Favorite period of history (Full Version)

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ilovestrategy -> Favorite period of history (10/11/2010 2:29:25 AM)

Pretty much everyone here loves history. I'm just curious, what is your favorite period and why?

My favorite is the Pax Romana which lasted the first 2 centuries AD. It just never ceases to amaze me how an Empire of that size with no machinery of any kind had 2 centuries of peace and contentment. And the talent of the engineers with the aquaducts, roads and bridges just astound me.

martok -> RE: Favorite period of history (10/11/2010 3:23:07 AM)

Europe and the Middle East during the medieval period. I'm not sure why, exactly, I've just always been fascinated by it.

SLAAKMAN -> RE: Favorite period of history (10/11/2010 4:56:06 AM)

1980 to 1996. I had a harem of playgirls. Now Im all washed up.

rhondabrwn -> RE: Favorite period of history (10/11/2010 5:05:22 AM)

I'd have to say the last 10 years of my life [:D]

Somewhat seriously... I've always been an American Civil War fan with WWII in the Pacific an additional interest.

jomni -> RE: Favorite period of history (10/11/2010 5:14:17 AM)


Phatguy -> RE: Favorite period of history (10/11/2010 11:29:07 AM)

History...ALL History

Lützow -> RE: Favorite period of history (10/11/2010 11:36:19 AM)

19th century. The age of imperialism and aspiring nations.

sol_invictus -> RE: Favorite period of history (10/11/2010 2:37:04 PM)

I have always been partial to 264 B. C.- 20 A. D. and 1700 - 1905.

gunny -> RE: Favorite period of history (10/11/2010 3:40:08 PM)

Mid 80's. Cold war, Reagan era. I miss the symetrical what-if modern era wargames, and now with modern graphics it would be pretty awsome.

Not to mention it was fun being being a 20 year old rompin around banhof strasse with a belly full of the best beer goin.

SireChaos -> RE: Favorite period of history (10/11/2010 5:28:26 PM)

It´s hard to decide on just one favorite period. They all have something that makes them interesting.

warspite1 -> RE: Favorite period of history (10/11/2010 6:27:25 PM)

My interest in history began with WWII when I was a young boy - my dad collected Purnell's History of the Second World War - and it just grew from there. I have no idea why I find it so interesting, but there is something about that whole 1933-45 saga that I find irresistable - and you never stop learning new facts!

While WWII remains my key interest, I also like the Napoleonic period. Aside from those two, I'll read or look at just about anything if the mood takes me, but the Falklands War apart, I have no time for warfare post Hiroshima/Nagasaki. Atomic weapons, smart bombs and stuff just leave me cold...

Jevhaddah -> RE: Favorite period of history (10/11/2010 7:33:15 PM)

All history interests me. I go through phases when I study one time period exclusivly for a year or two at the moment I am readying about the 30 years war in Europe and wargaming ancients [:)]



terje439 -> RE: Favorite period of history (10/11/2010 8:16:57 PM)

WWII ever since as a little boy I learned about my grandfather being scheduled to be sailed into a KZ camp by the Germans just prior to the end of the war but escaping such a fate due to the war ending...


7th Somersets -> RE: Favorite period of history (10/11/2010 8:59:03 PM)

For me it is WW1. My Great Grandfather was a machine gunner on the Somme. I can clearly remember him describing it to me.

DampSquib -> RE: Favorite period of history (10/11/2010 10:50:20 PM)

All history as well.
But at the moment Feudal Japan.

hgilmer3 -> RE: Favorite period of history (10/12/2010 1:56:07 AM)

Just when you get full of yourself and think you know everything about history, it jumps up and slaps you with something new and exciting to learn about.

I don't know why, but I've always been interested in the Hundred Years War and The Black Prince.  Never to be crowned King.  Whenever a movie comes on about history and historical figures, I immediately start looking up the people on the internet to read more about them.  I've also been very interested in the period that many people call the Dark Ages.  I used to think as a kid, was it really dark all the time?  The formation of Europe is pretty damn fascinating. 

sabre1 -> RE: Favorite period of history (10/12/2010 2:37:41 AM)

Early 1900's, especially Battleships, I just love battleships.

bairdlander2 -> RE: Favorite period of history (10/12/2010 4:01:51 AM)

The present is the most interesting time.I cant wait to see what the future holds.

fvianello -> RE: Favorite period of history (10/12/2010 8:52:38 AM)

- Classical period, I'd say from persian wars to fall of the west roman empire
- Cold War and hypotetical WWIII, nothing like t-72's rolling in the north german plains

Greybriar -> RE: Favorite period of history (10/12/2010 4:39:03 PM)

As for periods of conflict, the U.S. Civil War has been of interest to me ever since I learned I had ancestors who fought on both the Union and Confederate sides. World War II is another period of interest to me because my father, his brothers, my mother's brothers, and most of my male relatives who were of the age to serve in the military were involved in that conflict.

