Andrew Loveridge -> The Operational Art of War v3.4.0.173 Public Beta (8/11/2010 2:25:12 PM)
Hello All, 3.4 is almost ready, but we want to do a Public Beta test, before making it official. It includes; "New Turn Order Rules", New Supply Rules, RBC Escape, Assault Ratio Rules, Improved Graphics and User Interface, PBEM Cheat Prevention, bug fixes, and a bunch more. So much more that I won't fill the post with them, I will just link the What's New PDF so you can get all the details. You can get the beta version in the Members Club. (You will need to create a new login if you are not a Member yet) It is in the Registered Downloads section, so you will need to Register your game to download it. Remember, this is a Beta version, so please give us your impressions and any issues you might have with it. Thanks