Pushing the limits of the game - a Teyes AAR (Full Version)

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Anguille -> Pushing the limits of the game - a Teyes AAR (11/9/2010 7:48:05 AM)

Out of curiosity, i've decided to launch an extremely long game. Usually, with 500 turns, a game stops with a winner by points but most empires still stand. So i would like to see how the AI does in a very very long game...10'000 turns (maybe i'll finish it by the time the expansion is ready ;) ).

I've decided to pick up the Teyes as they are a bunch of losers who will make my life miserable in the universe...and playing on expert. I have added two aggressive races to the normal group of races, hoping to see more races being conquered and enslaved ;D. Scientific races will probably have some problems to keep their score on the long run but it's ok if they manage to survive.

Game version: the basic Armada 2526 (not Supernova) with the last patch 1.4
Faction: The Teyes
Turns: 10000
Difficulty: Expert
Opponents: 15 (all the normal races and 2 more: the true Klurgu and another Linkin faction to spice it up a little bit)
Type: Uniform
Density: Very Sparse
Size: 300 x 300
Research: Scaled for map size


What am i doing in the first 100 turns?

Overall Strategy:
As my victory points depend partly on the population, i will expand as much as i can before i meet other nations. Every planet is good for the Teyes. Especially as when there are too many Teyes on a planet they start to fight each other...idiots ;D

Main Planets:
On Teyes, i want to have 3 fully operation spaceyards...i want the production to be able to produce lots of ships when needed. 4 research labs are also on it. The second main planet will also have 4 labs build on it fairly quickly. However, my focus during the first 50 -100 turns will be the construction of mines in order to generate lots of cash...

Another important part for my victory points is tech...my scientists are extremely dumb yet this is where i need to make some kind of profit. The research labs on Teyes will be upgraded to focus on Construction techs...i want better Ark ships, better mines and improved atmosphere. The second planet which is set in Theta Ceti (Prachuap) will focus on Weapon tech so i can have some carriers to back up my empire as soon as i meet another race. Finally, in about 200 turns, i'll focus on Hyperspace reseach so i can build Teleports (using a Huge map requires it to make any possible decent defense possible.

That's it...

Questions? Remarks?

PS: i am posting the same AAR in the Ntronium forum.

Anguille -> RE: Pushing the limits of the game - a Teyes AAR (11/9/2010 9:10:14 AM)

About turn 50

Despite the presence of various icy worlds and systems with no planets, my empire has grown to around 10 planetary systems. At turn 49, my researchers made the first breakthrough with Advanced Mining...next is Super Ark as i want to colonize those icy worlds.


I've got around 25 transport ships set on auto which are moving the population on the various new colonies.

Prachuap is growing well so i have now 2 very solid colonies to work on. I hope to double the amount of important colonies (ship production, research and income) in the next 50 turns.

My current rank is 9.

Anguille -> RE: Pushing the limits of the game - a Teyes AAR (11/10/2010 8:12:33 AM)

Year 2576 of the Teyes Flock Calender

Trat & Nongkhai are my next main colonies i will develop during the next 50 turns. They have good climates and they are close to the core of my empire.

As you can see below, the finder allows me to see exactly what kind of planet i have visited and that are still unhabitated. 4 icy Worlds and on the left 5 dead Worlds which will be available for colonisation as soon as i have researched "Super Ark" ships.

Year 2585 of the Teyes Flock Calender

By turn 65, i am finally able to colonize all these planets as my scientists have made a breakthrough....

Next thing i want them to research is the technology complex...bigger industrial facilities will allow me to build larger and new buildings on my main planets: Teyes, Prachuap, Trat & Nonghkai.

As you can see, i am focussing mainly on two branches of the tech tree which allows faster research on those specific items i want.

Year 2591 of the Teyes Flock Calender

By turn 74, i have my technology complex ready...these will make my core planets highly productive and effective for the race in the galaxy.

On turn 90, my scientists have also discovered the technology to basic weather control...this will boost the morale on the planets i will build it on.

Year 2615 of the Teyes Flock Calender

Anguille -> RE: Pushing the limits of the game - a Teyes AAR (11/10/2010 8:37:29 AM)

Year 2591 of the Teyes Flock Calender

Fairly soon, my scouts have discovered a Neutron Star. A colony placed in that system will allow me to build some unique items like special ships...more later when i get there. Enougth to say that this is a strategic star.

