Warhorse -> (8/29/2002 6:43:54 PM)
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Bing [B]I am making headway on getting helo graphics into JAM. I've (literally)dredged the forum archives, got all of Fred Chalanda's good spilc/spile files and started using them. I have an Excel spreadsheet with all current 1,320 icon entries in it. Here's the question for the graphics whiz kids in the house: Icon graphics #'s - not to be confused with Iconxxx.shp numbers - indicate helo graphics were used in the range of Icon0009 thru Icon0158. But ... when the mech.exe is made to cough up what actually is in there, only a fraction of the helo graphics have been used and they appear to be the ones left over from earlier SP versions - most likely SP2 or perhaps 3. The graphics FILES (again, NOT the Icon files) make use of individual tiles in Icons 0009 thru about 0058 and that's it. There are other, better looking helo grpahics in 0109, 0133, 0134, 0139, 0140, 0141, 0153, 0156 and 0158 (nothing beyond that last number). Does anyone know if this was deliberate - was this done intentionally or were the graphics just left there, forgotten by programmers? I don't see any references to these files in any of the 1,320 graphics files to those tiles and it would be nice to use them. Body files and "turret" files (turret = rotor blades for a helo) ignore the above entires. Why? Further question: Copy them over to existing Icon-nnn.shp files in the 1100 range or so - or create a brand new Icon file in that range? If I cover up whatever is in the 1100 range am I doing harm to WAW graphics? Thanks for the help and by all means scoot this thread over to another section if it will get more attention. Bing [/B][/QUOTE] If the icon # already implements a graphic for one of the helo's, you can use it, the helo shp files were just imported over from the existing SP3 engine, but we never got around to using that file. We had wanted to make many more useable associations, when compiling the list for Mike Wood, but in the rush to get things done in time, many of the associations are useless, w/o using Spile/Spilc to make them viable, since some body/turret ***. are already partly in use!! Any of the shp files like 01XX, or 03XX, are just mirror files for 0000, and 0200 files, you will see they are exactly the same, this goes back to when if green vs green in the desert, or whatever, one side would 'change' to a tan color, this is why Japs don't always use the tan color!! So, that being said, you can't just use any of the 0100, or 0300, and not do the corresponding 0000, and 0200 files, they must be the same!! Hope this helps, e-mail me for further advise if needed!!