Igor -> Long campaign question (12/12/2000 11:02:00 AM)
Is there any way to change the battle frequency in the long campaign? I tried one as the Wehrmacht, and got to fight a grand total of two battles in Poland, two in the entire France '40 campaign, and my next battle was going to be set in North Africa. This is rather scant; unbelievably so for a battalion level force that was entirely motorized or mechanized.
Now, I could simply generate a campaign with enough battles for roughly one to two a month, and switch fronts between battles as need be. This, however, leaves me fighting in ahistoric circumstances (mercenaries for the Finns during the Winter War, for instance. Heck, Stalin won't mind). There is no mechanism to skip over the quiet time.
But this method gets a lot of my troops killed, even if it does provide for down time training...