As you can see below, i am specializing my two new colonies: one will focus on weapons techs while the other will focus on construction research (still the same fields i have been focusing on since the beginning).

Year 2599 of the Teyes Flock Calender

On turn 83 and thanks to the construction of the technology centers, i can finally build a Scientific Nexus...the best place to make research in a specific field...

As you can also see, there are 3 spaceyards on Teyes...this is a unique feature in a 4x game so far...it will allow me to build very quickly a fleet when i need it.

Year 2613 of the Teyes Flock Calender

Year 2626 of the Teyes Flock Calender

On Teyes, the Flock called for a large meeting of the leaders of the Empire. The big Hall was now full of representants of all the colonies. Anguille, the wise Teye, would be leading the discussions.

- My dear Teyes, some of you have called for this reunion so i will pass to Lord Van Klop.

Lord Van Klop, a nobleman from Teyes, moved to the center of the Hall where everyone could see him.

- Obviously, our leaders have mislead us. It's been a 100 years since we started exploring the universe and we still haven't seen any other sentient beings. I propose a bill so we stop spending money on researching Weapon techologies...we should focus on the happiness of our own people. It's obvious that we are alone in the universe.

Lord de Boo, an aritocrat from Prachuap, interupted him.

- Of course there are other sentient beings in the universe. It's not because we haven't met them that they don't exist. We have to be ready for when we mee them
- I don't agree, said Lord Van Klop
- I don't agree either said Lord de Bee

And suddenly they started to fight in front of the Assemblee. The other Teyes looked at each other with amazement...suddenly everyone was standing and everyone was fighting...probably most didn't even know why...but hey, these are Teyes.

Anguille, the wise Teye, stood up and left the Great Hall with his six hands in the back..."bunch of idiots" was his only fought...now he would again be the only Teyes thinking about the future of the Flock.

At the end of turn 100, i have 22 colonies and my current rank is number 7. Still no contact to other species...

martok -> RE: Pushing the limits of the game - a Teyes AAR (11/11/2010 12:32:00 AM)

Wow, still no alien contact? That is fairly unusual after 100 turns (at least it is for me), especially in a sparse galaxy like the one you're playing in. I wonder where everyone is....

Anguille -> RE: Pushing the limits of the game - a Teyes AAR (11/11/2010 7:55:49 AM)


ORIGINAL: martok

Wow, still no alien contact? That is fairly unusual after 100 turns (at least it is for me), especially in a sparse galaxy like the one you're playing in. I wonder where everyone is....

Me too...but i like it. Note, i pushed the map to 300*300.


martok -> RE: Pushing the limits of the game - a Teyes AAR (11/11/2010 8:10:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: Anguille

Me too...but i like it.

Oh, I wouldn't be complaining either. [;)] I was just surprised, is all.


ORIGINAL: Anguille

Note, i pushed the map to 300*300.


True. However, even on the maximum map size, odds are you still should've run into *someone* by now, especially with 14-15 other races out there. (When I play on the max map size, I've usually run into at least 2-3 of them by around 100 turns.)

Something I meant to ask you: Do you often research Weapons techs early on? I ask because you've always struck me as a "turtler" (for whom weapons generally aren't an early priority) like myself. Also, it's hard to picture the Teyes as being the warmongering type. [:'(]

Anguille -> RE: Pushing the limits of the game - a Teyes AAR (11/12/2010 7:23:54 AM)


ORIGINAL: martok
Something I meant to ask you: Do you often research Weapons techs early on? I ask because you've always struck me as a "turtler" (for whom weapons generally aren't an early priority) like myself. Also, it's hard to picture the Teyes as being the warmongering type. [:'(]

I always want to have some ships technologies ready for when i need it. Indeed, i am not the guy who wants to go to war. The Federation of Planets with a focus on diplomacy corresponds indeed more to the way i play but we know that this doesn't prevent it to have some fantastic ships...[:)].
In the case of Armada, i also often go the hyperspace research way (shield reseach is also possible). Actually, when i play with the Jellutions, i tend to have 4-5 different tech trees at the same time.

