Raidhaennor -> A question about interception : is this working as intended ? (11/9/2010 12:44:01 PM)
Hello everyone. In my lastest game (playing with the 1.02 beta patch on hard), I encountered a situation I haven't seen before : Here's what happened : I seiged Rome with one army, and left the other in the field to protect it. The romans then moved a force in this province ; I had the opporunity to intercept, but the roman force declined combat. On my turn I tried attacking it again, it declined once more. So far nothing out of the ordinary. But when roman turn came again, that force in the field attacked my seiging army, whithout any opportunity for me to intercept it (as would happen if the Romans had attacked a city under my control, for example). [image]local://upfiles/31775/C6252144B6C44E39B6F89CAA55332C61.jpg[/image] I really expected to be able to intercept it, and I think it makes sense that I should, as the only way this situation could occur is if the ennemy declined combat and stayed in camp. It's not like they can sneak past my army in the field after that. On the other hand, that might create problems, considering how the game engine works, when it comes to deciding which forces should then be involved in the battle. When a city is attacked, and the attacking force is intercepted, the garrison of the city joins the battle ; here I expected to be able to intercept the ennemy before the actual attack (after the decision to attack, but that the game would still only consider it a standard pitched battle between the 2 armies in the field), but I don't know if the game can work like that. So is this a bug, a limitation of the game engine, or something I missed in the rules ? PS : I have a save game at my disposal, I took the screenshot from that point, in fact.