Gary Tatro -> On tank destroyers (8/26/2002 9:02:47 PM)
I guess it depends on how you like to play and on the game engine. A player needs to adjust his/her strategy based on many variables but the three variables that are the most basic that tend to be overlooked by so many players is terrain, weather and visibility. An example: You have a wonderful tank destoryer the GE Elephant. Armor and main gun unmatched. Cost 150 Speed an abismal 12. Now if I was in the desert, rolling hills, fields and had good weather and good visibility 20+, I would consider purchasing this beheamoth. BUT if it was winter, night, raining or the terrain was woods, city, or swamp. This would not be my TD of choice. Consider how upset you would be as I ran my little infantry men up to your Elephant and destoryed it by assualt. Now if I am playing a game where the visibility is 1-5 I have a hard time convincing myself to buy any TD or Tanks other than strickly a support roll. 1 platoon for every 2 companies of infantry. As far as do I prefer tanks to TD. No. Do I prefer TD to tanks. No. I like to have both if I can afford it. They support each other very well. The TD support the tanks the tanks support the infantry and the infantry protect the tanks. One thing no one has mentioned is that TD can be replaced by ATG. You give up some mobility but you gain the advantage on not having one shot one kill situation. ATG are also smaller and harder to spot. Now as my personal preference. I would have to say the SU-57 for Russia quite fast though light armor so needs to be used for support but get 8 APRC rounds with a pen of 161. The Hellcat for the US(more speed than the Wolverine or the Jackson). Germans I do prefer Tanks (they have the best tanks during 42 to 45) or ATG. Although early years the Sig33 is good. Brits don't play them.