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I/O Error -> Download Help (12/8/2000 4:48:00 PM)

I can hear the groans now... *ARgh! Newbie!* [img][/img] Don't flame me, I'm small and weak, as well as highly flammable. [img][/img] Sorry to ask a question that probably has a very simple answer, but I downloaded the top-left most download option, with the title "SPWaW v4.0 Complete Game " So I figured I would have to upgrade to the newest version by patches. However, the download link said SPWaWv44Complete.exe So I am a tad confused... [img][/img] So, did I: [list]
  • In fact get the newest version in one (huge) download all in one go, and I'm all set, or
  • Read something wrong somewhere in the process, and so I DO in fact have to patch up? If so, which patch should I start with? [/list] Played the game before on several other machines, feeling good that now I won't have to mooch computer time off of others... [img][/img] Thanks in advance for any help you folks can provide!

  • Reg -> (12/8/2000 7:03:00 PM)

    As far as I am aware (I haven't downloaded it) it is the latest version of the complete game. Some one has updated the download file and not amended the webpage link. [The version number on the bottom right corner of the game title pages will tell you for sure]. Nasty mean men for confusing my poor I/O Error. Yes, they are my precious.....

    I/O Error -> (12/8/2000 9:40:00 PM)

    You so kind [img][/img] /me huggles Reg [img][/img]

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