doomonyou -> I disagree.... (8/13/2002 11:10:41 PM)
1. Nailing the any BB (mushashi in my case) with two mark 10's from a s boat on forward port defence patrol as it comes in for a bombing run, leaving it alone with a destroyer just five hexes from some big air base (Lae's 24 beau ViC, 24 Regu Beaus, 72 SBD and 24 Avgers for the pasting of a lifetime, four more torp and five 1000 pound bombs, bu bye) 2. Any sub hit on a large AP followed by the words TF rescuing...... 3. anytime raid comes in and your CAP meets it and so thouroughly smashes it that the follow up air combat screen for bombing has only three zeros or two P--38 buzzing pointless around until they leave 4. Anytime the words CV and Hit Mine appear on the same info line 5. Anytime you bomb a port so badly that docked ships sink 6. anytime a sub shoots at one of you DD's, misses and takes 4 shots in the snout for its trouble Those are my favorites.....