I find most periods of history interesting. Most recently I have been reading books and have watched a couple of films about the Vikings. As a boy, I was fascinated with Norse mythology and that seems to tie right in.

What's next? Some period of history in a setting I haven't studied or one I wish to revisit, I suppose.

SlickWilhelm -> RE: Favorite period of history (10/12/2010 5:34:48 PM)

The most interesting period of history for me is the period leading up to, and including, WWI in Europe. So, from around 1890-1919(Versailles included). So many things of interest going on at that time. Monarchies crumbling, arms races, nationalism, the beginning of the fall of the aristocracy in Britain, the Kaiser making a mess of Bismarck's careful equilibrium, the rise of the proletariat, Rasputin. There's something for everyone to be interested in. And so many "what if's" and "could have beens". 

Joe D. -> RE: Favorite period of history (10/12/2010 5:48:07 PM)


ORIGINAL: ilovestrategy

Pretty much everyone here loves history. I'm just curious, what is your favorite period and why? ....

If this is in regards to computer sims, it would be Napoleanic "horse and musket" as its less complicated to recreate, otherwise WW II since it's so well-documented.

anarchyintheuk -> RE: Favorite period of history (10/12/2010 5:55:36 PM)

French revolution and Napoleonic era.

Just an interesting period in history and the history of warfare. Made a concrete example of 'don't get involved in a land war in asia' and 'never fight on two fronts', yet those lessons were later ignored. The resiliancy of AH being defeated 4 times and getting off the canvas was remarkable, yet the seeds of its later downfall were clearly visible even at that time. The period was loaded with outstanding generals (Napoleon, Davout, Massena, Suchet, Wellington, Moore, Suvorov, Kutusov, Blucher and others). Too many things to mention really.

wodin -> RE: Favorite period of history (10/12/2010 6:24:13 PM)


ORIGINAL: Slick Wilhelm

The most interesting period of history for me is the period leading up to, and including, WWI in Europe. So, from around 1890-1919(Versailles included). So many things of interest going on at that time. Monarchies crumbling, arms races, nationalism, the beginning of the fall of the aristocracy in Britain, the Kaiser making a mess of Bismarck's careful equilibrium, the rise of the proletariat, Rasputin. There's something for everyone to be interested in. And so many "what if's" and "could have beens". 

Me too...though I'd even go on upto the end of WW2....the post WW1 years had alot going on...I even like the fashion...music...architecture etc etc

D.Ilse -> RE: Favorite period of history (10/12/2010 6:32:46 PM)

all of history is a passion for me.

but I think 1870-1955 would be my favorite period.

Capt Cliff -> RE: Favorite period of history (10/12/2010 6:40:02 PM)

The Napoleonic period followed by the Hellenistic world through Alexander, next the American Civil War ... last but not least WWII.

joeblack1862 -> RE: Favorite period of history (10/12/2010 7:46:37 PM)

American Civil War was my number one love when I was younger.

Now it's mainly WW2

martok -> RE: Favorite period of history (10/12/2010 9:32:45 PM)


ORIGINAL: anarchyintheuk

The resiliancy of AH being defeated 4 times and getting off the canvas was remarkable, yet the seeds of its later downfall were clearly visible even at that time.


warspite1 -> RE: Favorite period of history (10/12/2010 9:57:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: martok


ORIGINAL: anarchyintheuk

The resiliancy of AH being defeated 4 times and getting off the canvas was remarkable, yet the seeds of its later downfall were clearly visible even at that time.




parusski -> RE: Favorite period of history (10/12/2010 10:35:57 PM)

There is no doubt about my favorite period of history: 10:22 PM till 11:58 PM March 31 1966. The world took little notice though.

Anyway, the American Civil War is to me the most amazing war ever fought. With brother's/father's literally joining apposing sides, Lincolns approach to slavery(leave it alone then freeing slaves ONLY in areas of rebellion), the first modern war of slaughter, those stunning victories(often Pyrrhic) of Lee and his army. Of course in the end one thing was settled-the United States would forever be a centrally controlled republic, leading to the cumbersome and loathsome federal government stumbling around today.

But the main reason I find the Civil War one of the most fascinating periods in history can be gleaned from a Shelby Foote quote:

"Any understanding of this nation has to be based, and I mean really based, on an understanding of the Civil War. I believe that firmly. It defined us. The Revolution did what it did. Our involvement in European wars, beginning with the First World War, did what it did. But the Civil War defined us as what we are and it opened us to being what we became, good and bad things. And it is very necessary, if you are going to understand the American character in the twentieth century, to learn about this enormous catastrophe of the mid-nineteenth century. It was the crossroads of our being, and it was a hell of a crossroads."

Yes the civil war made us the nation we are today.

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