RobertMc -> RE: unhandled exception (10/28/2010 5:46:23 AM)
Matrix Gentlemen, I too am having this 'unhandled exception' problem and all sorts of strange verbiage pops up in a box when I attempt to run Distant Worlds. Now...I am a longtime Matrix game player and devotee, but I have to say I have had enough of this. I downloaded the game last night and also bought the box version, but I want to return it and either get my money back or have a substitute game sent to me. The reason being: I have no problem with a game wanting to put on a new .NET configuration or upgrade whatever needs to be long as those upgrades are IN THE GAME I HAVE PURCHASED. Asking, or requiring, me to go driver-hunting and make changes to a system that is already working to my complete satisfaction is asking and requiring too much. I want to play Distant Worlds, but nowhere in any advertising or any document--as far as I can tell--is a statement telling me that I might have to upgrade drivers in order to play this game. I won't do it. It's beyond the pale to expect me to do it. So, Matrix Gentlemen, may I send you the game back with a letter telling you which game of the same monetary value I would like to be sent in exchange?