No, the Teyes are not really warmongers yet, an important aspect of their VPs are glorious battles...[;)]


Anguille -> RE: Pushing the limits of the game - a Teyes AAR (11/12/2010 9:20:42 AM)

Remember Ang Thong? You know, the strategic planet with the Neutron Star?

Turns out, the planet is crap with a terrible ecosystem...the industrial facilities i've built on it didn't help out much and now the population is freaking out and want me dead!

My first reaction is of course to drop taxes...works everywhere ;)

Year 2626 of the Teyes Flock Calender

Gotta do something more though...fortunately, my research in Construction has achieved a new discovery and i have a brand new toy to increase the happiness of these guys: the Global Weather Controllers...these increase the happiness of my population by 2 points when i build one.

Year 2632 of the Teyes Flock Calender

Now, below we see that the basic weather contoller i had built back then improved the situation by 1 point but the pollution and the environment makes up to 6 negative points...the new global weather controller will improve the situation. Additionally, the large size of my Empire shows it's first negative effets: corruption (bureaucracy) drops my weak popularity by one additional point...

Year 2632 of the Teyes Flock Calender

Anguille -> RE: Pushing the limits of the game - a Teyes AAR (11/12/2010 3:58:32 PM)

Year 2645 of the Teyes Flock Calender: FIRST CONTACT

Everything was going fine on the scout ship "the great Explorer".

Lt Baboo was doing the usual procedures:

- Captain, we're about to enter the orbit of Iota Scorpii .
- Roger that...inform me when we're on orbit.
- Yes captain.

30 minutes later, the ships sensors were taking data from the planet when the alarm started on the entire ship. All 20 crew members went immediately to their seats.

- This is the Captain speaking. We have an unindentified ship on the radar and we're going to establish contact. Note that we intend to claim this planet for the Flock so be ready to fight.

All the Teyes on the ship were extremely excited as this was the first time their civilization met another one. Contact was then established.

- This is the Captain von Klee from the scout ship "the great Explorer", who are you?

For a short while, there was no answer. Suddenly an horrible voice was to be heard.

- We are the True Klurgu and we want you to die...hahaha.


The unknown ship then started to fire. The poor Teyes were terrified...Captain von Klee ordered them to prepare for combat.

- At my command!
- FIRE...

Somehow however, the scout ship turned around and initiated the space jump back to Sarawak!

- WHAT happened, shouted the Captain?
- Er, i think i mixed the buttons...you know, they all look the same! Lt Baboo was really feeling unconfortable.

Back then, once a ship entered hyperspace, there was no way to change the course...the mood in the ship was then fairly bad during the way back home and Lt Baboo had to stay all the time in the kitchen...


martok -> RE: Pushing the limits of the game - a Teyes AAR (11/13/2010 5:20:56 AM)

The first race you ran into was the True Klurgu?? Ouch.

Well at least your strategy for researching Weapons this whole time suddenly looks pretty brilliant.... [:'(]

Anguille -> RE: Pushing the limits of the game - a Teyes AAR (11/13/2010 8:05:24 PM)


ORIGINAL: martok

The first race you ran into was the True Klurgu?? Ouch.

Well at least your strategy for researching Weapons this whole time suddenly looks pretty brilliant.... [:'(]

Indeed [;)]

Anguille -> RE: Pushing the limits of the game - a Teyes AAR (11/14/2010 12:46:26 PM)

About turn 125

Shortly after the bad surprise with the True Klurgu, the Teyes met the Unn Pirates. Fairly unexpectedly, the Unn Pirates are really nice to us while we don't have any diplomatic relations with the Klurgu...only a state of war.


We agree with the Unn Pirates to exchange map information. We discover the presence of other nations (but we still don't have contact). In the North - West, we have the Cryokon Federation, in the South - West, the humans and The Klugu in the South. What's more interesting is the presence of colonies of the Unn Pirates in the South and in the far East...we suppose that they control a wormhole.


The new colony at Kuala Perlis is of strategic importance as it's in reach of the home planet of the Humans (Earth) and of the Cryokon Federation (Cryo).


Meanwhile, ship production on Teyes has started...Escort Carriers and Corvettes...we'll see how they do against the Klurgu.

Saratoga will be the base of operations for the defense of the southern colonies. Nuzi is from where the Klurgu will attack us.

War will start soon...


About turn 140

With the presence of various Empires in the West and the South, we send more scouts to the East of our Empire in order to see the various options for colonisation in that direction.

