wjclerk -> Fatal Error 1073741819 (9/22/2010 10:37:02 PM)
OK. I'll bite. As suggested here, I'm checking to see if anyone has any idea on what do to with a problem getting WITP-AE to play. I am running Windows 7 32-bit and have installed the game from disk to the C:\games\War in the Pacific - Admiral's Edition folder. After running the install, I used the updater to pull down the 1.01.06g patch and installed it. After that, I ran the game menu executable (as Administrator) and I got a game loading screen with a progress bar that started at about 10% and above it a "Fatal Error 1073741819" message. Clicking OK takes me back out to the game menu screen and nothing else happens. I have tried uninstalling the game and reinstalling from CD, rebooted my computer, reinstalled the patch - all of which bring up the same fatal error message. I have read a thread with fatal error codes and what to do for them, but I do not find my error code listed. I have tried for three days to get a response from Matrix tech support for what to try next to get the game to play, but no contact so far. Does anyone in the game community have any ideas as to what may be going on here? I'm attaching a screen shot of the error to show where it is taking place in case that is of any help. Your comments would be appreciated.