 of her crew. She would go down in history as "the destroyer escort that fought like a battleship".

USS Hoel
Hoel now found herself crippled and surrounded by the enemy. During the next hour, the ship rendered her final service by drawing enemy fire away from the carriers. In the process of fishtailing and chasing salvos, she peppered them with her two remaining guns. Finally at 0830, after withstanding over 40 hits from 5 to 16 inches (127 to 406 mm) guns, an 8 in shell stilled her remaining engine. With her engine room under water, her No. 1 magazine ablaze, and the ship listing heavily to port and settling by the stern, Kintberger ordered his crew to "prepare to abandon ship." The Japanese fire only stopped at 0855 when Hoel rolled over and sank in 8,000 yd (7,300 m) of water, after enduring 90 minutes of punishment after her first hits.

USS Heermann
Heermann sped to the starboard quarter of the carrier formation to lay more concealing smoke and then charged back into the fight a few minutes later, placing herself between the escort carriers and a column of four enemy heavy cruisers. Here she engaged Chikuma in a duel which seriously damaged both ships. A series of 8 in hits flooded the forward part of the US destroyer, pulling her bow down so far that her anchors were dragging in the water, while one of her guns was knocked out.

the Heermann was the only destroyer to survive.

While its true that all the carriers in taffy 1,2 and 3 had a total of 400 airplanes. it was almost 90 mins that the tiny destroyers battled the giants from japan alone. due to the planes from taffy 1 and 2 all being loaded with the wrong things and having to go back to their carriers and rearm and the planes from taffy 3 had to attack with what they had and most of them continued to harass long after they where out of ammo to try and help the destroyers, they only left the battle when they ran out of fuel.

the Japanese where so close to the carriers that the carriers where engaging the enemy with their lone 5inch guns. they where running into and out of smoke screens and rain squalls to survive and their top speed was only 17 knots half that of the slowest Japanese ship.

The only thing between the cargo,supply,troop ships and men on the beaches at Leyte and the huge Japanese fleet was Taffy 3 and Taffy 3 stopped them cold and caused them to withdraw.  Taffy 3 lost over 1000 men.

Casualties and losses
Taffy 3

2 escort carriers
2 destroyers
1 destroyer escort sunk

3 heavy cruisers sunk
3 heavy cruisers damaged
1 destroyer sunk
1 destroyer damaged

that's a very brief synopsis of the battle  and each destroyers story is worthy of a movie by itself. the whole thing is quite amazing and if you like WWII, I urge you to look into it a little deeper.

DRommel -> RE: YAWAWRG (yet another waw revised game) (8/30/2010 12:57:00 AM)

Things are indeed heating up in the Medi sea.
see here my initial vieuw.


DRommel -> RE: YAWAWRG (yet another waw revised game) (8/30/2010 1:18:43 AM)

Not a pretty sight, a hugh fleet, blocking Tobrouk, and an army coming from the east.
Should I attack are just wait and defend my position.
I decided to attack, because he had divided his fleet and that gives me perhaps a chance to do some damage.
I would go for the smaller of the two.
First I sent a fresh Jäger-gshwdr to Tobrouk. Now I had to take out some of his Carrier-air.
But not whit a attack on that fleet. The C-air outnumber my fighters and his cruiserII would also help and last but not least, the C-air of that other fleet sourly would intercept me also.
So I decided for a recon mission, next to the small fleet but far enough from the other.
Big surprise, my mission didn’t get any affect.


DRommel -> RE: YAWAWRG (yet another waw revised game) (8/30/2010 1:28:04 AM)

Was this because it was over land, and his C-air’s are seaplanes?
So I tried again, but this time over sea just left of the fleet.
And there they came, but unfortunately or my luck, no casualties on both sides.
But his planes did lose some readiness.
Next I called in some u-boots to assist me.


DRommel -> RE: YAWAWRG (yet another waw revised game) (8/30/2010 1:36:06 AM)

I decided to go for an all in one attack. Because that fleet had a bit of everything store.
So it had no weakness in some areas. So load the guns and sail into battle.

and see results on following screenshots


DRommel -> RE: YAWAWRG (yet another waw revised game) (8/30/2010 1:39:22 AM)

Not to bad, of cours the loss of those two CAII could be a pain, because of his C-air's !!


krupp_88mm -> RE: YAWAWRG (yet another waw revised game) (8/30/2010 1:40:41 AM)

hmm not bad, what happens to the carrier air if the cvs are destroyed?

