Combine PBEM (Full Version)

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mazzocco -> Combine PBEM (9/6/2010 11:31:48 PM)

hi all

can smeone explain exactly how to combine PBEM file?

il have to click on each file and then click to open or i have to select all file and then click open?
reading the manual i can't understand, so i try some fake PBEM games on my PC and i did'nt undestand [:-]

thank you

Kingmaker -> RE: Combine PBEM (9/7/2010 9:32:06 AM)


Check out this link,

it gets most folk through, although there seems to be some prob with those that use a Laptop puter to run the game, hope it helps come back if not.

All the Best

terje439 -> RE: Combine PBEM (9/7/2010 9:32:54 AM)

What link? [:D]


Kingmaker -> RE: Combine PBEM (9/7/2010 9:36:14 AM)


The one I've just Edited in coz Dumbo here forgot to post it 1st time [:D]

All the Best

mazzocco -> RE: Combine PBEM (9/7/2010 3:06:23 PM)

thanks a lot Kingmaker.

So if i've understand after i have received all the "done" turn from my friends i have to click combine PBEM, then select all the files usig ctrl, then open, then i play my turn and the click end turn.

after all i have to send the file "done all" to my friends?


Kingmaker -> RE: Combine PBEM (9/7/2010 6:17:22 PM)


You are Welcome, and yes your procedure is correct, you send back the Turn .ALL files (.rep & .sve)

What I tend to do after 'End Turn' is come out of the game completely (don't try from within the just completed turn game, it mostly fails or freezes your puter), then re-open the game and check stuff has happened via the new turn .All file in your PBEM folder.

If you are running a Multi player game what often happens to begin with is players send back the wrong files which can hold up a game considerably, if you start getting probs like that send them this link

It may (or maynot! [:)] ) be of interest to your group, but there is a ladder set up at INWC whereby you get Points & Medals etc. for completed games, here's a link to the 'General' page,

have a Looksee as you will see there are a few games already in progress over there and may in the future give your group fresh opponants should they so wish.

All the Best

mazzocco -> RE: Combine PBEM (9/8/2010 7:55:52 AM)


thanks again o your reply, just a question, opening the .all file from PBEM folder the players have to see the reply of the turn or only the strategic map so they can begin play their turno, and the ceck is only to ceck the armies has moved?


Kingmaker -> RE: Combine PBEM (9/8/2010 11:54:54 AM)


Thats right Ettore, unlike FoF there is no 'Replay' in CoG EE, all folk will see is the Map, however they still need to send in their Nations .rep &.sve files to you for Merging.

Re the "Check" bit, yes you can fairly easily see (FoW permitting) if stuff has moved, you can also have a Looksee at the 'Events' page to see if things have happened on the Diplomatic/Economic front.

A couple of 'Just in case' for you; to make full use of the 'Events' page and 'Politics', 'Treaty', & 'Battle' tabs accross the bottom of the Map make sure that you and your friends click all the 'Check boxes' for all Nations/provinces on the Left hand side of the Diplomacy-'International relations' page.

+ make sure that everybody understands to use their 'Set PBEM Policy' ASAP, (Right click anywhere on the Map and select the PBEM Policy line, ... Supply Depots at sea are also set from that Dialouge box ... obviously in a Sea Province [:)] ). seting PBEM Policy is important as it can affect if Minors ask for Protectorate status and other stuff, a rough 'Rule of Thumb' for gaining Protectorates is if your Nation can not go to War to protect the minor they wont ask, eg Alliances, or 'be Aggresive with' not ticked on the PBEM policy page will most likely stop you gaining Protectorates; also make sure to uncheck any produce, Horses, Wool etc that you do not wish to export in the 'Trade Policy' section.

Oh, and Bottom left corner of the PBEM Policy page is where folk can set their Password, I'm passing these on to you as they are bits that folk often ask in most games when 1st starting.

All the Best

mazzocco -> RE: Combine PBEM (9/8/2010 6:15:59 PM)

thanks a lot Peter, i just done my first turn and seem all worked right.


Kingmaker -> RE: Combine PBEM (9/8/2010 6:50:27 PM)


"Good Luck & Good Hunting"

All the Best

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