alternative scenarios (Full Version)

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RGIJN -> alternative scenarios (10/31/2010 12:46:12 PM)

Hi all,

is there any opportunity to play other than the given scenarios in UV, say some kinda custom made ones? I mean another map / battlefield but with the UV simple game style (not WitP). IŽd desire to have the Phillipines theatre (Battle of Leyte) or the Dutch East Indies, or Battle of Midway. Maybe someone ever created such a scenario?

Thanks for any info..

WriterJWA -> RE: alternative scenarios (10/31/2010 9:39:30 PM)

Not that I've seen anywhere ... though it would be very cool to see that. However, given the age of the game, and no editor, I doubt there are any third party scenarios around, especially with WitP:AE out and about.

RGIJN -> RE: alternative scenarios (10/31/2010 11:33:47 PM)

actually, there is an editor in UV. Wondering if you can put other maps in and create such scenarios. not much tried by myself yet

Kingfisher -> RE: alternative scenarios (10/31/2010 11:45:46 PM)

Given the age of the game and the fact no one has done it by now would lead one to believe it isn't possible.
Shame really, as this would be the perfect vehicle for a Med Campaign.

borner -> RE: alternative scenarios (11/1/2010 1:05:20 AM)

yes, a combined land/air system for the Med thearter based on UV would be outstanding. The UV editor can be used to change the type and value of air units, and things of that nature, but I have never seen anything that lets you get deeper into the game itself to make changes

jomni -> RE: alternative scenarios (11/1/2010 6:35:16 AM)

You can get all of that from WITP but they are not separated into several scenarios. :D

RGIJN -> RE: alternative scenarios (11/2/2010 2:19:36 PM)

so, are there any such limited battle scenarios available for WitP ??

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