Two mission questions (Full Version)

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Chris21wen -> Two mission questions (11/24/2010 10:28:34 PM)

What are and how do you use in UANW

Focused strike
Pursuit radius

I can find neither terms in the manual.

FreekS -> RE: Two mission questions (11/25/2010 8:32:11 PM)

Focussed strike is meant to ensure that a strike mission only attacks units that were selected when the mission was created. When this option is not checked, then then AI will also shoot at other enemy targets in range.

Persuit radius enables the designer to program for an area mission, how far outside the ref points determining the area mission, a plane will persue an enemy.

These were heavily discussed in an earlier version of ANW and there are different opinions on how usefull these options are.


kamikazeiidx -> RE: Two mission questions (11/26/2010 5:24:16 PM)

Thanks for catching this omission. Harpoon/ASGI has been alerted and we have logged it. If you have any other questions regard these terms, please refer to the Harpoon Wiki.

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