DRommel -> RE: YAWAWRG (yet another waw revised game) (8/30/2010 1:43:44 AM)

Last screen shows the last status of the battlefield.
It shows that also the attack of WA army out of Egypt got a bloody nose


DRommel -> RE: YAWAWRG (yet another waw revised game) (8/30/2010 1:46:41 AM)

If there is no sufficient room on the carriers in that unit than the C-air get lost.

krupp_88mm -> RE: YAWAWRG (yet another waw revised game) (8/30/2010 2:01:03 AM)

erwin rommel just keepin it real in north africa, nice going!

82ndtrooper -> RE: YAWAWRG (yet another waw revised game) (8/30/2010 2:10:22 AM)

Nice attack sir !!

I expected that if you attacked you would attack that fleet, Though my loses are higher for the number of kills I got than i expected but getting those two CA-II is nice, they where eating my planes alive. They make a big difference in any battle that has C-air in it.

The CV-I loses are acceptable since I have the CV-E which have better stats than the CV-I and I can make them fast, I knew this would be a costly battle but help is on the way.

the Sea Fleas are coming !

82ndtrooper -> RE: YAWAWRG (yet another waw revised game) (8/30/2010 2:12:07 AM)


ORIGINAL: krupp_88mm

erwin rommel just keepin it real in north africa, nice going!

Aye he is a good player and its a fight for North Africa for sure !

DRommel -> RE: YAWAWRG (yet another waw revised game) (9/1/2010 2:46:46 PM)

July 1941

I started operation Barbarossa.
over 1500 inf, 31 art, 38 armoured, 80 planes and many sea forces
are getting trown in to the hell of the east.

But not everthing went as planned.

Look at those units in Leningrad. It will be a big, big job to capture that city.
I shrewd up whit one of my Fallschirmjäger.
and in the south my army group didn't get the just jup-start.
only in the center it looks good for now.


DRommel -> RE: YAWAWRG (yet another waw revised game) (9/1/2010 3:01:26 PM)

here are my losses and kills this turn.


82ndtrooper -> RE: YAWAWRG (yet another waw revised game) (9/1/2010 4:21:17 PM)

the fight at Tobruk is getting very costly for the west. The Germans and Italians are putting up a brilliant defense it is clear Rommel himself must be there leading.
Last turn we tried another air strike and lost 14 planes and killed 1 BB-II and 1 fighter.
The planes where replaced from reserves but this is the last time we can replace them with experienced pilots so we have to be more conservative, because if we throw rookie pilots into this meat grinder the losses will be horrific. As it is 14 planes is a 50% loss rate and the Admiralty is appalled at those numbers.


82ndtrooper -> RE: YAWAWRG (yet another waw revised game) (9/1/2010 4:25:13 PM)

The Italians are very good with their level Bombers and killed another 2 light tanks. That is 4 tanks those high altitude bombers have destroyed.
So for now the situation ended as a stalemate.


82ndtrooper -> RE: YAWAWRG (yet another waw revised game) (9/1/2010 4:32:16 PM)

We started this fight with overwhelming superiority and have lost 4 BB-I, 2 CA-II, 25 C-air-III , about 8 DD-II and 3 sub-II , losing the sub-II has hurt us the most, I should have left them on anti supply duty.

However the Sea Fleas are starting to arrive and that should change things.


82ndtrooper -> RE: YAWAWRG (yet another waw revised game) (9/1/2010 4:33:20 PM)

a South African sea flea unit arrives at cario


82ndtrooper -> RE: YAWAWRG (yet another waw revised game) (9/1/2010 4:35:05 PM)

the first to arrive are now on station looking for German supply ships


82ndtrooper -> RE: YAWAWRG (yet another waw revised game) (9/1/2010 4:37:02 PM)

When you call for the Sea Fleas they come !


82ndtrooper -> RE: YAWAWRG (yet another waw revised game) (9/1/2010 4:48:07 PM)

Its amazing how many of these Sea Fleas I have and I only have Boston online atm.
I had to stop producing them for a couple turns to rebuild my C-Air reserves but they are now back in production. Next turn the Mediterranean will be infested with them. And there are still plenty in the Atlantic to defend it.

I have yet to be able to fight with them to see how they do but I will soon get an idea of how well they interdict supplies since some of them will have to take over for my lost Sub-II.

Supplies will soon be an issue but thankfully the USA should be online in a few turns. Upgrading my CV-II to CV-III and my CA-I to CA-II really took a lot out of my Indian supply reserves.

I may have to stop producing them and switch to supply but we will see how it goes.

82ndtrooper -> RE: YAWAWRG (yet another waw revised game) (9/9/2010 8:44:08 AM)

still fighting in North Africa. I am being conservative with my C-air and the sea fleas are arriving now to lend a hand. I have hurt his supply and it looks like he has decided to make a daring push for Cairo.
other than N-Africa not much going on.