On turn 127, we discover Asteroid mining which should improve further our income...unfortunately, it took me about 25 turns before i realised that is should have done it...by turn 150, i am almost bankrupt (buildings, ships...). The next project is Atmospher generation which allows me to create atmosphere on dead and irradiated planets.

On Ang Thong, i specialize my research centers on hyperspace technology...the Teleports will be of crucial importance for the future.

On turn 132, the Unn Pirates and the Teyes sign a non-aggression treaty for 20 years.

On turn 139, i am sending a fleet against Nuzi as i don't like the idea to have the enemy right on my front door...2 Corvettes and an escort carrier may seem little, but if i am lucky and they don't have any ships, i may destroy it.


Anguille -> RE: Pushing the limits of the game - a Teyes AAR (11/15/2010 9:23:29 PM)

About turn 150

Nuzi wasn't defended, so we were able to bomb it. Unfortunately, an incoming fleet forced my weak fleet to retreat to Saratoga in order to join the newer ships.

Meanwhile, on Ang Thong, we build Hyperspace research center...

Shortly after, we discover the technology of detecting wormholes which is a very strategical tech.

Year 2670 of the Teyes Flock Calender

As i mentionned in a previous post, my money has gone away...by turn 150, i am at 89...basically, i cannot build anything or construct ships...i have to improve my revenues and survive with the ships i have.

On turn 146, we decide to launch a new attack on Nuzi with more ships.

This time however, the Klurgu are ready for us...

Year 2672 of the Teyes Flock Calender

Year 2672 of the Teyes Flock

Admiral de beur awaits the result of the battle on Nuzi. Suddenly he is informed that Commander klagri, the mastermind behind the attack,  arrives in his office.

- So Commander...how did it go? Did we destroy all their ships?
- No Admiral
- So how many did we distroy...10? 5?
- None, sir
- Did they all flee then?
- Nope.
- So did we LOSE?
- Yes Sir
- So where's the fleet? how many ships did we lose? 1 or 2?
- Ehm...we lost all of them sir.
- WHAT! Get out of my way, you idiot!

I've learned the hard way...Corvettes are crap against Devastators...

Unfortunately, the True Klurgu seems to aim for Saratoga now...

Year 2676 of the Teyes Flock Calender

I am still at number 7

martok -> RE: Pushing the limits of the game - a Teyes AAR (11/16/2010 4:39:07 AM)

Yikes. I don't suppose Saratoga has anything heavier than Light Missiles for defenses, does it?

Here's hoping you can hold out long enough to get your economy up and running again....and to take advantage of the wormhole tech!

Anguille -> RE: Pushing the limits of the game - a Teyes AAR (11/21/2010 6:24:41 PM)

Year 2672 of the Teyes Flock (turn 150)

While there is a growing tension on the borders with the Klurgu, our scouts meet the Walden Forrest in the far East of our Empire. So far, our relation with the Walden is very nice and we started by exchanging map information. They may become some good allies in the future. The period of free expansion is coming to an end and we will have to focus on the planets still available within our borders.

Year 2673 of the Teyes Flock Calender

As expected, Saratoga didn't manage to resist against the fleet of the Klurgu...the colony was destroyed!

But they didn't stop there...one turn later, our colony in Sarawak was destroyed as well...will we be able to stop them?

Year 2674 of the Teyes Flock Calender

Meanwhile, we signed a non-aggression treaty with the Walden. The relation with our new neighboors proves to be excellent. In 2680, we obtain Dust Navigation against the Detect wormholes technology.

Our scientists made a lot of discoveries in the field of Wormholes during that decade: detect medium wormholes (153) and the use of wormholes (157)

But one of most important achievements was the technology of the Destroyer in 2684. We finally had a ship with some punch...now we will have to push the production and see if they can defeat the Devastators of the Klurgu.

Year 2684 of the Teyes Flock Calender

martok -> RE: Pushing the limits of the game - a Teyes AAR (11/22/2010 9:25:02 AM)

Ah, the Walden. Well that's at least a bit of a break. They do tend to make pleasant neighbors. [:)]

So how bad is it losing both colonies to the True Klurgu? Serious, or more just irritating at the moment?

