noguaranteeofsanity -> RE: Ship Withdrawal (11/10/2010 12:50:09 AM)
You need to have it disbanded in an appropriate port. They are: 1. Any level 9 port. 2. National home ports of the United States, Canada, India, Australia, and New Zealand (with no port level requirement) 3. Any level 7 or larger port on the US or Canadian West Coast. 4. Any level 7 or larger Indian port East of Ceylon (including Ceylon itself) 5. Any level 7 or larger port in South Eastern Australia, plus Perth. 6. Any level 7 or larger port in New Zealand. In addition the ship may not be on fire, total damage may not exceed 99 and no individual damage type (system, floatation, engine) may exceed 50. Ships also may not be withdrawn from any on-map location where the enemy has air superiority.