CarlG2 -> Guerrilla Units Always Invisible? (8/16/2010 3:28:55 AM)
Hey all, After a long absence from TOAW, I picked up playing again recently and have been trying my hand at Campaign for South Vietnam with the 3.4 Public Beta (the changes in 3.4 are awesome, by the way...finally, no more VC units annihilating Allied air units with slingshots...) I am noticing, however, that Guerrilla units are invisibile all the time no matter the visibility status of the hex they are in. Is this the way it is supposed to be or am I experiencing a bug? For example, I happen to find an invisible Guerrilla unit (usually by moving a hex and then moving my cursor around the unit and seeing if the cursor changes to an attack graphic, moving a hex, moving cursor, etc....WAY tedious...) I then surround it with units, have "Spotted" status for the hex the Guerrilla unit is in, and it remains invisible. Even after attacking it, it remains invisible (assuming it didn't evaporate, of course). About the only time I have a displayed Guerrilla icon on my screen is if the unit Retreats Before Combat or briefly during the AI player's turn while it is moving (after which it immediately becomes invisible again.) Perhaps related, the old patch notes from 3.2 state: 7. Guerrilla units should now be properly invisible if not moving and the hex is not 'seen'. In addition to my question above about the possibility of this being a bug, perhaps I dont' understand what 'seen' means. Can anyone provide any clarification? If interested, I have many save games from this scenario where I have surrounded invisible Guerrilla units that remain invisibile turn after turn of being in a Spotted hex. I am playing with the following, perhaps relevant Advanced Options: Fog of War: On No Borders: On Advanced Rules: On Lastly, does anyone else have the same experience? Thanks and good gaming, Carl G.