Anguille -> RE: Pushing the limits of the game - a Teyes AAR (11/22/2010 1:12:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: martok

Ah, the Walden. Well that's at least a bit of a break. They do tend to make pleasant neighbors. [:)]

So how bad is it losing both colonies to the True Klurgu? Serious, or more just irritating at the moment?

Mostly irritating...both colonies were still fairly new with little population on it. The strategic position of these planets is important however...


Anguille -> RE: Pushing the limits of the game - a Teyes AAR (11/24/2010 9:28:41 PM)

Year 2686 of the Teyes Flock

In 2686, the Teyes Flock finally meets the Cryokon Federation


These guys love money...so we'll try to keep them happy.

They agree to show us the location of their colonies.


Meanwhile, the True Klurgu have stopped their attacks...we're not sure what they are up to but are glad to have some time to breath.

in 2688, we discover the technology of Space Marines and intend to use them against the Klurgu...next is the improved Destroyer II.

2691 is also a good year in terms of innovations: we can use medium wormholes and the technology atmosphere generation will help us improve the living conditions of our citizens on dead and irradiated planets.

These discoveries allow us to make some interesting deals with our friends, the Unn Pirates (never imagined that i would call them friends at one point but they are!)

martok -> RE: Pushing the limits of the game - a Teyes AAR (11/27/2010 8:53:31 AM)

Perhaps the True Klurgu were distracted by someone else? We can hope!


ORIGINAL: Anguille

These discoveries allow us to make some interesting deals with our friends, the Unn Pirates (never imagined that i would call them friends at one point but they are!)

I've discovered the Unn are often surprisingly friendly when they want to be. I think part of the trick -- at least for me -- is that I construct at least some minimal defenses on most of my colonies (4-5 Light Missiles), which seems to be just enough to discourage those buccaneers from conducting any raids (at least unless/until they have a stronger fleet).

tinajane -> RE: Pushing the limits of the game - a Teyes AAR (6/7/2011 7:13:08 AM)

We discover the presence of other nations (but we still don't have contact). In the North - West, we have the Cryokon Federation, in the South - West, the humans and The Klugu in the South. What's more interesting is the presence of colonies of the Unn Pirates in the South and in the far East. that they control a wormhole. is that I construct at least some minimal defenses on most of my colonies (4-5 Light Missiles), which seems to be just enough to discourage those buccaneers from conducting any raids Cartier Love BraceletCartier Ringsartier wedding rings

Anguille -> RE: Pushing the limits of the game - a Teyes AAR (11/4/2011 4:24:00 PM)

Year 2692 of the Teyes Flock (turn 166)

In order to further improve our revenues, Construction Research's next target is the possibility to mine comets...more revenue and no pollution. That would be a great invention!

The Unn Pirates offer the Flock a nice deal. They want our basic weather control in exchange for Tachyon scanner array and they even offer us 59 currencies for 15 turns...deal done :D

With this technology we expect to see our enemies come from afar...

In Yala, construction teams have started to work on an Hypespace research center (ETA: year 2701)

In 2702, The Walden Forrest offer us 2036 currencies and the Unn Pirates offer us 84 currencies during 15 turns (total of 1'282 currencies) for the technology of Comet Mining. We gladly accept as we're still short on money....somehow however, we believe we've been screwed by the Unn...did they really pay almost 1/2 of what the Walden have offered us? mmmh.

Finally, in 2709, our scientist have created "la crème de la crème" in aeronautics: the Destroyer II

The name given to this design was actually "Klurgu Killer"

Anguille -> RE: Pushing the limits of the game - a Teyes AAR (11/4/2011 4:24:50 PM)

Year 2711 of the Teyes Flock Calender

With the objective to be able to fight back the Klurgu, The Teyes keep heavy diplomatic activities with their other neighbours. The Unns offered us a non-agression treaty for next 20 years which we gladly accepted. The Walden offered us orbital lasers and some money in exchange for the Tachyon Scanner Array technology which we recentely got from the Unn...we act like a middle-man and make our profit out of it.

Now...how's the situation at the front. Two new ships arrived in Los Alamos and at the same time, a survey fleet consisting of one corvette and 2 Escort Carriers are heading to Zeta Scorpii in order to see what are the Klurgu forces there (we can see enemy activity starting from that system).

