Tomokatu -> Diplomacy and the "Special Relationship" (11/17/2010 7:21:34 PM)
So far, I've been playing as Great Britain (usually against the AI) and I wonder whether anybody, anywhere has ever been able to use the standard diplomacy rules to persuade the USA to join the Alliance? I believe that it can happen through the Events and I've played a game (only the one) where an AI USA became a co-belligerent (ie, NOT part of the Alliance) but has anybody ever managed to amass 99 DPs to influence the USA towards allying let alone actually joining? Is there a discussion on the reasons for this part of the design? As I understand the original situation, Mr Churchill was able to influence US popular opinion quite strongly on a personal level (due to his mother's antecedents) and I'm aware of the behind-the-scenes work done by the British Military Missions in securing various arms supply deals. I know there was a strong anti-British political sentiment among the Irish-Americans and an almost equally strong pro-German sentiment in that particular community but should US politics of the day be regarded so completely uninfluenceable (??? - I just made up that word on the spur of the moment [:D] ) in game terms. Is there any grounds for a mod which brings the US political resistance level down to (say) 60 instead of a hard-core 99?