Von Dudert -> RE: YAWAWRG (yet another waw revised game) (9/9/2010 6:33:47 PM)

I thought I get a brief post up on the Japanese war effort in China and Manchuria.

July 1941. Japan must launch it's China offensive on this turn or China starts to receive additional aid from the West. After playing the offensive card I ran into a bit of a bug with some of my attack forces. The planned move from Canton to link with Hanoi and advances from Shantou and Wenzhou inland were not allowed by a glitch in the game. Those movements will need to wait until next turn.
I did advance from Fuzhou and launched artillery and air attacks against Changsha and the units to the north of the city, but a frontal assault against the city was postponed for now. I also moved into the low hills north of Wuhan.


Von Dudert -> RE: YAWAWRG (yet another waw revised game) (9/9/2010 6:36:11 PM)

In Manchuria a decided to play the Nomohan incident card. In retrospect this may have been premature. I had created a level bomber wing and had them stationed in Mukden. I used them to bomb Irktusk which resulted in around 900 points of damage to the city without the loss of any of the bomber units. I also moved to encircle Vladivostok, cutting the rail line to the north with an amphibious landing. I don't really intend to attack the city, I just want to tie up Russian resources until Stalin pays the PP ransom and we all go home.


Von Dudert -> RE: YAWAWRG (yet another waw revised game) (9/9/2010 6:38:24 PM)

Stalin has other ideas. He launched an offensive to the southeast out of Nomohan and using his motorized units over-ran the infantry screen I had in the low hills west of Mukden. I should have built an infantry gun to reinforce those units, now I'll have to regroup to defend the resource or pay off the Russians. We'll see how fast the Germans can advance in Europe, I don't think Joe wants to fight a 2 front war for any length of time. But then again neither do I.


DRommel -> RE: YAWAWRG (yet another waw revised game) (9/12/2010 3:08:17 PM)

Third turn off Barbarossa.
After some problems, particularly in the south, my forces are picking up the pass.
In the center my Panzer armee has overrun all resistance if there was any, and took Kursk.
Wyle armee mitte took Smolensk, and thus surrounded some Russian units in Gomel.
Here is Mozhaisk, Tula and Voronezh whit in are reach and then Moscow.
In the south we crossed the (Dnieper) river and are on our way to Kartov and Rostov.
Armee nord could take an undamaged bridge south of Leningrad, and is closing in on the city.
Great trouble in Finland, where the Russians make a big push towards Helsinki.
They have massed all they had from the beginning in Leningrad, and are now driving to
the Finnish capital. Can I stop them? Hold them off until armee nord arrives at the southern
end of Leningrad? It will be a close one.

In the Mediterraneansea all comes to a standstill.
Rommel hoops at some reinforcements, but this will be difficult.
So for now we defend as best we can.


82ndtrooper -> RE: YAWAWRG (yet another waw revised game) (9/14/2010 10:34:58 AM)

well things are quiet everywhere except for the med.

this battle for Tobruk has been going on for months now. I had hoped for a much faster victory but Drommel has played me to a standstill. Its 3 months (turns) max till japan attacks the USA and ill need this fleet over in the Pacific to help but I have taken high losses here and cant continue to take many more.
there is a time in every battle where you have to make a decision on whether the time is right to try and get an advantage that could turn the battle.
for the west this is that time.
this turn I destroyed over 6000 supply headed to North Africa. Which means next turn for him he will feel the effects of that destroyed supply. I can see that his fleets in Tobruk are both already at 87% readiness and with all that supply destroyed they should go even lower.
up till now I haven't blocked Tobruk completely so if he had wanted to he could have gotten the Italian fleet out. But now I am concerned that he will move his fleet away since the supplies cant get through.

as long as that Italian fleet is alive then I have to keep a large navy in the Med.

So do I move units to blockade him in? ( I can do this and still interdict his supply)
But I will have to split my Line fleets into two different groups and his fleets combined are still powerful. he also has about 5 sub-II in Tobruk.

or do I continue to leave an escape route for his fleet and keep my fleet altogether ?

If I blockade him and he attacks one of the fleets it will most likely ruin his fleet but it will also hurt my fleet.

if i don't blockade and he moves his fleet out then I will get North Africa but I will have to hunt him down again and go through the same thing.

or he could take such a supply hit that he cant move his fleets far and I could find and kill them in the open sea.

He has so many fighters in Tobruk that its suicide for my C-Air to attack and with those coastal guns and subs its tough for me to do a naval attack while he is in port.

I dropped small inf units to insure that for next turn at least he wont get any supply to matter in Tobruk.

So what would you guys do ?

blockade or continue to just kill supply ?


82ndtrooper -> RE: YAWAWRG (yet another waw revised game) (9/14/2010 10:45:14 AM)

think about it before going on

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