Overall view of the Empire

Conflict zone

Year 2712 of the Teyes Flock

Our survey fleet arrived in Zeta Scorpii and was immediately attacked by 3 Devastators supported by 4 orbital lasers and one heavy missile. Now wasn't the time to be heroes...the survey fleet had analysed the strengths of the defences in Zeta Scorpii aka Amphipolis by the Klurgu...orders were given so the fleet would retreat.

The War Theater

At the same time, the fleet at Los Alamos managed to defeat the 2 Devastators sent to destroy it. Unfortunately, our colony of Larissa was undefended and was conquered...

Meanwhile, our scientists made another breakthrough...the Falcon was now ready to enter production.

In the next 4 years, Larissa was taken back by our forces but ultimately was destroyed by the Klurgu as well as Saigon. The colony of Tucson was conquered...but we are not sure if it's a better destiny for them...

The Klurgu keep on pushing the defences of the Teyes

The production of Destroyers II was fast on Teyes and our leaders were confident that we would very soon be able to counter the attacks from the Klurgu. New ships were arriving on a regular basis in Los Alamos, our main military base in the south of our our Empire. The first Falcons would arrive there soon as well.

Massive production being done in the main worlds of the Teyes Flock...

Anguille -> RE: Pushing the limits of the game - a Teyes AAR (11/4/2011 4:27:27 PM)

Year 2718 of the Teyes Flock Calender

The first Falcon has been produced on Teyes and defences are constantely being upgraded on Emmonak (next planet after Los Alamos) with missile bases.

The Walden Forrest offer us a Non-aggression treaty which we accept...we can completely focus our war activities on the Klurgu. An old Teyes proverb says: "one enemy is ok, two enemies take care of your eggs" ...or something like that.

The Klurgu are using 2 bases to attack the Flock

On turn 198, The Teyes Flock is number 5 in the interstellar race. So we are still progressing. ;D

In 2725, a rescue team arrives at Tucson...the planet is ours again!

Tucson may be a small colony but it's a strategic location.

In 2729, our scientists make a very important breakthrough: the detection of evey type of wormholes...

And it's with much astonishement that the Flock discovers that there are many wormholes in the territory of the Empire...two of them being in the the center of the Empire!


The other in the South West of Teyes

One in the North East of Teyes

In order to make sure that nobody would use these wormholes against us, the next project of our scientists is to discover how we could use all these wormholes and discover the worlds which were behind them.

Anguille -> RE: Pushing the limits of the game - a Teyes AAR (11/4/2011 4:29:15 PM)

Year 2731 of the Teyes Flock Calendar

Ensign Clox opened his eyes:

- Oh my head! What happened? Where am I?
- You have been in a coma for the last 6 months. You are in the military hospital on Los Alamos!
- Who are you?
- I am doctor Jiri from the Flock Fleet
- Ah…right…and who am I? What I am doing here?
- You’re Ensign Clox. You were badly hurt at the battle of Tucson.
- When can I leave?
- Easy boy, first we’ll have to make some tests to make sure you’re doing fine. Obviously, you’re memory is still not working properly. I guess however that you’ll be able to go back to service in a couple of weeks. The FFC Saratoga is still in orbit and waiting for you.

Note: FFC stands for Flock Fleet Carrier

Meanwhile, onboard the Flagship of the Flock fleet orbiting Los Alamos:

- Admiral…there’s an incoming message coming from the Headquarters.
- What does it say?
- As soon as we get the new super fighters, we will have to launch an attack on Amphipolis.
- Right…and when will we get these “super fighters”?
- Hem…in about 8 years!
- 8 years? And they send us this message already now? Bunch of idiots…

Year 2735 of the Teyes Flock Calendar

The Unn Pirates are also worried about the conflict between the Flock and the Klurgu and want to make sure they can operate in Klurgu systems and pass Flock territory unharmed. The Teyes decide to agree and consider them as their own "privateers".

In 2727, one of our exploration ships successfully passed one of the wormholes recently discovered. He was able then to establish contact with the Hoon Yon Empire who agreed at once to exchange maps of the galaxy. These guys could be valuable allies in the future.

The highly strategic position of the wormhole leading behind the Hoon Yon empire.

In 2736, the new super fighters are ready to board the Carriers of the fleet. All ships in orbit above Los Alamos are on high alert, preparing themselves for the attack on Amphipolis.

