baltjes -> RE: Engineering trucks and other things (11/2/2010 10:07:05 AM)
Hello Osiris, Pontoons ARE able to be loaded by engineer trucks. It needs however, several steps: 1. Have a pontoon, a bridge engineer and an engineer truck in the same hex 2. select the bridge engineer and the pontoon and load them (just push the 'load'button) 3 select the engineer truck and the just 'created' combination of pontoon plus bridge engineer and load them. You will notice then that the enginer truck is loaded with the pontoon and the bridge engineer is 'freed' (for example to load another pontoon). In simple words: you need the bridge engineer to lift the pontoon on the engineer truck. Further a remark on the other item you've touched; transport of pontoons by normal (non-engineer) trucks. I have a similar experience: a raft can be loaded on a normal truck. As son as such a combination is entering a bridge over a full hex river, the 'unit' thinks that the raft is carrying the truck and is unable to enter any adjacent land hex. I have discussed these (and more) particularitues in my NL 40 OOST scenario in some debth (to be found on the Wargamers website (Games Depot) Yours sincerely, Hajo Baltjes