Gabby -> Disapearing unit (8/11/2002 11:14:07 PM)
This just happened and it's got me scratching my head. I moved the 165 Base unit via air from Brisbane to Salumara, via Townsville, and Buna. Salumra had was free of Japanesse units, and had 6000+ supply points. The US 41st, and Aus 6th had just begun landing in Lea. On the turn I started the 165th's transfer into Salumara, I movet a P-39 squardon there to provide local air cover. For two turns I see messages of the Airlift from Buna, to Salumara accompanied by a message stating that the 165th Base unit was merging. The next turn I'm looking at ground reinforcements and I see that in 1 day the 1/165th Base unit will arrive in Brisbane at a size of 2800 load points, which is the entire unit except for the Radar which could not be moved by air. So I look at Salumura and there is no sign of the 165th anywhere. I recieved no messages of any attacks or interceptions that could account for the loss of the 165th. My question is has anyone had something like this happen where a unit unaccountably disapears? I am using 1.20.