Hard Sarge -> RE: Artwork and user interface (10/31/2010 7:02:58 AM)
greesh, the map is very pretty (spelling fails me) if you look back though some of my posts (if you care) I showed off a number of shots of how the game has changed over the time I have been in it (I got a new computer so all of my "old" files are not in place, to easily dig them back out) the UI ? very workable, lots of details, lots of data, with in data, you on one screen, and want more info, very easy to just get it from that screen but over all, most games are based on menu's most games, where the designers brag about making the UI easier, are really just dumbing down the game (Civ V, Dargons Age. Awakening, Mass Effect 2) I think to most, when they first see the game, the map, units and UI are going to overwhelm most of them, but once you get into it, it is very easy to get to what you want, and plays well the main Artist is PencilPusher, and he is one of the best I have seen for our type of games