ogar -> RE: Artillery Support Bug? (11/22/2010 10:43:51 PM)
I'll add on what I found - besides stumbling onto this while playing Telumar using 3.4.191, I also tested a round using 3.4.173 and a different scenario (because 173 supports toawlog). In each test, the 'problem' artillery unit is assigned a directed fire bombardment on a hex; other units are assigned ground assaults, other artillery bombardments. The 'problem' unit does its assigned bombardment. It also joins in as attacker to any attack within its range where a co-operating unit is involved. (The first instance I saw this had 4 such attacks plus its bombardment.) The planned bombardment may not be the first combat resolved in a round; when I did my second test on this, I found that the 'problem' unit attacked along with a ground assault, and then the next combat was the directed bombardment, and the last combat of the round was the counter-example - a ground assault in range but with non-cooperating units. The 'problem' unit did not participate with the non-cooperating units; so that piece is working. It acts as though during the attack resolution routine, the artillery unit is 'assigned' attack mode -- and goes after any attack within range and cooperation. To me, this seems a lot like when an air unit 'flips' from a directed air bombardment into 'combat support mode' either at the end of a player's turn or when a player cancels the planned attack. Just my guess here, but maybe the default mode of the unit is not being saved during the combat, and the unit defaults into the most recent mode (sorry for the pseudo-pseudo-code). I have not gone back to 3.2 to see if I could find this effect. HTH and in the meantime, be wewy wewy careful when you set up bombardments...