Apollo11 -> Re: For F4F whiners - some assorted Jap handicaps (8/19/2002 3:41:35 PM)
Hi all, [QUOTE]Originally posted by Oleg Mastruko [B]Well, since F4F thread refuses to die, I want to give all of you just a short "counter-example" from the other side. I mostly play as Japanese (for one reason only - because it's more challenging that way). Here is small assortment of my "favorite" Jap handicaps, re air units: 1.) One of my opponents is terrorizing me using his B17s level bombers for (no, not skip bombing from 100ft) bombing from 33.000 feet. Operational ceiling of Zero in this game is set to 32.860 feet or something like that, so my CAP Zeros orbit like 100 feet (!!!) below his B17s, unable to hurt them. I receive the message that the "bombers are too high", and they go on to make their bombing run unmolested. I can't do jack **** to them. Oh, and the number of hits they manage to get in these bombing runs is ridicolously high too. Were there any evidences of using B17s in Pac theatre to go on such bombing runs and Zeros UNABLE to reach them at all? I doubt it. Unhistorical? Certainly. Legal under game rules? Unfortunatelly for me - yes. I don't complain! 2.) Morale of my fighters oftenly gets atrociously low for no apparent reason. F1 Tainan Daitai or whatever is called (the unit where Sakai was) in one of my games is currently around 15. No, they did not have any unusal losses. No they are not extremely fatigued. Maybe their morale drop when they realised those B17 are 100 feet above them and they cannot get to them? :o/ Playing from allied side, I observed such low morale only in infamous Wirraway units. Again - this is certainly unhistorical, but personally I am READY to accept the rules designer of this game set, and I am READY to ACCEPT the possibility that even the F1 Tainan Daitai morale could have (maybe?) dropped that low under some circumstances. Maybe I am doing something wrong? Maybe the Allied player is using his units better? As player of this game, I accept this as just another CHALLENGE I, as operational commander, must deal with. (Now compare this to mdiehl and F4F complainers, and their *undying* monster thread.) 3.) As already metnioned in separate thread - Vals carry 60 kg firecrackers when going to extended range missions. Now actually this is the only handicap that I'd really like to see changed in future versions, as I believe is completely ridicolous. Why I am posting this? Well, first, to show Allied players and *unrelentless* F4F whiners that Japs DO have their set of air handicaps, and that they are mostly way like *WAAAAY* more serious than infamous F4F "issue" they so much like to whine about. Another reason for posting this is the attitude I think players must take when they meet with such handicaps. Basically, I CHOOSE to trust the designers of this game and not to complain to every ahistorical use or tactical result. I am NOT "officially" complaining to Matrix or 2by3 for above issues (except for #3 which IMO should be fixed), I am ready to accept the rationale designers had when making this game and I'll survive those additional challenges thrown my way. I am going to post this ONCE, for everyone to see. If designers deem issues #1 and #2 need changing - fine by me (#3 needs chaning anyway IMO). If they see this is OK and does not need changing - again, fine by me, I am ready to accept those additional challenges, EVEN if such usage of B17s (and morale drop of Zero fighters) NEVER occured in "real history". WTF, it, unfortunatelly for me, occured in "my" little history. I hope I do get my point accross, especially for F4F bunch in their undying fight... O. [/B][/QUOTE] I "feel for you" Oleg... :-( BTW, I think that Max aircraft altitudes are way off in UV. In order not to clutter this thread I started new one with just that discussion: http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=24569 Leo "Apollo11"