Ensign Clox was taking a look at some of the newly arrived super fighters on board the FFC Saratoga when two Teyes approached him.

- Nice ships, right?
- Sure...
- Too bad you won't be able to fly them…there are 2 new fighters and WE will fly them, right Pox?
- Right Tox…
- Well, said Clox, I didn’t…
- Tata…we know you want but you won’t

At that moment arrived a captain…

- What are you doing here? Both of you?
- Well sir...said Tox.
- You know you should be cleaning the deck…so go on

Ensign Clox was a little bit confused…

- These two clowns believe they are fighters…but they are just working in maintenance…don’t worry.

In 2740, the Teyes Fleet is en route to attack Amphipolis

Year 2737 of the Teyes Flock Calendar

The fleet of the Teyes jumps out of hyperspace in the external borders of Amphipolis system:

- What’s the status, asks the Admiral?
- 5 Falcons, 5 Destroyers II, 9 Destroyers and 3 Fleet Carriers…all ready.
- Fine, give the battle instructions…

And so the Flock Fleet attacks the system which is defended by only some ground troops, 3 heavy missile bases and 1 orbital base. Piece of cake…the Klurgu will start to pay now for their insolence


After the victory of Amphipolis, the Flock Fleet aims for the Nuzi, system

mariandavid -> RE: Pushing the limits of the game - a Teyes AAR (11/6/2011 5:19:27 PM)

Fascinating - and very different!

Anguille -> RE: Pushing the limits of the game - a Teyes AAR (11/7/2011 8:14:18 AM)


ORIGINAL: mariandavid

Fascinating - and very different!

Thanks for reading [:)]

martok -> RE: Pushing the limits of the game - a Teyes AAR (11/7/2011 10:22:37 AM)

I see you're finally taking the war to the Klurgu. Excellent!

Anguille -> RE: Pushing the limits of the game - a Teyes AAR (11/8/2011 2:15:51 PM)

Hi Martok! Yes, the Klurgu will have to pay for all the innocent Teyes they have killed...

Year 2743 of the Teyes Flock Calendar

On Teyes, the congress of Science holds its annual meeting. After the fantastic technology breakthrough on how to travel through all type of wormholes and due to the increase of the size of the Teyes Empire, the scientific leaders decide to focus on Teleportation. Such a new invention would allow ships to be dispatched within seconds to all the colonies of the Empire and therefore help protect the frontier worlds from alien attacks. However, until then, the most sensible and strategic frontier worlds, like Ang Thong who has rich Neutronium deposits, will see the construction of heavy defenses like Guardians.

The Foreign ministry of Flock affairs made some good trade-offs: many alien nations were interested to buy the “Falcon” prototype with good money or interesting technologies.

By 2746, the Teyes have rank 4.

The Teyes will control the universe...Muahahaha!

Year 2760 of the Teyes Flock Calendar

The Fleet is ready to attack Nuzi…60 years after the first attempts to defeat the Klurgu there.

Emerging out of Hyperspace, the 3 Fleet Carriers, escorted by 14 Destroyers I & II and 5 Falcons, take formation.

Admiral Pallox asks his crew:

- So what do the Klurgus have to offer us now?
- Sir, they have only one Escort Carrier, one Cruiser and a Devastator.
- That’s it? Mmmh, I think we overestimated these Klurgus after all…they took us by surprise, that’s it. Alright, give the attack orders; we’ll do the Pallox Alpha Teta maneuver.
- Done sir. But, uh, what’s the Pallox Alpha Teta maneuver, sir?
- No idea…but is sounds neat, replied the Admiral.

The Klurgus fought bravely but eventually, their ships were all destroyed. Unlike in Amphipolis, the High Flock Command decided that Nuzi had to be occupied in order to create a new bridgehead in the war against the True Klurgu. However, the Teyes faced a new challenge…they were controlling an alien population for the first time in their history but had no idea how to do it. The first few years ended up in many killings and revolts. The High Flock Command asked a team of scientists to create some kind of Xeno-control. The team started to work.

On Nuzi, engineers started to work on a relay station to expand the range of the fleet.

So many unvisited planets...where are the Klurgus?

pandafulo -> RE: Pushing the limits of the game - a Teyes AAR (4/19/2012 3:16:38 PM)

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